What single food would you VANISH....

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  • Along the lines of the evil evil food porn poll

    This is something I used to fantasize about. What one single food do you wish you had magically never eaten. This means a fairy godmother comes along and every morsel of that food that has ever crossed your lips vanishes and its LIFETIME TOTAL calories with it...and the pounds those calories are worth. You have to be careful, because if you pick something you used to eat a LOT of, you could vanish into nothing. So say you used to drink one coke a day for 30 years, if you pick coke at 120 calories x 365 x 30 = 1, 314, 000 calories /3500= 375 POUNDS would vanish instantly - killing most of us.

    Caveat - if it is a healthy food...the nutrition from that food vanishes too.

    Also. You may never ever ever ever ever eat one morsel of the food again.

    For me it is potato chips. I never liked them all that much and I think I have eaten them just often enough that they would be about 20-30 lbs. (doritos on the other hand would vanish me )
  • Cookies of any sort -- I think I would be underweight though without them!! (but that's quite okay!)
  • Glad you explained about the coke cause I would have picked Mt. Dew, I used to drink a 6 pack daily of the 24 oz. bottles. So, I'll choose Kentucky Fried Chicken original meal deal. We used to have that once every week or two.
  • cookies would absolutely vanish me. And I could never give up cookies forever. You are stronger than I .
  • Ice cream for sure! I could def still live a healthy life without it! That includes ANYTHING with ice cream in it!
  • I agree Ice Cream!! My mother-in-law absolutley loves ice cream ans she buys these HUGE tubs every time she goes to the grocery (however, she dosent have to worry about her weight , she's like 110lbs) and she always, always, always envigles me to have a cup (or 2) with her at least 3 times a week. I did great last night though, I put out a huge serving of chocolate chip ice cream, and then my husband caught me, so I put it back in the fridge without even taking a spoonfull!
  • Dry Cereal and/or granola. I eat that stuff so mindlessly and it doesn't even fill you up that much. Also peanut butter...Healthy yes, but not in big quantities!
  • I'd have vanished at least 5 times if I'd make ice cream disappear. I've eaten way to much of it over the years.

    I'd have to say pretzels. It probably take off about 20 pounds over my life. Eat them some, but not to much and I could definelty live without them.
  • Sweets. Any and all sweets. But if I just did away with chocolate, I'd probably be a runway model by now.
  • Cheese
    I can resist the sweets, but cheese always sneaks up on me.
  • Refined sugar. I always thought my problem with sugar was limited to TOM (the only time I really crave typical "sweets" ), but then I realized all of the savory things I love that are really sugar - like catsup, french dressing, barbecue sauce, sloppy joes, sweet and sour chicken, poppy seed dressing...
  • French Fries.

    I always eat them when they are on the plate, but I don't really get that much enjoyment out of them. I could pass them up in an instant. I actually have a friend who refuses to eat them.
  • Quote: I can resist the sweets, but cheese always sneaks up on me.

    I am not a big ice cream or cake eater so take that away and I'm at ideal weight! Take awy my nachos or chips and dip and..."HEY! Where did Gary go?"
  • Candy...
    Sour candy, sweet candy, I love it all.
    Usually when I go way over my calories for the day it is because I have eaten so well all day and then I sit down and eat a snickers bar or a bag of sour skittles (one of my favorites) sometimes both.
  • oh, and pringles...
    I don't eat them often but when I start, I can't stop. They just have such a good crunch.