The final 12lb!

  • In the past year and a little bit I've lost 50lb, and for the past few months my weightloss has come to a stand still. So I've reached the point where I've decided that I need to sort myself out and finally get down to the weight that I really want to be! So my goal is to get down to 142lb, and the date for my goal is the 15th of March. I am currently at 154lb, but it has been a bad weekend so I'm thinking that this weight should be a bit easier to come off than normal.

    I am really unmotivated as I'm back down to what I used to be before I gained all this weight a couple of years ago, so it's hard to stop thinking "it's not worth the effort", but I really want to get back down to 142lb, which is where I was for about a year, a few years back.

    I'm a sugar addict really, I crave sugary food a lot, but I know that to stop that, I have to give it up altogether! I'm attempting to stick to a 1500 calorie/day diet, and will be exercising approx. 3 times a week (if motivation sticks with me!).
  • Hi and welcome. 50 pounds is amazing work and you should be very proud. Come join us the our daily thread and we'll see what we can do to perk you along for those last few pounds.
  • Hello again Kat - glad to see you found the feather weights. Just one more pound to go for you until you're back into the 10stone range. That should gee up your motivation