What do you do when your sick?

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  • Tis the season for colds, flu, sicknesses, I should know I have a very bad cold now! lol.

    But I thought it might be nice to ask everybody what they do when their sick? Any special home remedies?

    For me I just try to get plenty of liquids and sleep. That is about it for me. I am taking cold meds but I think it just has to run its course.
  • I tried Zicam, but I'm not sure how much good it did. Basically, I wash my hands a lot throughout the year (sing the happy birthday song and that's the right amount of time ) and if I get sick, rest a lot and ride it out.

    Sorry you're under the weather!
  • warm soup ~ 7-UP ~ and I swear by DayQuill to get me through the work day!!!!
  • Quote: and I swear by DayQuill to get me through the work day!!!!
    That is what I'm using now! DayQuill during the Day and NyQuill @ night!!!!!
  • I take echinacea, it is a herbal remedy. If you take it when you get that first feeling of illness, it really helps.
  • Dayquil, Nyquil, hot lemon tea with honey and rest.

  • I think the Zicam works pretty well. I also drink the packets of EmergenC, they are like fizzy drinks packed with an overdose of vitamin C and other vitamins. They give you a little energy boost too.

    I am having problems with major ear pain right now. I went to the Dr but they said I don't have an infection. I have been putting a heating pad on it and it soothes it a bit. Other than that, I've just been using ibuprofen.
  • I went to the doctors and got a mother of all cough syrups! It stops my constant hacking, and puts me to sleep! Since taking it I've gone from 30 minutes of sleep a night to 12! I love it!

    I hate being sick, so I am always washing my hands and guarding my germs with my life!

  • Quote: I went to the doctors and got a mother of all cough syrups! It stops my constant hacking, and puts me to sleep! Since taking it I've gone from 30 minutes of sleep a night to 12! I love it!

    I hate being sick, so I am always washing my hands and guarding my germs with my life!

    I got a cough medicine like that once when I had pneumonia and I slept for like 2 days, only waking for the bathroom and to drink or eat a little something. I probably will go to the dr if I am still sick come Tuesday.

    Thanks for all the input! Keep it coming!!!
  • Hey while we are on the topic did everyone get their flu shot.

    when I am down and out I take neo citron at night and a decongestant because it is the congestion that contributes to sinus and ear infections.....etc.....and lots and lots of sleep!

  • i got my flu shot. i work in a huge office building with crap for air circulation, so they come out and give us all free shots if we want them.

    i can't seem to find anyhing otc that has a decongestant anymore. before they pulled everything off the shelves we went and bought some aleve cold and sinus, but that doesn't help for nighttime.
  • I LOVE that you can buy Mucinex and Mucinex DM over the counter now! That was always my prescription drug of choice....I love that stuff. I remember mom would always give us Squirt when we were sick. Also, this is bizarre, but it always comforted me, hot tea sweetened with sugar and a Halls cough drop....I still drink that for fun once in awhile. People think that's weird. LOL
  • The moment I feel I'm coming down with something, I start popping Echniacea and Vit. C, and drinking OJ and eating chicken soup by the gallons. I get lots of rest, and take good hot soaks in the tub. I hate being sick and like to kick it before it kicks me.
  • I forgot to mention earlier ~ Angie swears by AIRBORNE ~ personally, I think she is getting ripped off! But hey, if it works for her...fine!
  • Thanks everybody. I feel worse today than I did before! I can't wait to go home tonight and CRASH and rest on my days off!!!!!!!!