Hot & Healthy Challenge Chicks 01/27/07

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  • What is Hot & Healthy Challenge Chicks?
    A bunch of us were all part of different challenges together, and when the challenges ended, we decided not to! So we all came together and decided to start a long term challenge group, and we called them the Hot & Healthy Challenge Chicks!

    -Anyone can join the group no matter what your goals are or where you are in your weight loss journey.
    -We are here to support each other, encourage each other, laugh together, and cry together.
    -Our unified goal is to exercise, eat right (whatever diet plan we may each separately be following), and have fun!
    -We encourage new members, as the more that join, the more friends we have to support us along the way!
    -We only ask that you follow one teensy, tiny rule. At the beginning of each month we state what our goals are, and they can be WHATEVER YOU WANT!
    Then at the end of the month we can share how well we did with our goals, etc. However, sharing at the end of the month is completely optional.

    We can do this!!
  • i think i started this right?
  • Looks good, I am going with it LOL

    Hope everyone is doing well! I still havnt done a weigh in today but I am thinking about waiting a few days until my charts say I should have lost more than .28 lbs lol maybe everytime it adds up to 1, go and check to see if it is correct.

    Ok I got my daily calorie needs formula from the Volumetrics book and it said I was at 2263 a day for maintenance but I went online and did an online calculator and it said 2010 or something like that, that is a big difference. Which one should I go by? I was hoping the Volumetrics one was right since then I can have my 1000 calorie deficit and not go under 1200. The Volumetrics calculation is very complicated too... I guess I should just wait it out and if I dont get the expected loss then adjust it accordingly...

    Ok another question, I know this isnt a stickly calorie counting thread but maybe you all can answer it. If I work out and burn say 300 extra calories a day is it still ok to eat 1200 calories a day like the doctors say? Or so I need to adjust it to 1500 to avoid starvation mode?

    AND a BIG CONGRATS to everyone for a great week last week!!!! No matter the hiccups, we are going to have a GREAT ONE again this week!

  • TOM is finally gone; that darn fluid retention gets me every month. BUT, I did get another lb. off AND that means I've met my January goal of being down 5 lbs. by 2/1/07. I also just had a fantastic treadmill run. I ran 3 miles in 44:50 minutes!! That's a first ever for me. I know, "real" runners would think that was wimpy but a 15 minute mile was always just out of reach. Since I got the 3 miles done in less time, I stayed on an extra 1/2 mile for a total of 3.5 miles today. What a great NSV this is!!! Very happy about it (can you tell???)

    Sumi, I'm not sure which total calorie # is correct but I always err on the side of caution and would use the 2,000 #. I simply cannot do 1200 a day so I aim for 1500 - 1700 calories. I also try to mix it up; maybe do a few 1400 calorie days then a 1700 calorie day then back to 1500 for several days. I also try to eat every 3 hours to keep the furnace burning constantly and so that I don't get ravenous. If that happens then I just get out of control! Also, my thoughts are if you can lose 1 lb. a week on 1600 calories or so then stick to that because sooner or later everyone hits a plateau. With 1600 calories you have some wiggle room for lowering your calories while increasing your exercise to get that metabolism to rev up and start losing weight again. If your at 1200 calories and hit that wall, you simply can't lower your calories. I also think this whole process is never, ever set in stone. It's trial and error and constantly tweaking in order to get to goal and then to maintain. Just my 2 cents!

    The kids had a 2 hr. delay due to icy roads so they'll be home in just a few hours. No dog walks today. But since it's so cold, the ground is frozen and she can run all around the yard chasing the little bunnies, squirrels and kitty cats that come visiting. It's great fun to watch her try and catch them. She treed a cat a few weeks back (several strays around and people keep feeding them so they are well and keep reproducing! We will be over run w/them some day I fear!). Don't worry, little kitty cat got down and ran away just fine. For some reason the animals like our yard cause it's fenced in. Go figure!

    Hope everyone had a good weekend and is doing their best to stay the course. TTFN!!!!

  • Thanx Mia!!!

    Sumi everyone needs to do what works for them. I think 1500 is a good base to start with and see how you are losing on that. I know some posters lost alot and then plateau'd and then lost MORE when they upped their cals!

    I am doing okay ladies. Looks like dh has a car lined up to get tuesday or wed and will pay the guy 400.00 when we get our taxes. Yeah! We are excited. Some stress over the weekend with ex sis in law picking up the kids and taking them to see my ex, she was sick so just dropped them off and it was a nitemare with them coming back telling me all about how I am a liar and he hates me cause I abandoned him when he was sick and that I am fat and a redhaired devil and a f'in *****.....I could go on and on. Oh and my kids know he is getting ssi for being disabled and his dad is getting money for being crazy and they think that is cool "free money" etc. Uggghhhh...I am pissed!!!

    Called ex sis next day and didn't want to unload on her but to let her know, etc. She says she knows and (thank God) she is mad too, her dh was the one doing the pick up/drop off and he heard so much crap on the way home with the kids that he called her immediately and told her she needs to have a strong talk with her bro, blah, blah, blah. Thank goodness those two have morals and values. Anyhow she apoligized and said she don't allow that crapo when she is around and will be there next time. I let her know we are still going to see if we are court able to move, etc.

    Anyhow, just frustrated and a big reminder why I want to move too. What really pissed me off iis this. This jerk, abandons his own kids! Swings by once a year(on his own accord) and never calls, writes etc. Yet after seeing them one time in a year, and abandoning them all he can do is trash their mom and be vile and hateful?? It is rediculous! He should be thanking his lucky stars that they still have one decent parent that cares enough to actually take care of them and raise them right!! But of course those things are not important to him or he would actually be doing them!!!! Arrrgghhhh!!!!

    Anyhow, have been doing okay food wise, been slacking a bit lately. I have made some whole wheat flour tortillas that are to die for!!!!! this a.m. was the third time and my whole family LOVES them!!! If any one wants thie simple recipe, let me know. They look really small and the first time I was like, 2 of these? That won't fill me up, but I had two with 1 serving of cheese, 1 cup of beans, .50 a cup of spanish rice and I was stuffed!!!! So filling!!!

    Yesterday afternoon for lunch we did the tortillas, scrambled eggs with chopped up meatballs, bell pepper, little bit of cheese, some h.m. salsa and a little pepper. Oh my gosh everyone loved them! We were so full we barely snacked a bit on turkey and h.m. biscuits for dinner!!!

    I did another pot of beans and made 16 little tortillas this a.m. , I had a little bit of the egg stuff from yesterday so I couldn't help having that for breakfast today! I will have my smoothie for lunch! Anyhow bean and cheese burritos tonite here I come!!!!!!

    I found another site and a lady there does ONCE A MONTH COOKING. She is Italian and posted ALOT of her recipes. Now I love cooking and don't mind doing that frequently, but even just having some things already prepped makes things go so much smoother. Like the meatballs. She has a recipe to do 5 pounds at once. Flash freeze and put them in a freezer bag to use for meatball subs, calzones, sphgetti, etc!!! Those are REALLY good!! Joe took a few out of the freezer and was able to warm them up quickly with a bit of water and a frying pan. Nice and easy! Plus I want to start doing double stuff to save for a quick meal later, like when I do enchiladas, or lasagna, you know do two and freeze one for later!!

    I did try my hand at homemade pizza fri nite and I really need a pizza stone. Especially since I have to use my turkey roaster. It just wasn't coming out right, dh said the dough was fine, we just need an oven and a stone. Wound up making some calzones that were good though.

    Have also spoiled him on h.m. biscuits too so if anyone needs a recipe for that, let me know. *Besides wanting to start doing stuff from scratch, I was appalled when I was shopping and seen pillsbury has transfat in their biscuits!!!)

    Need to kick it up with the walking. I have been lazy lately!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well and losing!!!
  • Oh and I adore these tortillas, they come out so nice and poofy, nice and flaky. They remind me of my grandmas tortillas she made me when I was a girl. (I wish I had that recipe!) I know she used white flour and this is wheat so it is different but still similiar. My dh says these are better than any store bought, let alone the alleged(hand made) ones!! He even thinks the wheat flour taste better. Me too!! They pack a powerful punch!!
  • Sumi, I was looking at youyr post again. If I were you I would lower it 500, NOT 1000! You want your body to know it is getiting plenty of food!! My "maintenance" is right under 2200, so 1700 works best for me. It says if I walk 60 minutes a day I am allowed another 500, so I use that for another 500 deficit!
  • Hi Ladies;
    hope you all had a great weekend.....I've managed to exercise 24X this month, I'm on week #5 and still have cardio & wts. hit 54 mins. this morning....I'm aiming for 3.5 hours this week and avoiding all the chocolates that seem to appear in every department at work.

    Jasmine, I've been divorced since 1986? 1987? and the XH STILL *blames* me for everything, blahblahblah.....get over it already and stop whining, ya think after almost 20 years?
  • Yeah exactly! I was the one trying to part amicably and offer to try to co parent etc. All he wants to do is be bitter and hateful etc. Well it shouldn't be too surprising since he is the main reason we are not still together!

    It is pretty pathetic he lets this eat him up the way he does, I have moved on and am very happy. His loss.

    How are you today?
  • Hi I'm new to this thread and just started again on Jan. 10th with my lifestyle change.
    March 1- 209lbs 37 inch waist
    April 1 - 201lbs 35 inch waist
    May 1 - 195lbs. 33 inch waist

    Exercise 5 days a week for 2 hours and 2 days a week for 30 min.
  • Hi again, Jasmine, it's a crazy day, I'm multi-tasking at work and trying re-fi the mortgage at the same time...(it isn't working).

    welcome sharonrr, sounds like a good plan.....I've taken almost 4 inches off my waist, doing cardio and wts. (interval training)
  • Hi girls!!! How the heck are ya? Well.. I'm on track and while its supposed to rain tonight, I'm determined to get my three miles in after work. I'm cold, I'm tired and I have this lovely twitch in my eye (from staring at the computer) today.. I've had three protein shakes today and can't wait to get home to my Lean Cuisine panini and veggies. MMMM!!! It will be SO GOOD! lol

    The weekend was good.. though I did break down and eat some bowling alley nachos. LOL.. But.. I walked it off. So, all is well. Tomorrow is WI and I don't really know where I'll be at, but as long as I've not gained, that's positive.. kwim?

    Super hugs to you and I'll be back later!!
  • Hi Sharon, marble and sdgal

    Good luck w/ the mortgage marbles!!

    Welcome Sharon!!!!

    Sd yes just keep on going hun! it will pay off!

    Well for some reason I had an overwhelming urge to bake cookies. *slams head*

    I am not happy abouit this but I guess just keep on, eh? I am INSITING on going for a 60 minute walk! That stupid anime mag just sent me a check back for the 30 we spent on their garbage of a mag so that gives me a great excuse to walk and go cash it!
  • welcome sharonrr i did very well on my eating today and got a workout in only problem is the willy wonka runts candy when i got home i have been muching on them but man they are good
  • Jasmine - Man I complain about our time with the ex and the kids, but we are on the other side. I grew up in a split family too and my parents could have done it better but overall I think they did fairly well considering. I think I see a lot of the things that I didnt agree with (looking back) in my husbands ex, and it really frustrates me that the kids have to be subjected to it. I just wish it all could be normal for everyone. No bickering, frustration, just focusing on raising the kids right. But it seems like we never get past it, even when it seems like things will change, it goes back to being the same old story. I can only imagine your situation, your kids have a stable environment, no matter what your ex says, they are with you 99% of the year, they have minds of their own and know what is true and what is not. Your ex will regret it later, and hopefully the kids will be able to forgive him.

    Thats how I feel at least, once they grow up and look back his boys will understand why we did everything. Not to make life harder but to try and look out for their best interest. I don't know maybe I am delusional! LOL

    So you guys seriously lose at a higher level? I feel like I am not going to lose even at 1200 (not that I have tried this for long LOL it's been less than a week) I have lost some but I think it was from water weight and I am expecting it to creep back up and not really work. Talk about skeptical huh? Maybe once I see some real results that I can not deny (scale not reading in the 180's) I will add more and slow it down. I know I should do the other 500 with excersize but the energy thing is hindering me. I am thinking about starting though. But I was considering staying at 1200, but I doubt my body would let me, I get severe munchies after workouts LOL

    It is only a few lb's to get under so do you think it will do much harm to test and see? I asked my doctor and she said as long as I didn't go under 1200 it was fine. I understand the play though, but I will eventually start working out and wont that be play as well? I need all your guys wisdom zapped into my brain! It's all to confusing. So it is a definite no go on the excersizing AND 1200 calories. See right now I am very very VERY inactive, I mean seriously. Last year I was in bed almost all the time, so I am better than that this year, I am sitting most the time. So that is another reason why I think the charts are not going to be right for me. I ordered that free pedometer so I am hoping that will come soon. Maybe that will tell me just how inactive I am.

    Jump right on in, I am fairly new too and these ladies are great!!!
