A girl trying to find her Metabolism Miracle...

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  • it's sugar Free Ice Cream with only 5 net carbs!

    At any rate, my Hubby can have it.

    Just got done with 30 minutes of Kickboxing. Fun Stuff!
  • Quote: BTW I found some Bryer Ice cream at Walmart last night.. 5 NET CARBS! WOOOHOO You bet I bought some!
    Yeah, I too hate to be the bearer of bad news. We used to live on Carbsmart bars and ice cream, Diane Told me they are not allowed on step 1 and maybe 2 depending on what is in it.
    With her program it is 8 weeks of rest for the pancreas/liver.
    I have never done this program, I have always just low carbed, counted all carbs and ate within my range. So for me working this program I had to get rid of the kisses, ice cream etc in order to stay on plan. I am even dumping the nuts As after some loss I seem to be gaining weight and now my numbers are staying the same.
    I too am trying very hard to stay with it for the 8 weeks.
    I need to reread the book again I must be doing something not right to be gaining. Good luck trying to get it figured out.
  • I also have had trouble over eating nuts and cheese, both have lots of fat. She does say in the book, that eating too large serving sizes or too much fat, will stall the weight loss.

    But really, I DID see a weight gain for a week to 10 days in the middle of Step 1, after that I started to loose again. Remember she says we should average our weight by week and be careful not to get crazy when we gain and don't loose steadily.

    She says people with Metb. B loose differently.
  • I haven't eaten any.. I will just stick with my Jello.
  • Quote: I also have had trouble over eating nuts and cheese, both have lots of fat. She does say in the book, that eating too large serving sizes or too much fat, will stall the weight loss.

    But really, I DID see a weight gain for a week to 10 days in the middle of Step 1, after that I started to loose again. Remember she says we should average our weight by week and be careful not to get crazy when we gain and don't loose steadily.

    She says people with Metb. B loose differently.
    I only weigh once a week and always have to keep from being depressed! i am more concerned with my numbers rising that the weight although it would be nice to drop this 30lbs this year. I looked at what I am eating and am on plan so don't get it. Will keep on maybe a temporary fluctuation. Last night after dinner 2 hr I was 99, not bad and this mornign back to 117 but no overnight snack. Have been back op for about a week I think, I forgot to write down the date
  • I have 2 pounds gained, but I did overdo the carbs. It's not the calories that put on pounds for me, it is the carbs. They just stick like glue on me. Gonna keep on trucking though, it happens. 2 pounds isn't really anything, but I was hoping to see that 179! (The lowest weight I have been that I can remember.. Saw it briefly in may)
  • Quote: I have 2 pounds gained, but I did overdo the carbs. It's not the calories that put on pounds for me, it is the carbs. They just stick like glue on me. Gonna keep on trucking though, it happens. 2 pounds isn't really anything, but I was hoping to see that 179! (The lowest weight I have been that I can remember.. Saw it briefly in may)
    Ha ha can relate, so want to break into the 160's getting really tired of 171-178! Ah we'll get there slow but steady!
  • Actually if you are a Met B person, it is not the carbs that get you to gain, but your body's messed up REACTION to the carbs you eat that causes your body to release too much insulin which in turn causes a response which turns it into fat.

    IT all makes good sense to me after reading the book.
  • Well I weighed myself even though I said I wasn't going to because I am questioning if I can do this or not. I knew my clothes were fitting better and felt if I weighed in it might give me some encouragement. Yes the scale is moving down but I don't really feel as encouraged as I had hoped.

    I'm not craving foods, but I will be honest I miss certain things and my mind starts to think there is no way you can never have this again. Then I try to remind myself that this is only 8 wks , once I hit the next phase I can filter in more carbs, maybe that will help.

    Yesterday was a bad day. I was so busy at work I forgot to eat my nuts in my pocket on time. I didn't get as much water in as I normally do because I have to stop to refill my bottle and didn't get around to it a third time. Then by the time I came home and tried to make dinner, absolutely NOTHING was appealing and I felt really pressured looking at the clock thinking I HAVE to eat something before the 5-hour mark. By the time I went to bed I was bitter and angry.

    I don't chart on Fitday like I have in the past because I know seeing the "pie" chart and the fat content will mess with my head. I am very bored with the foods on this plan.

    I eat too many nuts, and am eating more sf Jello than I have ever done before...lol
  • Jab--I understand how you feel ! What kind of recipes do you need? I have not posted many here.
    I got to the place I was unhappy with the foods, and the weight is going but very very slowly. I have done alot of looking for recipes and I am sure there are some low carbs ones on this forum some place, I preferred to just find the ones for the MM diet since I know the carb count exactly.

    But also I realize that even if I am not loosing alot of weight I AM loosing inches, and the fat won't weigh much, so that is why it is slow. I will be at the end of my 8 weeks this week end, and I will measure again, and I hope there are some more inches lost.

    One thing someone told me once that just stuck with me was "It came on slowly, it will go off slowly" and for the most part this is true although I some times feel it some on faster than it goes off.
  • Jab, a couple ideas if you can for quick things, protein shake mix you like and Capellas flavor drops to make them different and cocoa powder for your chocolate jones. You will also need the flavors for ricotta deserts. I like the Syntrax nectars as the are no carb and no after taste and not heavily flavored or sweetened so make good alone or with add ins.
    These are great no cook, min prep keep you on plan and cover the sweet tooth. All of these you can get at netrition, their prices are the best on drops and shipping. Those 2 things get me through breakfast and night time snacks. Don't worry about the fat mine runs 45-55% of total cals and I still lose weight and my numbers are better. i found International Delight sugar free flavored coffees, kind of like hot chocolate, they are a counter but can have 2 cups. Just a few quick ideas. What are you getting bored with, all meals, B,L or dinner?
  • Aunt Nelly congrats on closing in on the 8 weeks! Hope you lose a ton of inches!
    Got in a bind today and have to have a couple off plan foods small portions, but got right back on when I got home. I had the Quest bar the berry bliss one with me ate it but was stuck out for over 7 hours and was hungry. the bar was pretty darn good, I am liking those and I am not a bar person but these are pretty good, have not had a bad one yet.
  • A crappy weekend turned into a crappy week. BLECH.

    Hubby has been home late every night so I wait for him to make dinner and he's been bringing dinner home. Of course it's fast food because it is late by the time he gets home.

  • I've got recipes, things I haven't tried yet.

    I do see that a lot of ppl seem to push dessert or sweet replacement recipes and that isn't my biggest desire.
    Basically I'm bored with it all. I'm tired of nuts, peanut butter, tuna, eggs, and salad, and I'm already sick of cauliflower. I'm only 3 wks into it so it's going to be a long 5 wks left if I don't figure it out better.

    I think if I had more options as far as side dishes it would be easier. Two of my main staples in life are brown rice and yogurt, and I haven't found a low carb yogurt here in the boonies. Being that it is fall a lot of things I like are not allowed : roasted pumpkin, winter squash, apples.

    It's just a speedbump I will get over it. I need to bump up my creativity in the kitchen. I had a veggie soup yesterday I made. Normally I would consider it to have been very good, but because it wasn't what I wanted to eat I didn't like it. I ate because I HAD to or I would be past time.

    Kandi, good luck facing the fast food coming into the house. I normally don't stop at fast food places but if it's in front of me I want it...lol.
  • Oh dear.... I understand it has been a hard week for me too. I just stand and stare at the fridge. We are short on funds right now, so I can't buy anything. I may have to wait to start Step 2 since she says you can't start and not keep on going, once you restart the carbs you HAVE to keep them consistent or you will gain back which I want to avoid....so as this week ends, I will probably continue Step 1 longer until there are funds to purchase what I need