What is "doing it" for you?

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  • I was having this discussion with co-workers and thought I would bring it here as well. What is the NUMBER ONE thing that is "working" for you?

    Some said increasing thier water
    decreasing carbs
    eating smaller meals

    What is it that keeps you going down???

  • Portion control worked for me.
  • Keeping my calories low (1,000-1,200 per day) and increasing my cardio to 40-45 minutes a day and also changing up my cardio, say, 20 minutes on the TreadClimber plus 25 minutes on the elliptical. I have hypothyroidism and even though I am on medication and my levels are in the normal range I still find it difficult to lose if I go above 1,200 cals a day.
  • 1. Planning. It's hard to eat healthy by accident.
    2. Eating enough calories a day to keep me satisfied. Previously, I would restrict/binge in an ugly cycle.
    3. Getting rid of all the junk. A whole food diet has changed my whole life - so much more energy and I feel wonderful.
    4. Accepting finally, after 20 years, that I can't diet temporarily and expect long term results. My old "normal" way of eating was terrible and made me heavy, I had to change my "normal" forever.

    In short, eat less bad foods, eat more good foods, exercise. 75 lbs, 2 years maintenance!
  • Not bringing junk into house (especially potatoe chips)
    Planning out any treats beforehand
  • Very little white food (bread, rice, pasta, etc), no junk(y) food.
  • Running. Other cardio, for me, doesn't quite do it...likely operator error.
  • 1. Drinking tons of water
    2. Cooking -every- night unless there are DIRE scheduling complications, or I make a conscious effort to go out with friends. No more eating out because I am just feeling too lazy to cook.
    3. Planning. Getting to the grocery store, stocking the house with healthy options, and making my meal plan first thing in the morning, before anything goes into my mouth.
  • Portion control and lots of cardio (particularly walking, running, and elliptical).
  • I would say it's a combination of things, of course it's the food choices, planning, well stocked home, exercise - but you did say ONE thing, so the ONE thing that's doing it for me is:

  • Its just the first time I've got it all together. I've run, I've counted calories, I've eaten the right foods - this is the first time I've really done all 3 at the SAME TIME
  • Yes, RockinRobin, absolutely. Determination is key. So is PATIENCE. It really takes time, lots of time, and most people, especially me, want it to happen NOW and give up when it doesn't.
  • The thing I've learned about losing weight this time around, if I have to put it down to one thing is:


    The biggest battle is with our own heads and hearts, in my opinion. But learning to achieve balance - which I glibly sum up with a saying I put on my noticeboard: "Walk a little, eat a little, laugh a lot", means working on a whole bunch of different areas of my life.

    From planning meals, to walking every day, to learning about portion control, to recognising emotional triggers… it's a long, tough journey. And it's never dull!

  • The main key for me was to be PERSISTANT in the eating clean... I can be persistant with exercise, but eating is a whole other kettle of fish... I'd lose 2# only to regain them on the weekend ... When I finally got sick of that, after, oh maybe, 14 years , I actually lost weight ....
  • It's a combination of things for me, too--
    1. Logging everything into Fitday
    2. Running

    My key word is DISCIPLINE.