ONE reason you will stay on your plan today.....FEBRUARY.......!

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  • Because I have finally gotten over the 276 hump and am now 274.8 . That's 1.2 pounds more off of me to not worry about. I do not want to go back. Small victories are better then no victories!!!!
  • Because I want to feel better, and buy some new summer clothes!!
  • Because success makes me feel good about myself.
  • Because I screwed up yesterday and now I feel awful... don't want to feel like this tomorrow!
  • because I'm sick and I want to get well fast
  • because I want to get below 230.
  • Because my big dog is gaining weight and it's bad on his hips. He needs me to walk him so he stays thin!
  • Because clothes shopping is starting to be fun! Things are actually looking GOOD on me! And I'm no longer struggling to find something that fits. Don't need the largest size anymore. I've gone from being in a 4X (with fingers crossed!) to a 2X and sometimes a 1X. Funny, I still pick the biggest size, and then in the dressing room it dawns on me. Fun morning!
  • Because I want to look good on the outside someday!
  • Because I am 1 lb away from a 50lb weight loss! I want to get there ASAP!
  • Because tomorrow is my weigh in day and I want to see that number on the scale go DOWN DOWN DOWN!!!!!
  • Because I feel better when I eat the plan that I have developed for me.
  • Because I lost a total of 50lbs today, and if I have lost that much, surely I can lose more to meet my ultimate goal!
  • Because I had a gain instead of a loss this week. I know it's just a weird water weight fluctuation, but I am determined to have a loss for next week. Dammit.
  • I saw a new low weight on the scale and don't want to go back! I never want to see those higher numbers again!