One Reason to Stay On Plan~November

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  • Because every day matters. I want to get to goal. Which do I want more - office potluck food or a leaner body? Leaner body, of course!
  • Quote: Because trying to get back in the groove with exercise is stinking hard work and I don't want to have to begin ever again!
    LOL for sure! Been there, done that, too many times!!
  • Because the same person who asked me yesterday if I was wearing more makeup walked by again today and stopped me and commented about the makeup. I said, no, it is the same... and she stopped to take a closer look, saying "something is different about you." Then it hit her.. she said "You have lost weight!!!!" People are noticing, and my friends and co-workers are all being very kind and complimentary.
  • because I don't want to be obese anymore.
  • Because this body ain't getting under 220 all by itself!
  • Because going off plan will just drag this out even longer.
  • because i managed to lose 2lbs for november, its half my usual monthly lose but its not a gain so ill claim it proudly!
  • Because I am starting to look like myself again.
  • Okay this is two

    Because everywhere I go people keep commenting on how much nicer my face looks; also friends who have not seen me for a couple of months were amazed today.

    Second... because today when I was directed to park in the inside lane of the ferry (driver's side door next to the wall) I was able to easily open my car door and get out and up the side around my car.