
  • Just got home from my first Rally. We had a good time. Lots of fun and laughs. There were 8 chapters represented. We were not only chapter that had a small turnout. But I will be sure to not miss any in the future. We had songs,poems,skits. We had a badge and poster contest. We will be able to give a report to our chapter and maybe next time we will have more go. If there is a rally in your area be sure to go. You will have a good time.
  • Hello Eleni and everyone else,

    I'm glad you had a good time at your rally. Participation is so important for encouraging our fellow TOPS members on and there is a lot of work that field staff {area captains and coordinators} puts into the rallys.....considering they aren't getting paid to do them. They are done out of the love of what TOPS stands for. I'm happy that you will encourage more of your chapter to attend next years. Our chapters is in 2 weeks and it looks like 5 from my chapter will attend [1/3 of our membership]. Sure it will be fun. Did your rally have a theme, Eleni?

    My day is going well, so far and I hope to maintain that. Had a lady from a neighboring chapter call and ask "What are you eating?". She called just as I was standing up to make lunch.....that made me think about what I was going to put in my mouth.

    OK ladies, WHAT ARE YOU EATING??????

    Have lots I want to get done on this very cold, blustery, snowy day. Think I'll try out my new steam carpet cleaner, but I want to do the sofa first. DH brought home a cleaner from work a few weeks back and we did the carpet then. Decided to buy one of our own since the commercial one was way to big to manuver everywhere.

    Time for fabric softener in the laundry and I'm off on my adventures of the day. Have a great day everyone and think about what passes over your lips!!!

    TOPS Hugs,
  • Eleni,

    Sounds like you had a great time at your rally. I am looking forward to our at the end of the month. Did it get you motivated like you had hoped it would? I am sure you are doing well. Just think before you eat like summer said. It does work. I have to remember that for me to.


    What is the theme for your rally? Ours is to dress up in costumes. We are going as good and bad food choices. I still haven't figured out what I am going to be yet though. I have to get busy on that one. I have to find a costume that I can sit in.LOL Sounds like you are getting yourself back on track and keeping yourself busy in the meantime with your new toy. It is good to stay busy. Helps us not to overeat.

    I did great today. I went to an auction with my husband and daughter today. While they had hot dogs I brought an apple for me to snack on then had my healthy choice for lunch here at home. I could have done better for dinner. But it was late and I was hungry. But at least I stayed within my pts for the day and that is all that matters right now.

    I am really trying hard and I am yelling at myself and talking to myself again. That seems to work the most then I have to actually stop and think about what I am doing at the time.

    Hope everyone has a great night. I am heading to bed it was a long day. We have church in the morning.

  • The theme was "team spirit". Had members being cheer leaders and stuffed bears in football,baseball etc clothing on table as decorations. Bears were given away at end. I read the poem "Starting Over"
    I thought it might inspire me to do better. I am beginning to think I am never going to get back on track and quite frankly today I really don't care. Sorry but I am in a rotten mood today. It will probably pass before day is up but right now I am not nice to be around at all. I know some of you know exactly what I mean and how I feel.
    How you are having a good weekend . Sorry if I put any kind of a damper on it. But this is my day to sit on my pity pot
  • Pity Pot
    Well Mother Hen,
    I dont have a pot to pity on.. But you made me laugh..
    I usually dont post until after I weigh in but I think we all understand how you feel...Its called PMS....and at my age that means PAST menstral

    I think I told yall that we gave up bread for a couple weeks...Well guess what Ive been wanting.. Yep,,bread. So I descided to add at least once slice to my regime....I know man cannot live on bread alone ,but it sure is good.

    Hope everyone is having a fantastic week...I dont think I did so well in the loss department ,but what the heck,,,if we dont giive up were bound to have a good week soon.

    Your Pal