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  • 4 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts sitting on my dining room table! I had to get them for my sons 4th grade breakfast party tomorrow...14 hours until the bus comes and he takes them to school!

    I haven't looked at them nor touched them so far....please send me good NSV vibes!!!!
  • Be strong, don't make eye contact with the donuts. Don't even look at them.
    I know you can do it.
    I find when I read all these posts I forget about the pumpkin pie sitting on the counter and all the cookies.
    Good luck and have a great night.
  • Put them on a chair and pull the chair close to table. out of sight, out of mind
  • Whatever you do, don't SMELL them! It's all over for me when I smell donuts. You are a stronger woman than me!!!! Good for you!
  • Imagine that they are stale, moldy and have maggots crawling all over them.
  • Sandi! EWWWW!!!!
  • Just keep repeating to yourself, "They're for my son, they're for my son..." and maybe go put them in your car or somewhere REALLY inconvenient for snacking. I know for me out of sight, out of mind really does work.
  • First of all, we all know that once the Krispy Kremes cool off (the originals), they aren't any good anyway.

    Second, it helps me not eat something when I know it's not for me. It makes it easier.

    So, they aren't that good anyway, they aren't yours, and of course, you don't want them because they're maggoty anyway!!!

    There, now that should have taken care of it. Right? Hey they're for your son anyway, he'd be so disappointed if they weren't there to bring to school.
    Hang tight.
  • I made it!
    The donuts have left the building! Woohoo!
  • Yay Marge! I mean thewife! LOL
  • pic
    Jen, I saw your pic earlier and thought "how did that person get a pic of me?" We look a lot alike. I will have to find a pic to show you. I think you are my long lost twin. LOL
  • Thanks, but I've already got a twin....seriously!!

    We're fraternal twins and look very little alike. She's 5'2" and about 120 lbs and I'm.....not. LOL
  • Good Job!!!
  • OKay Jen...not twins....I have one of those sisters too. She's 5'2" and 120 lbs and totally fit. She got my Mom's genes and I got my Dad's. Funny how that works, but I look at my 2 sons and it's the same way. The oldest takes after his Dad and will always look fit even if he never lifts a finger. My youngest will take after me and will struggle with his weight his whole life despite being a very healthy eater. he just got my Dad's Irish genes.