Change one thing.........

  • I totally stalled this year. I am pretty much the same weight I started 2006 at. But that's ok, because I am 60lbs lighter than at the start of 2005!

    So now I am faced with getting the rest of this done. I am hoping to lose 25lbs in 2007.

    So I am starting next week, just they I did in 2005, with my change one thing approach.

    So Week one 2007 I am going to work at getting my five vegetables and 2 fruits a day every day.

    I figure a lot of us are struggling at the moment, what's your one thing your going to do next week?
  • Eating food from home. No take-out, eat-in, hospital cafeteria, catered food, nurse-brought food (I work NY eve and we have some amazing cooks/RNs)..just my own healthy pre-packed pre-planned, affordable (both calorie and $$) food.
  • I like the idea of change one thing approach... one thing at a time... doesn't seem so overwhelming... hmmmmmm. .... what one thing will I change today? today I will strive to get in my water.... over the last month or so I haven't been drinking water... some days a glass...but not what I need... the more water I drink, the less I want to eat and the better I feel.... so today and the next few days, I will change the amount of water I drink... then come week 1 of 2007, I will choose something else to add one thing to change....

  • Same for me, midwife. I spend way too much money on take-out. I not automatically eat better when I cook myself but I save a heck of a lot more money.
  • On January 1st 2007 I am starting a 7 day detox. I've already made out my meal plan for that week. I've eaten badly since Thanksgiving and am feeling bloated. I think that a short detox would be a nice way to kick start the new year for me.

    As for the rest of the year, I'll be back on my healthy eating plan with regular exercise. I'm so looking forward to spring, I loathe the cold dark winter mornings, it makes getting up at 4.30 am to go the the gym that much harder and I have used that excuse all through December.

    I stalled pretty hard too this year with only a 5 lb loss from June to December. Not that I didn't do anything to help myself either, I lapsed back into my old ways too much last year and I know I can do better. This year I'll be looking to lose 32 lbs.

    The best of luck to everyone!
  • Maybe we could do a weekly check in Stating our goal for the week and how we did at the end of the week.

    I need to start now lol.

    I'm drinking tons of pop and milk, I will change it to water for the rest of the month.

    Starting on Jan 1st I will eat 3 veggies a week.
  • starting Jan 2nd I am starting my healthy eating again. I shall only drink water, and healthy food and exercise at least 6 days of the week, with a variety of swimming, running, cross training and weights.

    a 2lb loss a week would be perfect for me, but in reality I think it will be more 1lb a week - but that takes me to beginning of April by which I hope to be my goal!