
  • Hi,

    Just thought I would introduce myself here!

    I started slimming world last week and have my second weigh in tonight, I have also just started taking reductil and so far it seems to be doing some good, before that I was doing the cambridge diet but I fell off the wagon at christmas and have not been able to climb back on . I'm hoping that between SW and the reductil I'll get there although a lot slower than on the cambridge I know.

    Look forward to getting to know you all
  • hi constant dieter. im a newbie too.
    im sure you will loose the stone you want for your sisters wedding.
    good luck tonight. my weigh in is tomorow night and im getting nervous already lol.
  • Welcome Constantdieter

  • Hi Constantdieter

    I hope your weight-in went well
  • Hello Constant dieter and

    You've done really well so far but although slimming world may be slower than the cambridge diet I reckon it's got to be a much better plan.

    Let us know how you got on.
  • Hi Girls

    Thanks for your reply's and welcomes, I lost another 2 LBs last night so I am chuffed with that, On to another week now!!
  • well done you!!
  • Thank you