The Weekend - Oct 27 and 28

  • Good morning, everyone. Looks like a sunny but cold day coming around here. I am NOT looking forward to winter but will try to keep from crabbing - weather whining is a sign of old age.

    Anybody want a donut? I have 72 assorted Tim Hortons safely stashed in my car but will throw you the key. We went for dinner in town and I picked them up then rather than drive in and back this morning for my 8:30 meeting. We went to Angelo's, the restaurant that was too full of brunchers last weekend. Excellent meal anda very popular place - we should have reserved but only had to wait 15 minutes. I splurged on Prime Rib which was great. They had a buffet which was looking a bit tired and had too many breaded things for me.

    Gotta go, shower and figure out what to wear to this affair. The dress is one notch up from jeans and a sweatshirt so I may need to press some pants. I have Ethiopian chicken in the crock pot for dinner.

    Enjoy the weekend, Chickies.
  • Have a good weekend Ruth and all those to follow!

    Busy day aheadof me, I seem to have caught a break in the rain and I have a chance to finallyget the front bed cleaned out and the bulbs planted. I think right on time too because it's fast approaching winter and it's getting colder every night!

    Yesterday my hubby came home with a touch of the flu--the same one I had all week. Gave him lots of meds, bundled him up on the couch and fast asleep he went. He tells me he's feeling better today but I'll have to keep an eye on him knowing what he's like.

    Have a super weekend ladies--enjoy it! Oh! and for those of us to whom this applies, and you all know who you are--tonight we switch our clocks BACK 1 hour--no more Daylight Savings Time till next year! (whine) Remember it's "Spring ahead, fall back" That way I don't forget!
  • Hi Ruth, Pooky and everyone else !

    Glad you can't throw that key all the way to Va. Ruth ! Enjoy the affair !

    One good thing Pooky about turning the clocks back tonite - we get an extra hour of sleep !

    Have a Great weekend everyone !!! Denise
  • Ruth, Pooky, Denise, EVERYONE!

    Good morning from cloudy Portland! It's cold, it's gloomy, it's autumn.

    The weekend will be action packed from the sounds of it. Today DD has her very first birthday party to attend (not hers, a boy from school). She picked out a fire engine play set, which I thought was wonderful. She still can't quite comprehend why boys don't like clothes, make-up or baby dolls!

    Sunday we are having a Pampered Chef party. But, it doesn't sound like many are coming. My mom waited until the very last minute to send the invitations.

    This past week we found a house to rent which is a HUGE relief. Now, I love my parents (I'm an only child) and I think the world of them, but there just is no going home. And, it was all fine and dandy while we were traveling, but since Sept. 11, it's been a little rough. We are really looking forward to having a FENCED in yard for the wee-tiny ones to play in!!! And all of our own stuff. The house is big and reasonable. We will only be there 4-6 months, but it's better than an apartment complex any time. Especially with kids!

    Have a good weekend ladies! Enjoy yourselves. Have fun!
  • Good Weekend Everyone,

    Its cold out but beautiful, going couch hunting today, Sister is babysitting yahooooooooo.

    Ruthie remember us talking about walking in front of your TV well I just finished watching the commercial on TV for the tapes. There are 3 tapes 1 mile, 2 miles and 3 miles and they also give you weights and a diet plan for $39.99 + Shipping.......the phone # here is 1-800-504-2299. Oh its called Walk off The Pounds.......sorry almost forgot lol.

    I'm going to get it and I'm going to buy my sister one.

    Have a wonderful weekend !!!!!!!!!
    Love Leens
  • Hi Leens ! Just wanted to tell you about the Deluxe kit that she offers on - and no where else ! I wish it had been offered when I bought mine. For just $20. more - you get 3 more videos which you can't get seperately ! Just wanted to pass that on. Plus I got my kit alot quicker from collagevideo. They are a Super site of just exercise videos - 100s of them ! You can check out Leslie's there just to read about them - even if you buy them somewhere else. Their staff tests all the tapes, tells you all about them etc... Very informational. Denise
  • THANKS Dnees !!!!!!!
  • You're welcome !!! Denise
  • Good Chilly Morning everyone!

    It's a cold one, it started to snow again yesterday and they say it's going to continue into today as well.

    I never did get to go outside, it was far too cold for that so I'm hoping that a bit of Indian Summer will come so I can get everything done!

    Compiling all the gifts I have to send to Korea to my inlaws last nght-yes, I have wrapped the first official Christmas gifts of 2001! I'm telling you, time flies doesn't it? Today I am getting the last few things I need to send and that's it, ready to mail.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Pooky, you amaze me!
    I am just now starting to THINK about what everyone is getting for Christmas, and you are halfway done! What a wonder you are.

    Today I am finishing up a quilt I'm making for my soon to arrive nephew, I have to attach the backing and baste and quilt and then I'll be finished. (Easier said than done, I'm afraid!!)

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday, and get plenty of rest for tomorrow!

  • Affair? Denise, did you say that our Ruthie is having an affair?! No wonder there are all those xxx's at the back of her name!


    OMG, I almost forgot to do this -
    Hey Peachie!
  • You are soooo bad Chickadee !!! I guess I meant her meeting ? Either way - I'd have LOVED one of those donuts !!! Gotta go post my loss for the week ! TTUL ! Denise
  • Ruth is having an affair?

    Quiet weekend here. Just finished helping the big kid with his first book
    report. Why could he have not picked a nice chapter book like one of the
    "Magic Tree House" series? Not my kid....he picks "The Encyclopedia of
    Animals"! So like his dad this kid!

    Dh and the little guy are on their way back from the Jersey City Science Center.
    I am sort of glad I did not go because right across the river is or was where the Twin
    Towers were and I don't think I could have held up.

    Speaking of holding up

    Chickadee! I think my Yanks need to find some serious snake bite medicine!!!!! Talk about stinking up the joint! I had to turn that game off when it was 5 to 1 and opted to watch Bert and Ernie's bed time songs again and again and again!!!!

    have a nice evening chickies!