Weekly Chat Mar 5-11/07

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  • Good Morning

    This is fresh start morning for me

    Thanks for the b-day wishes everyone

    BB~ I dont know how long you have been doing lc, but sometimes when you are stalled out, or loosing very slowly, changing up what you eat helps to move things along.
  • Good Morning Ladies:

    Last night I had a low carb dinner a Reuben Casserole with pumpernickel chunks on top and this morning I down 1/2 pound. Don't figure!! So may be a little bread won't hurt low carb diets,if your careful and not eat too much.This morning I'm venturing out by having H/F cold cereal with peaches and see what happens tomorrow.

    I Think I found my balance,have 30-35 carbs per day,even with the reg bread,I'm losing. Was I going to low on the grains?????????Going to the doctor this month for my blood test so I'm going to ask him. He was the one that told me if I want to maintain my weight I should stay on the South Beach,but if I want to loose I have to go on Atkins or low carbing. Low carbing was the answer.

    Robin-Thanks for getting us started this week. I have been on low carbing since Aug of last year. Lost 13 lbs up to my 40th wedding anniversary cruise in Nov and gain it all back lost 8 when I got back home,then Christmas came around gained 5 at my DD and finally now I losing nicely 1/2 a week just by upping my carbs from 20/25 to 30/35 per day.

    I'm writing my food journey for next week and going a little further,by add some more carbs back for several days,and see what happens.

    Have a good one,

    Hugs BB
  • Hi ladies, I'm happy to say that my SD and her kids are gone now to live at my MIL's. Woohoo, Yippee. She isn't happy that me and DH ran her off, but she'll get over it.

    I've been having tummy trouble, but know it's probably stress. Scale is back down another lb. to 142.

    BB, I used to up my carbs with extra fruit without it stalling my weight. It was scary though, the first time I had a banana I was just sure I'd gain, but I didn't. I've been trying out some new low cal/low fat recipes and they are working good for me.

    I've gotta go take all my stuff to my tax lady. Not something I look forward to for sure.
  • Morning everyone,
    I had a minute this morning before going to work, thought i would pop in to say HI It seems all i have time for now is work and trying to get everything done at home. My weight is about the same always up and down 5lbs or so. Can't complain i guess could be worse..
    I hope everyone is doing good...
    Robin i see you had a Birthday...
    Got to leave for work now.. got to open the store this morning..
    Have a great day.. Maybe i can get back here more often...
  • Good Morning Ladies

    The wind is blowing 40 MPH and the temps are reading 12,with a wind chill factor of 10 below zero.Leo and I are housebound today.

    What happened to our beautiful[45 degree] spring day that we had here on Saturday. The groundhog didn't see his shadow,so wheres SPRING????????

    Lily-Hey Happy that your SD & her kids are gone,you're not responsible for other family members other then your own to worry about. That fantastic that the scale is back to 142.Hopefully I found my carb balance of 30-35 grams. I'm up today after a salty meal the other night,but I know that it will be down again tomorrow,so I'm not worried. Not going to get obsessed over that darn scale.

    Candy-Have a great day at work.Post whenever you can.I can only imagine how hard it it to have to go out to work every day Luck I'm retired and not accountable to any one or thing.

    Have a great one

    Hugs BB
  • Good Morning

    Candy~ nice to see you back....how is your son doing?

    BB~no spring here either...mind you this has been the sunniest winter in Buffalo since I moved here.

    I had started knitting again last month, to keep myself from munching at night. Well last night I finished all the knitting and tonight I get to sew it all together Its been great....Im already thinking about what to knit next

    Well, have a great day ladies.
  • Hi Candy, good to see you posting again. Is your son doing OK now?

    BB, I am also happy to have SD and kids gone. Other news is she'll be going to jail. Her DH's job is filing federal charges against her for theft, so I imagine she won't be at my MIL's for long. He is filing for emergency custody of the kids. (she stold and cashed 4 of his mom's Social Security checks, stold over $4000.00 in federal money from her DH's work account, and stold and sold some of his guns that were issued by Dept. of Defense). So, big trouble that my DH (her dad) won't be able to get her out of. Also, Arvest Bank is after her for forgery of multiple checks on a closed account. My DH is very depressed after learning all this last night. But, it's out of his hands. The federal government is involved and I'm sure she'll be sitting in federal jail for at least a couple years. DH and I both think she must be on drugs or gambling addiction to have spent all this money with nothing to show for it and no one knowing about it. I didn't tell DH this, but those kids will be better off with their dad.

    Robin, I never learned how to knit, but I do like quilting.
  • Hi Ladies

    We have been having trouble with our computer. Its been crashing and we're getting weird e-mails from people that we don't know. So sometime tomorrow we 'll be off line until we can set up our new one.

    Hugs BB
  • Good Morning

    still hangin' in there.

    BB, see you soon

    Lily~ sounds like your sd is being forced to deal with everything she has done. She certainly has made a mess, I cant help but feel sorry for her. Hopefully this will force her to get some help with whatever is going on with her. Will you and dh still see the grandkids if sil gets custody?
  • Robin, I know that her soon to be XH has said that we will still get to see the kids as much as we want. We only live 15 min's from him. His mom is going to help him with child care and such and so will we. (His mom isn't in great health and will be happy that DH and I are willing to share in watching the kids).

    I'm a little disappointed that DH hasn't clued his mother in on what is fixing to go down. Since Samantha and kids are at his mom's house now, I think she has the right to know. DH doesn't want to worry her. But, if the police show up to take those kids at his mom's, it's gonna be a very tragic scene. Also, when they show up to arrest Samantha. His mother doesn't have a clue. Yesterday SD drove to our house in his mom's SUV. If she'd gotten stopped by police she would have been taken to jail and his mom's vehicle impounded. That is why I had the sense to refuse to let her drive my vehicle. It is certainly one big screwed-up mess. I am getting worried about my DH. He is having trouble sleeping from all this stress and I think he needs to take something for depression for a while. He is blaming himself for all his DD's screw-ups. Sad to say, but I blame him too. But, I think his mom, her mom, her grand-mother, his friend (that paid her rent for 2 months), her sister that sent her food, all of them are equally responsible. They kept giving her money behind her DH's back and enabled her to get herself in this mess. It's no one person's fault. Not one of them held her accountable to where her DH's money was going to and why she couldn't pay her bills or buy food like she should have been able to do. I still think she is in denial and is pregnant at this time.

    I thank God that my kids haven't given me this type of problem. I'm sure she is addicted to gambling or using drugs. To top it all off she stole $65.00 from me and stole $200.00 from my son's wallet before she left here on Monday. My son is furious with her and I don't blame him. He only made $340.00 last week and she took $200.00 of it, that is pretty damn sorry. I had to make his motorcycle payment for him because if he made it, he wouldn't have gas and food money for the week.

    Robin, I'm past the point of feeling sorry for her. I think we have all felt sorry for her for tooooooooooo long.

    Happy news, I got my garden tilled up yesterday. Spent 2 hrs. outside in beautiful 70 degree weather pulling weeds and roots. It's gonna take me all month to get it totally cleared.
  • I understand Lily, as much as I dislike my dil, and wont help her....I feel sorry for her. I guess in my own way kwim? I wont help, and I dont offer anything anymore....but its not my lot in life, its hers....and she isnt making the most of it. Its too bad.

    Ok come on now Lily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are having record lows here in buffalo and you tilled your garden!?!?!?!?!?!?! AND you had 70 degree weather oh I am not happy about that!!! My daffies had irises are still poked thru the dirt from early january. Poor confused things. I was looking at them yesterday, thinking....I cant wait to get in there. Check out this link, I love this plant holder idea.....got my wheels turning. Gonna drag dh out to the greenhouses soon! http://www.gardensandcrafts.com/containers2006.html alright so I'll live vicariously thru you til its warm enough to get into my gardens.

    I need to get busy........I'll check back later.
  • Robin, I'll think of you while I'm out digging in my garden today. My daffodils are starting to bloom. I love your pic's of your flower gardening. That is so neat. I've only been planting for a few years now and am not too great at it as my plants often die. This yr. I am going to plant around my well house, and plant hedges and a food garden. I do enjoy being outside and working in the ground. My DD helps some, but mostly she just pilfers in the dirt and chats with me while I work.
  • no no no, thats not my garden....just a link I found for the really cool planter My garden looks nothing like that
  • Good mornin'

    I'v made it my goal to post on here more so I hope you don't mind me joining you.

    Daffodils blooming? Makes me want to cry as mine are still under 2 feet of snow.

    Those tilted pots are so cool! I love flower gardening but i'v still got a few monthes at least befor I need to start thinking about that.

    hugs for Lilly . dealing with your dil must be very hard on your whole fammily.

    My second goal for this month is to increase my exercize to 30-45 min 5 days a week.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!!
  • Hi Ladies

    Just lost a long post, our computer is going.The new computer is coming on Friday,so I hope this one will last until then.

    Its very cold up here in Cape Cod the temps are 6 degree at [8am]. and I had a hair cut appointment this morning at 10 AM.Happy its short again,where I can manage it with hassels.

    Lily & Robin_wish I could start getting my garden ready. It too cold for that, I will start a herb garden this year along with my tomato plants.Thats all the room I have in 2 large wine barrels that I have on the deck.

    Did you see this article about the Atkins diet??

    Hugs BB