Week 11 - Blue and Red Team Results!

  • We are coming into the home stretch! With only 2 weeks to go, who will be our biggest loser this round? Since both teams lost some people this week the teams are almost even. Only one person difference so puncezilla is being counted out this week.

    Blue Team Results:

    Week 10 Weight:
    2312.7 pounds

    Week 11 Weigh In:
    230.8 pounds

    Week 11 Weight Loss: 8.9 pounds

    Week 11 Weight Loss Percentage: 0.38%

    Week 11 Blue Team Biggest Loser: AmberD - 2.5 lbs - 1.42%

    Team Weight Loss To Date: 162 pounds

    Team Weight Loss Percentage To Date: 6.05 %

    Blue Team Biggest Loser So Far: WindyCityChick - 31 lb loss - 13.78%

    Red Team Results:

    Week 10 Weight:
    2286.4 pounds

    Week 11 Weigh In: 2273.3 pounds

    Week 11 Weight Loss: 13.1 pounds

    Week 11 Weight Loss Percentage:

    Week 11 Red Team Biggest Loser: candlemaker29 - 4.9 lb loss - 1.43%
    Team Weight Loss To Date: 88.2 pounds

    Team Weight Loss Percentage To Date: 3.73 %

    Red Team Biggest Loser So Far: Katiebobatie - 17.2 lb loss - 9.19%

    Congrats Red Team!! You've Won The Weigh In!

    Let's keep a good thing going. There's only 2 weeks left in the competition and not to long before we find out our Biggest Loser!

    Week 12 started March 18th and runs until the 24th. Make sure you weigh in by 10 pm EST on March 26th so you're not counted out!
  • Congrats Red Team!!!! And congrats to the biggest losers on both teams!!!

    Only 2 more weeks - let's all finish out the challenge with 2 weeks of big losses!
  • Wow, Candle! What a super loss!! WTG!
  • WTG Red & Blue Teams!!!
    Candle awesome loss!!!!
  • Good job Amber and Candle!!!! Amazing losses!

    WTG teams!