Hi folks - new but jaded

  • This sounds like the perfect forum for me. I am SO jaded! I'm going to read some threads, get a feel for you all, and then you'll be hearing from me. Oh YES, I'm dieting yet AGAIN. What ELSE is new, right?

    Have a great day,


    Can anybody tell me how to put those weight loss chart-thingies at the bottom of the posts?
  • Hi Ella, I'm kinda new here too (about a week) but to add stuff the bottom you go to 'user cp' up at the top and click on that and then go to edit your signiture and you should find it all there. Good Luck. What program if any are you following? Well, whatever it is this is a great site for support. I sure am glad I found it!

  • Gawd! I just posted a whole reply, and when I clicked to post it, it said I wasn't logged on, and that I should refresh the page & log on, and then the whole post was blank! Arrrrrrrggghhhh!!!!

    Anyway, thanks for the info, Tina. I'll get to it soon. I'm (obviously) not so great with computers.

    Be back later.

    Have a great night,
  • A big Welcome to you, Ella! We're glad to have you aboard. Hop on over to the current Weight Loss and Chitchat thread where we do all of our weight loss strategy planning, woohoo-ing, encouraging, complaining, and general chitchat, too. See you there!

    Btw, when you log on, if you click the box Remember Me, you won't get timed out.