Monday, October 22

  • Hi Girlies

    Grace is sleeping so I have a minute to post. Its suposed to be beautiful out today so we will head on off to the park but not before I get my jug of coffee.
    Gotta restart my eating habits again today, this weekend I went off the deep end but you know its back to the drawing board for me lol.

    Have a wonderful day .....................

    Love Leens
  • Monday....yawn!
    Oy vey! how I hate to get up at 5:00!
    Hubby convinced me not to help him clean the garden. I think he is worried about my health yet.
    He told me that, for the next three weeks, he will be very busy at work as they as doing switching everything to a new system. I told him, it could be worse as it could be in January when the road are awful. We'll see if he has to stay down there for a few days. I remember back when he'd leave on Monday and I didn't see him until Friday. If I can handle that, I can handle a few weeks of him being preoccupied with his job.
    The scale hasn't moved but it is so inaccurate I don't pay attention. My floors are very uneven so it isn't worth being upset that it doesn't show a loss. I don't care if I eat or not anyway, but I must increase my water intake again as I've been slack abou that.
    See you ll later now.........
  • Happy Monday ladies,

    Quick post today, only working until 10:00. I will be leaving work to go home and spend some quality time with dh. He has a major eye exam this morning and is pretty much worthless for the morning. He asked me to join him at home this morning for a little cuddling and maybe an afternoon movie. I am so excited. I am married to such a wonderful man, but our lives are governed so much by activities with our boys, we hardly have time for each other. We do love being involved with our boys, but we miss each other.

    Scooby, I cannot imagine the horror you must have felt for the 10 minutes your dear son was missing, I am so glad that he was found.

    Linda, stick with it, the weight is coming off, you will soon be able to see the results.

    Pookie, love those peonies, but I know that they can be difficult to separate. It often takes all my wieght jumping on a shovel to split them.

    Jenniwookie, good luck on the house.

    Henlady hope all is well with your cousin.

    Ruth, I am so sorry about your friends, thoughts and prayers are going their way. I bet your mornings will be empty with out your dear Hershey, but the time will go by quickly. I am anxiously awaiting your birth announcement!

    Hey Peachie, how is the craft projects going.

    Hi MamaJ, enjoy your cleaning lady, I agree that it does take an attitude adjustment to admit you need help with cleaning. I have not been able to do that yet. I keep thinking I can and then I can't.

    Morning Hensa, hope there are no more chocolate cravings this week. I think it was you who mentioned a weekly weigh in, we have done that here before, maybe it is time to get it started again.

    Morning Tippy, posting at the same time!

    Wishing everyone an op day,

  • Good frosty morning Chickies!

    Had to scrape off the car this morning--eeugh--but at least it went away pretty fast. Hard to believe that Halloween is next week--where did the time go? As a matter of fact, people are already talking Christmas party at dh's work!

    The wee one woke up at 5am this morning so I'm kind of a zombie right now. I plan on having a nice warm bath and going down for a 2 hour snooze. Other than that, not much on the game plan.

    Have a great day Chicks!
  • good morning one and all---hey, thanks scooby2 for the pic of your son--it really made me smile. I bet he's a treasure!! He looks full of the "dickens".

    Just got done baking a huge pan of pumpkin bars--now waiting for them to cool so i can ice them--boy, this is tough--they are really singin my name. They're for our last bookclub for the season blow out tonight. I think i'll wait and cut them just before we leave tonight so i won't nibble.

    Don't know what else i'm going to do today. I'm still in the planning stages. Pulled out some chicken breast to cook up for the week and boiled some eggs and am thinking about making some ranch dressing. Thinking about crusing ebay-i'm looking for swedish cooking items for my sister's gift.

    Had a really low energy day yesterday as i ate popcorn saturday nite and i have a reaction to anything that has corn in it--but i know that and made a decision to eat it anyways--go figure!! Still am trying to get my green tomatoes frozen so will work on doing that, i guess.

    Have a good monday.--i'm still looking for some good salad dressing recipes that you gals are using.
    carol k
  • Have been out and about and am about to hit the road again!

    Harry broke his glasses a few minutes ago and we are off to Town to get them fixed! He also managed to break two dozen eggs at the same time but that's another story! Why does this happen when the dog is not around to help clean up the mess!

    Took Hershey to Morna's as planned yesterday and then went out for a grieving lunch. We had planned to go to Angelo's but discovered it was Brunch day and packed. Harry hates brunch so we ended up doing Chinese. Nobody ask me about my weight today, please! But I did get him to try a new restaurant!

    Worked a Bingo last night - what a smokey bore and a drag. Did have a bit of excitement when two idiots got into a fight over a chair and the cops got called! Sheesh! At a Bingo! People must not have a whole heck of a lot to fret over! It was a late (1 p.m.) and foggy drive home. I think all the deer in Eastern Ontario hang out along that road on Bingo nights. No shortage of the critters for hunting season which starts in a week or so.

    Have a good day, Sweeties.
  • I sure do enjoy reading you all!

    Busy day flying and cleaning around here. Does any one elses house look like a tornado hit on Mondays?

    Just got back from Mom's house a little while ago. Covered up her air conditioner and chopped her big hydrengae tree to the bone. This tree has got to be about 45 years old and by the end of the season it is touching the phone wires to the house. Jiff sat and helped me and we had a nice chat. She looks good and things are moving along although slowly towards her surgery. December at the earliest it seems.

    My arms are sore from all that chopping so it is take "two" and a bit of a rest before the boys come home!

    have a good one chickies!
