30 Somethings thread:Monday Dec 18

  • Hello all...No time on the computer this weekend since the wicked witch asked me to leave on Sunday cuz K was making too much noice and her precious grandchild(the 15 y/o) needed her rest..I packed it up and left at 9am and returned after 8pm last night..I also had to throw in the fact that we were going to my moms cuz my mom enjoyed watching her grand daughter play and have fun..OMG--Between the wake, the funeral, after at the house, this was a stressful weekend and to not even be able to be me at my house??????????

    Helloo to all..off to work..I must be nice, I must be nice, I must be nice
  • 7 more sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeps.
    You know, you are ALL so precious. Everyone with their own struggles, their own passions, their own triumphs. You're all such an inspiration to me and help remind me that it's not just me with my troubles and if they can make it through it then so can I. A big out to each and every one of you.

    It was a very very busy weekend for me. Saturday night, DW and I had a 16 people over for a party (10 adults + 6 kids). Things went very well, but there was way too much food at hand and I didn't make the best selections. (DW has ben on her Christmas baking spree again...) Sunday was JAM packed. Went to church in the morning, spent the afternoon at my monthly boardgame session (which, consequently, has MORE bad food choices) and then went to a candlelight carol session that evening (hosted by the UU Church). Pretty much went non stop between 10am and 9pm. I _crashed_ on the couch around 9:30, only to be wokre up by DW at 10:30 to get me to go to bed. Still groggy this morning...but it's "time to make the donughts". No rest for the wicked, I guess.

    So, has the scale been good to me? Nope. Between Friday AM's weigh in and this morning's weigh in, I have posted a gain of over 2.5 lbs. How sucky is THAT? This almost puts me back at my flipping starting weight. So much for even maintaining through the holidays., I don't expect this weight to just peel off either.

    Oh well. Try not to focus on this and know that I'll be seriously restarting in January. (Famous last words. )

    Hope everyone's Christmas preparations are going well. Anyone travelling this week/next weekend?


  • Hi All, I'm baaaack!

    Had a nice time, but ended up leaving early. Robby was miserable between the long ride, new people and strange surroundings. Add to that my friend smokes and her house smells like a bar. She doesn't notice it, but it was affecting me (headache) and Robby was getting congested. He had a miserable night Sat., so I told her Sunday AM that we were leaving. She was OK with it, no bad feelings.

    I bought a juicer at WalMart while down there. It's a Hamilton Beach and it was 49.99! I don't really like any of the recipes it came with though, so I need to find some more online. Anyone have a juicer? The reason I bought it is because my kids don't eat veggies and I've been giving them V8 Fusion, which has a full serving of veggies and a full serving of fruit in each 8 oz. glass, for adults. So I figure they're getting at least 2 for kids. But I don't need to go broke buying this stuff, so I thought I'm make it myself!

    No good food choices over the weekend. Will try to get it together this week. I have a phone interview at 4:00 today, please say a little prayer if you think of it! And Wed. AM Peter & I have a meeting at the school with the Child Study Team.

    Have a great day all!
  • Morning everyone!
    Not too much time to post today - got to go to a gig in a few minutes.
    But I just want to brag a bit because I had THREE family/friends events this weekend and I maintained!! My ticker says 143 but the scale is saying 141. i don't want to jinx it so I'm not changing it yet Last night there was this massive buffet ... three rooms full of food. There was a chocolate waterfall, I kid you not, and people were dipping fruit in it. I felt like I was at some kind of ancient Roman orgy or something LOL. But ... no wine (despite the open bar) and no dessert for me. I am going to do this this time!!!

    OK, I'll shut up now, and no doubt I will have some slipups by the end of the holidays. But I just wanted to say that ...

    RR - What a rough weekend. Here's hoping the heavens send a bit of good karma your way really soon!!!

    RX - LOL "Time to make the donuts!" That takes me back ... I think I was in high school when that commercial was on!! Don't worry about 2.5 - that could all just be water and it will slide off of you soon.

    Lauren - Will be thinking of you at 4 PM. Are you in the Eastern time zone?

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • Mornin' gang...
    Had a busy weekend, too, RX. You're not the only one that didn't make the wisest choices. Sounds like the dinner party was a big success! Congrats~ What did you decide to do for the kids? I know you were soliciting advice last week....

    RR ~ What gives with the MIL (that IS the wicked witch, right)???? Bless you're heart! I'm giving you extra hugs today

    Got lots of traveling coming up in the next couple weeks. ugh. What's worse is that there's not alot of "good food choices" while you're traveling. And I must admit, it's all about convenience for me. Traveling with four children is NOT easy, especially when they all seem to be in a growth spurt and eat constantly!

    I wish everyone very safe travels.....
  • Hello everyone! I am starting a version of Biggest Loser and my own exersizes and everything. I read the book and it is just basicly watching calories and exersizes. They recomend multipling your weight by 7 and that's how many calories to eat.

    I had an uneventful weekend. I exersized on Sat and moved muscles I had forgoten that I had. Was completely sore on Sunday, hurt to move.

    RX, did you have any damage from those storms? I heard there was some major damages.

    RR, I hope things start to look up for you.

    Lauren, will be thinking of you at 4. Sorry you had to leave your friends house early.

    Well going to go exersize.

  • morning all VERY busy weekend agilica's b day is today she turned 15 no gift for her she knows she's getting a house for b day/ christmas all the kids know this i dont think it sunk in yet and it hurts like **** for me to think of my children waking up christmas morning and have nothing
    but they did see the house we are buying this weekend and are super excited so i hope that helped
    jessica is HUGE i just cant wait to see what it is Boy/Girl
    i'll check in later
    hugs to all
  • RR: I so hate the situation that your in. It must be frustrating, I imagine that you feel that you can't even show your adoration for you precious little girl with out a guilt trip. Am I right? She's just adorable by the way!!

    RX: TIme to make the donuts? LOL, what about Tim Horton's? YUMMY!! Oh, and just think, if you hadn't lost that weight in the first place, that would put you at ohhhhh, 220? That's the kind of thinking that keeps me from giving up right about now.

    LBH< the juicer is a great idea, wouldn't mind one myself. Fresh juice will be soo much better, and preservative free as well. That thing will pay for itsself in the long run.

    eusbius: WOW, Way to go! Wish I had half your will power!! keep up the good work BTW Were about at the same place, goal wise


    Lisa: weight x 7 that seems a little a little low!!!

    So much excitement here! Thursday I'm going to pick up Joby to spend a couple of days with her since schools out, then My little sis, and her family will be here Saturday.And The first of the year, we will be moving. Oh, and I have 2 plaques to paint asap, and Christmas cards to get sent out. Yep, I need to get away from this pc.

    What's been going on? Well, when found out we were moving, I kinda freaked, and continued to freak as we looked for a house. All we could find was a small small! 3 bedroom,and it was further away from my mother then I wanted to move, but it was looking like that was it. Well, at the last min, we found a 4 bedroom, 2 bath, only 3 miles from where we live now. Praise God!! That probably sounds like too much house for a family of 3, but our family grows +3 every week end, and much of our youth group likes to follow us home occasionally, so its nice to have the extra space.

    We will have a den, as well as a living room. I am so glad!! I told Gary this will save our marriage. The den is in the back, by the laundry room. This will be Bethany, and my room. It will have a couch, my computers, and my sewing. This is were I well let my creativity flow!! My creativity always leaves a mess in is wake!! The Living room (where the fire place is) Will be were the TV, and the sound system will be as well as Gary's comfy chair. Bethany and I will stay out of this room, till Gary comes home. It will always be tidy for him when he gets home (Heaven forbid he ever sit on a Barbie, head down in the cushions!!)

    I am most excited that we will have a weight room in the house again!! In the beginning of our fitness "career" We started out with a home gym we set up, and I made most of my progress there, so, this is a good thing!!
  • RR: I so hate the situation that your in. It must be frustrating, I imagine that you feel that you can't even show your adoration for you precious little girl with out a guilt trip. Am I right? She's just adorable by the way!!

    RX: TIme to make the donuts? LOL, what about Tim Horton's? YUMMY!! Oh, and just think, if you hadn't lost that weight in the first place, that would put you at ohhhhh, 220? That's the kind of thinking that keeps me from giving up right about now.

    LBH< the juicer is a great idea, wouldn't mind one myself. Fresh juice will be soo much better, and preservative free as well. That thing will pay for itsself in the long run.

    eusbius: WOW, Way to go! Wish I had half your will power!! keep up the good work BTW Were about at the same place, goal wise


    Lisa: weight x 7 that seems a little a little low!!!

    So much excitement here! Thursday I'm going to pick up Joby to spend a couple of days with her since schools out, then My little sis, and her family will be here Saturday.And The first of the year, we will be moving. Oh, and I have 2 plaques to paint asap, and Christmas cards to get sent out. Yep, I need to get away from this pc.

    What's been going on? Well, when found out we were moving, I kinda freaked, and continued to freak as we looked for a house. All we could find was a small small! 3 bedroom,and it was further away from my mother then I wanted to move, but it was looking like that was it. Well, at the last min, we found a 4 bedroom, 2 bath, only 3 miles from where we live now. Praise God!! That probably sounds like too much house for a family of 3, but our family grows +3 every week end, and much of our youth group likes to follow us home occasionally, so its nice to have the extra space.

    We will have a den, as well as a living room. I am so glad!! I told Gary this will save our marriage. The den is in the back, by the laundry room. This will be Bethany, and my room. It will have a couch, my computers, and my sewing. This is were I well let my creativity flow!! My creativity always leaves a mess in is wake!! The Living room (where the fire place is) Will be were the TV, and the sound system will be as well as Gary's comfy chair. Bethany and I will stay out of this room, till Gary comes home. It will always be tidy for him when he gets home (Heaven forbid he ever sit on a Barbie, head down in the cushions!!)

    I am most excited that we will have a weight room in the house again!! In the beginning of our fitness "career" We started out with a home gym we set up, and I made most of my progress there, so, this is a good thing!!
  • Hi everyone! I've managed to maintain my weightloss. Go me!
    Wanna: exicited to hear about your possible new house! I know you must be excited!!
    Lisa: I'm doing the Biggest Loser Diet also. I used that formula as a example on what to do. I don't always follow it exactly but it seems to be working! How much do you exercise and what do are you doing?
    Stevi, Sounds like your gig was a success! Good for you! Did you get your money?lol
    Goddess: Did you find out what the baby is yet?
    Zeph: How are you doing? Got your shopping done yet?

    I almost have mine done, my dd is wanting this doll called baby alive and I can't find it anywhere! She's gonna be a sad puppy.

    Well a big HELLO to all of ya'll. Hope you are having a wonderful day!!!!
  • Morning....I just got up. (for the second time that is)
    Lil feller is teething again and we where up very early...then down again...then up again....and so on. He's ok right now, knock on wood. Fridays Gig was good. We have groupies (yeah self-proclaimed at that) They always make it really fun. The underwear thing will be a joke for a LOOOONG time. I'm still too lazy to go get our $$, I have to get in there After 7 pm and I've just been too tired by then to go. So after I get home @ 3am Sat morning, lil feller is up @ 4:30am and Daddy wants no part of it. I get up with near no sleep and stay up til 8am. Get a hour nap and then head off to the baptism preparations. 2pm was the baptism. LOTS of people show'd!! I was shocked. No one I know is catholic but they all attended. DH Uncle and Lil feller Godfather performe dthe cerimony. He looked so handsome in his robes. He wore his "blacks" (White collar and all) to the reception, yeah tha'll put a damper on ANY party. We crammed nearly 30 people in MIL Living room. Good thing there was plenty of food. Lil feller was beat after and had to leave the festivities for a nap...that lead to him not waking til morning. He only cryed once in the ceremony when Daddy took him out of the foutain (Dunked him!!) and plopped him down on the COLD marble...thats when he yelled. I fell dead alseep on the car ride home (6pm). Sunday was spent catching up on house hold duties and finishing up shopping..Thats right, you heard it I"M DONE!!!!!! Wooo HOOOO!
    We are off to pick up the Family portraits now and other errands.