TGI Friday Chat - March 9

  • Good morning - beverage of your choice (nearly) is ready so come and sit and chat. NO! You may not have Bailey's in your coffee!

    I am hoping today is the last day of bitter cold. We just had a lovely pink and aqua sunsrise so that's heartening. I am so ready for spring and temps are supposed to move to above freezing tomorrow. There's hope!

    My bad but I've cancelled out on today's workshop. My cough came back bigtime last night and I got very little sleep. What's with that? Maybe I was outside too much yesterday doing the wood and breathed in too much icy air.

    So what's happening around your beach brolly today?
  • Morning all,

    I stopped at Wawa after Curves and got myself a BIG cup of coffee. I forgot to pick up milk yesterday on my way home, and didn't feel like going back out later to get some, so I had to do without any tea or coffee all evening! I just can't enjoy my coffee or tea without milk in it.

    I know exactly how you feel, Ruth. I can hardly wait for SPRING! and warmer temps! The next week should see us climbing into the 50s and maybe even 60s!!! My cough is lingering, too. I feel okay, but my voice is hoarse and by the end of the day I can hardly talk. (Much to Jake's delight!) A lot of people around here are suffering from colds right now, must be something in the air.

    I should have a fairly easy day today. Cindy and the girls are going skiing with Cindy's parents, so I'm not needed. She asked if I would start preparations for Audrey's birthday party, though, and make up the party bags and decorate the dining room. That will be fun, and I'll get home early today.
  • Happy Friday morning!

    Ruth and Cottage I hope you can spend some time today getting over the last of your cough. Some warm, spring-like weather could not hurt!

    We are supposed to have highs in the 40's all weekend. A weekend which seemed to take a long time to get here. It was a long and busy work week, as next week will be as well. I know my job involves nights, but some of them are more tiring than others. Last night I was busy until 9:15 and was crashed by 10:30. At least a major project is done, so today we can move on to other things.

    Have a great day!

  • Hello Ladies. I'm new to your chat, hope you don't mind. I hope your colds feel better. I have found this year especially bad for lingering colds. I have grown used to mine now. It's supposed to warm up here in the North tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to some time outside. Thank heavens for my extra-large, steeped tea w/ milk (I need milk in my tea as well).

    My truck died yesterday for good, so I'm very sad to see it go. Hopefully today will bring me a new truck, as I feel so lost without my independence (I am 25 minutes out of town).

  • Waving northward at Fishbulb and please feel free to jump right in to the chat. Sorry about the truck! Those of us in the boonies sure need our transportation. Warm weather and steeped tea will make us all feel better.

    Amasam, we share the same weather this weekend and it can't come soon enough. I didn't realize you had to work nights sometimes.

    Cottage, I know you will be busy readying birthday bags but I did send you a PM. I am soooo looking forward to warmer weather and envious of your getting it first!

    My cough seems to have abated so I am going to trundle my fluffy butt into town for some fresh produce. I may also look at new kitchen cupboards and counters when I get there. My cupboards are 1950's vintage. I just got a large insurance refund from H's nursing home expenses and may invest it in the house! Not looking forward to the mess but.....
  • morning chicks a quickie for me today many many things to do. I will take a large tea with milk. I am waiting for DH to bring me one home, he took oldest dd to drivers training and youngest to the dr she has a cyst or something under her eye. They went to the clinic to lord nows when they will arrive home. I have a auction tonight at the local pub and then tomorrow is work all day dance in the morning then the store from 2-10 so I probably won't get back in til sunday. Well must run need to change the laundry and decide on lunch. Have a great day chicks. Love ya's LC
  • Hiya
    Just a quick dash to say hi and GET WELL! I can't remember how long it's been since I posted. Needless to say I don't know what is going on here, but I look forward to the day when I'm back razzing ya'll. This semester has been my undoing and I'm buried. My eating is not great, exercise is even less not great. Only 3 weeks left and I get my life back.

    Son #2 and wife had a baby yesterday, all is well and he's a little doll. It is so weird to see your children have children.........

    Love and hugs to all!
  • Good Friday Morning!! Coffee for me please. I am baking SB recipes this morning. I like doing that sometime each weekend. I am off today and I just feel like baking! It's Bean Brownies and Make Believe Bread. Monday is my first weigh in! I am ready to get that little lady bug below moving. Everyone have a great day!
  • Morning all!!! I scale finally moved another pound downwards today. There for a while, it was stuck. I think I was having too much dark chocolate - but I LOVE that stuff!!! I'm home today (no work!!!) and my chores are caught up (finally!!!) so I'm scrapbooking.
    Phone's 2 u later
  • Hi Friends!

    Please forgive me for taking so long to write and tell you about our cruise. Things have been a bit hectic of late - I will explain a bit of it later.

    Our cruise was magnificent! The weather was near perfect, the ocean was relatively calm and the ship was beautiful. We used to say we favored Celebrity but after cruising on Holland American Lines we have added the 'Oosterdam' as one of our very favorites.

    Our flight to San Diego was a bit scary since we almost missed our plane (by five minutes!)...what happened you ask? We got to the airport our two hours early, everything went smoothly. We sat in the proper area waiting for our call to board when we noticed there were only about four of us waiting. Everyone got off the plane we thought we were waiting to board and then they started to close the kiosk. Where upon, Raymond, ran up and asked what was going on? We were in the "N" section and were told our flight was changed to the "B" section. Now keep in mind, Raymond, kept checking the reader board which did not show the change! We took off like a light and made it to our plane with five minutes to spare.

    Everything went well at the port. After boarding the ship, we went upstairs to the buffet. We then went to our room where our luggage had already arrived and on the table was a lovely plate of chocolate covered strawberries and a bottle of sparkling wine! One of our kids ordered it to surprise us. On our second formal night in the dining room we shared our very delicious bottle of sparkling wine with our tablemates during dessert.

    The first night we ended up in the late seating for dinner, which we did not like. So, we asked to be switched to the early seating. One couple we sat with at dinner were from Portland and the other from Bellingham - what a small world! We believe we've made a very good connection for a long term friendship.

    Time spent on the ship was very relaxing. We spent time at the pool, in the gym, (I even spent some 'time' in the casino.) We enjoyed every aspect of cruising; the food, the shows, the programs, the food, the gym, the people, the food, and the tours. When we got home we were both surprised at how few pounds we had gained after eating all that food! I have already lost what I on with the dieting until I reach my goal weight.

    We toured both Cabo San Lucas and Puerto Vallarta but chose to stay on ship in Mazatlan. One of the tours was a tour of a Tequila factory where we had "several" tastings! We were able to buy freshly made tacos for $1 each and enjoyed sitting around taking in the ambience.

    I will admit we actually spent more time in jewelry stores than any place else. Between the two of us we could open our own store

    After coming home from a very relaxing trip and opening my mail I found that my credit card had been cancelled due to possible fraudulent use. Cutting a long story short, I'm headed to the bank again this morning to try to clear things up once and for all. Namely, confusion over my very long name.

    It's good to be home again and soon things will be back to normal. My DD is here now and we are preparing for our Viva Las Vegas trip she one from the MS 'Family First Grant'...we are very excited about it since we have tried to go on this 'special' mother daughter trip since before my late husband passed away.

    Okay gals that's the whole story. I was a bit long-winded but had a lot to tell you.

    I see many of you are doing well and some are struggling...let's keep helping each other through caring and encouragement.

    I love you sis!
  • mamajok - WOW! The Cruise sounds amazing, sounds like you had a ball! I should have hooked you up with my mom, she was in Puerto Vallarta until a couple of days ago! It truely IS a small world, while my mom was away she met someone who lives about 45 minutes away from her. I cannot believe that about your Credit Card, I hope it all gets sorted out!

    kretrel - I am overlooking the puget sound! There is a ferry that passes in front of us, infact there is one going by right now. It takes people to Bremmerton I believe, excuse my spelling!

    The rain has stopped it looks like, which is good because I hurt my toe and shoes just aren't a good option right now, good thing I brought flip flops!

  • Good morning all

    Had my second visit with the Fibro and Fatigue Center yesterday. Things are improving. Hooray!!!

    I am doing PI for a few days and get myself detoxed from a little week long binge. Too much stress.

    The northwesterners have been suffering from a bad cold like virus. I have been sneezing a lot which isn't good hopefully the vitamins will help me fight it off. My dgd was sick for over a week, bless her little heart.

    on that new grandbaby Tauna. They are just so precious.

    Okay girls time to buckle up and get ready for the weekend. Good luck to all of you beachers. Pouring rain here today so will have to make our own sunshine.
  • Morning ladies! I'll take a tea, maybe with a little bit of honey to soothe my throat. This northwesterner is coming down with a cold too.

    mamajok - Your cruise sounded fantastic!

    swimgirl - Yes, that's probably either the Bremerton or Bainbridge Island ferry. I'm in Bremerton.

    Tauna - Congrats to your DS on his new little one! My mom said the same thing when I had my children, that it was an odd feeling when your "baby" starts having babies.

    Since it's a rainy, dreary day here I'll probably be hanging out around the house. I have quite a bit of laundry and cleaning to do, we'll see how much I actually get done!
  • RNMOM ~ on the birth of your new grandson! We're expecting our very first grandson in August, after having 3 granddaughters! It's funny, I've been thinking about you lately and wondering where you were, so I'm glad you checked in. I'm sorry to hear that you've been so swamped, but it sounds like you're almost finished your semester, and it will have all been worth it. Take good care of yourself in the meantime, and check in with us when you can.

    Mamajok ~ Your cruise sounded like a dream! I have got to go on a cruise some day!

    SwimGirl ~ Sounds like you're having fun in Seattle. Are you going to go to that famous fish market, I don't know the name of it, but the one where they throw fish around? I saw it on the Travel Channel, and it looked like a fun place to visit.

    bunnababy ~ I'm glad things are improving for you! I hope your sneezing doesn't turn into a bad cold, take care.

    kestrel ~ I hope you had your tea and honey! Seems like most of us are battling colds right now. Try to stay inside, out of the rain today.
  • Wow a new baby on the beach! What exciting news RNMOM.

    Don't have much time to write. I am still running kids, dogs, husband, dinner, laundry, school work, etc... You get the point.

    I am glad to hear all the news though. Hope you with colds feel better soon. Spring is almost here!