Cool Runners - March

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  • I posted on the old thread this morning and only just realised we need a new one

    Anyway, hope you're all OK and I look forward to hearing your news this month!
  • Oops, I posted there too...

    Helen, I just read about you planning your 18-20 mile run. Wow! I'm so impressed with your running. I know I've said it before, but honestly -- you're such an inspiration.

    My husband got a Runner's World magazine in the mail yesterday (we're not sure why -- his subscription ran out ages ago) and I immediately devoured that thing cover to cover. Afterward I realized that I really am hooked now. I look up info on running, I talk to my husband about it all the time, I constantly look forward to my next run -- it's a bit of an obsession, but a good one. I've been into different forms of exercise before, in little phases, but I've never really cared about getting better at something. With running, I'm really devoted to getting better and stronger and faster (without pushing too much and injuring myself, of course). I think a big part of that is the inspiration I get here at 3FC.

    Anyway, looking forward to another month of running and talking about it with you guys, and it will culminate on March 31 with my first 10k! Eek!
  • Ladies can I join? I just finished the couch to 5k program and have come to love running. It gives you such a natural high. I go to bed at night thinking about running in the mornings.
  • Hi everyone...I'm not quite a runner yet, more an aspiring runner. I just did workout 1 of C25K yesterday morning. And while I really enjoyed it, my thighs are SO SORE today! Is this common for starting running? I was going at a relatively gentle pace, considering that I've never run before (for exercise, you know what I mean). And I made sure to stretch afterwards. I really hope this goes away...
  • Nikaia, Congrats on starting C25K the beginning can be tough but stick with it. It gets easier.

    Dolliepie, Nice to see you over here. You've been doing this longer than me and they have welcomed me with open arms.

    OK guys....drumroll please.


    The wheee downhill advice was superb. It made everything so fun.

    I am sooooooo slow. But I could care less this is the nice thing about going out alone.

    I can't believe how much I am enjoying this. I am kind of fatigued between runs though. I think that will lessen as my body gets used to the routine.

    Happy day everyone!
  • Yay March .... Spring is just around the corner
  • I ran in a short sleeve top today for the first time this year (I bought it yesterday to celebrate the onset of spring!)

    I had a really good run, I managed my 20 miler (well, it's a tiny bit short but close enough for me) in just over 3 hours, and I actually ran all the way which is the first time I've ever managed that for anything over about 15 miles. I also ran it a lot faster than I was expecting, so things are looking good for my marathon.
  • Fantastic, Helen! And yay for spring! I ran in short sleeves yesterday but it was windy this morning so I wore long sleeves. On our group run, we ran 5.4 miles! I can't even believe I made it. I did take walk breaks on hills (and they were some crazy ones) but I ran most of it. I tried to take it easy, partly because my butt and legs are so sore from bodysculpting class last night!
  • That's so close to 10k, you're nearly there now! You've done really well with your group, are you glad you joined up with them?
  • You people and your talk of short sleeves are killing me! It's 27 degrees in Chicago today, 19 with wind chill. I was excited this week when it hit 40 and I was able to go for a run in only two layers of clothes!

    Just kidding - glad everyone is enjoying their running experiences. To the new C25K folks - that's how I started running, and it's a great program that really does work, so I'm glad to see you posting here about it. I'm sitting here all changed and ready to head out there myself, but keep reading and posting here. Must put computer down!
  • Helen, I really am glad I joined the group. It's a temporary training team thing that the local YMCA does every year to prepare people for this big 10k in Richmond, VA (I live near there). It's a huge 10k -- I believe around 20,000 people do it every year. The training team meets every Saturday, but some of us have been running together during the week as well, so I'm hoping we'll keep that up even after the race. I certainly wouldn't want to do ALL my runs with a group, but it's nice. I'd feel better about my progress if I didn't have all those walk breaks, but I only do them on hills, so I think I'll do pretty well in the race. Luckily, the whole 10k course is flat!!

    Rachel, just last Saturday it was 19 degrees here when I ran...and this morning it was 45. Right now it's 65 and tomorrow the high is back down to 45. Some consistency would be nice!!
  • Ok, I'm back here to report that I did put the computer down for long enough to go out and run 8 miles, a new record distance for me. The first four were really tough, running into the wind and snow - did I mention I'm ready for spring - but having the wind at my back for the return certainly helped.
  • Hello! First off I just want to say you guys inspire me. You're awesome!

    I hope to be joining you in a few weeks when I start the couch to 5K plan, but first I need to get some good shoes. This part isn't proving to be as easy considering I have wide feet and need toe room. I also underpronate so I need lots of cushion too. Do you girls have any suggestions?

    I went for my first run tonight and managed to run for 8 minutes with a 1 minute walk break after 5 minutes of running, not too bad for my first time. I realized tonight that I need new shoes, my old ones are just too old to cut it.... they have almost no cushion left!
  • Welcome to all the new posters to the thread!

    I got out for 2 miles tonight. I did OK, made it all the way around, with about the speed and HR I've come to expect since my DD was born. But it felt exceptionally hard. Not anywhere near the train wreck that was my last run, but still very hard. Of course I'm still coughing up gobs of goo when I run, and it was much too soon after dinner so I'm going to cut myself a little slack. There was also a very nice full moon rising!

    Anyway, here's hoping this is a turned corner, and I'll get in some miles in the next couple months while I still can. I might even go for a couple 5-10Ks.

  • I take back my advice about hills - it is perfectly acceptable to walk them in cross country, particularly if you can't get any grip. Or that's my excuse for today Actually, I'm pretty pleased with myself, I did a 5 mile cross country race for my club the day after my 20 miler and although I didn't run it all (I couldn't), I was still the third woman from my club to finish, and my legs felt surprisingly good considering how far they ran yesterday.

    I think I've earned my rest on the sofa this afternoon though.