Supporting Each Other on Our Weight Loss Journey

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  • Well I had a so-so weekend. We had my family over for a bbq on Sat and I probably did ok food wise (although I did make a blueberry pie and ice cream from cooking light), but I had too much wine. Then yesterday we had a thing at my sil's why can't people bring healthy finger food? Or maybe it's just that I don't like the healthy stuff . Anyway I counted everything yesterday, and today is a new day. Next Sunday we leave on vacation, so I want to make particularly good choices this week.

    Trysh - My dh does most of the work on our cars to. It does save $ I have to admit, but sometimes I'm not sure it's worth the stress/swearing he goes thru (of course once he starts a job he won't give up no matter how long it takes).

    Haylo - Good luck on your test and on getting back on track.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • Hey all...

    I have definatly been off track the past few weeks. Luckily I haven't gained anything, but wish I could just stop maintaining and lose. The cafe is closed this week and next for employee vacation, so I'm hoping I can keep it together here at home. This week I'll be home with the girls, and next Monday we leave for vacation.

    Tech-Your dh sounds like mine...I am so thankful that 90% of the repair work on the car, house, etc he can do, as it saves us SO much money. Last week we did have to take one of our cars in for some repair work that he wasn't able to do, and that cost us almost $600. Our other car needs some work done to the "blah-blah-blah" (all I really hear is the amount that it costs to fix it!) and he isn't sure he can do it himself. He did get a quote on it...another $ yesterday he spent a few hours with the car jacked up taking the "blah-blah-blah" apart to see what he needs to fix it, and if he thinks he'll be able to do it himself. I'm so thankful that he is self-sufficiant in the handy-man area. I probably would of traded him in already if he wasn't. LOL, j/k. looks like a pretty boring day here. I'm going to take the girls outside in a bit so they can ride their bikes in the street. We live on a very quiet street and most of the parents let their kids loose...not me. They can be right around the house by themselves, but in the street? No way! Unfortunately it's the only place for them to ride their bikes.

    What is for dinner everyone? We haven't bbq'd in awhile, so maybe I'll have dh throw some chicken on the grill tonight, and I'll put together some veggies in aluminum foil packet to go on the grill, too. I need some inspiration.

    Have a great day all!
  • Hi Paige,

    We had a really good dinner yesterday. Fajita Burgers: You saute 1.5 C bell peppers and onion, add 1/2 teas fajita seasoning and salt, cool. Mix onion mixture, 1.5 teas seasoning more salt, 1 tablespoon tomato paste, 1 egg white, 1 cup fresh bread crumbs into 1 lb ground turkey, form into 4 patties and grill. Serve with tomatillo salsa mixed with avocado and cilantro on a ww bun.

    I actually had mine w/o the bun it was really good. Along with a salad with the extra avocado and tomato

    I've been trying new stuff lately. Most of my recipes come from Cooking Light and now their web page is open to everyone even if you don't subscribe. So log on and search for something.

    Have a great weekend.

  • Tech~ Them fajita burgers sound awesome!! Me, I'm a fajita nut,that's usually all I ever eat at the mexican restaurants,minus the tortilla shells,I like to just eat them out of the skillet,man I love 'em!! I might try that on DH,he loves mexican too,but I don't know how he'd feel about the turkey burger...(what he don't know won't hurt him though!!LOL) I think I will trty that next week,I'll go get the stuff today after I meet him for lunch..
    Weigh in day for me today ladies and I'm back down to 197 from 199 last week...My body really likes that number,197.... I'll slip down to 196...then back UP!!LOL... I've just got a few weeks 'till my Bday to get to 190...I don't know if I'll make it or not I just gotta do a little more of this and a little less of this and this
    But any way if I could just get the coke out of my system....cola not the powder......thought I would clarify!! I've had 2 this week,I've been working out in the hot garage and MIL just has pop and I'm too lazy to walk to the house to get any water!!MY FAULT!! Just trying to stay positive's hard sometimes... just keep smiling!!
    DS woke up early for the 3rd day in a row,usually he'll sleep until atleast 9:30-10 but NO he's been getting up at 7 and Fridays are when I clean and talk to you guys and everystuff and I just can't get it done for watching he won't take a nap until after lunch But he's in his play pin playing with his toys and being good.....well except for throwing everything out of the play pin into the floor...FOR ME TO CLEAN UP!!!!! It's true a woman's work is never done...never......well I guess I better jet and do something...See Ya'll
  • dropping in to say hi.. I am getting ready to start my new lifestyle. Hopefully thinner by New Year's Eve- Good Luck to everyone
  • Welcome ShrineladyKim!! Good to have you and you'll so love it here!!!
  • Hey everyone!
    I'm new here and would just like to say Hi....I'm hoping to be down at least 40bls by Christmas..Totally doable I think! So far i'm down 10.6lbs. I weigh in tonight and I'm hoping for at least a 1 lb loss.
  • Shaanon~ Welcome and I think you'll love it here... I think 40 lbs is definitely doable!! Good luck!!
    As for the rest of you,where are ya? you haven't given up on me have ya? Please don't tell me I'm gonna have to go to another forum,because I don't like talking to myself ya know!! Sometimes it's ok,because here lately I'm the only one I can get along with!!LOL
    Well I beleive I had the "BEST WEEK EVER" last week....Monday I worked my hiney off to get some chairs done so I could leave with DH for Destin Florida on a service call. We drove down Tuesday,got there about 5:30 pm,looked at the boat,went and got us a room...ON THE BEACH!!!.... got all romantical and everystuff,you gals know how it is,lol!! went out to up the next morning and went to work on te boat finished about 3 pm..then we drove to Panama City where we stayed....ON THE BEACH AGAIN!!!.... and we just had an awesome time,it was so beautiful ya'll...I want to live there...not Panama City,but Destin,oh my Lord,that place is like heaven to me...Any way we drove back Thursday,DH got off Friday,we took our camper to a buddies house where we had a pig roast on Saturday,stayed Saturday night too,then took our camper to a local campground and stayed there Sunday night,it was alot of fun,this past week,big bunches!!
    I flubbed my dub on my diet,but it was worth it,so I'm back on track...AGAIN.... Anyway,gotta work extra hard this week,I did pretty good yesterday,I do you say it? OP all day,I was pretty proud of my self when I went to bed last night!! which reminds me I've gotta have me some cereal here in a few....But I just wanted to let ya'll know what I've been up too,which was a little of "no good" ,but I've straightened myself up this week!!LOL I'll go and hopefully see a post or two tomorrow or Friday!!
  • I've been MIA for a while. After dh's family reunion, things just got busier & busier. In August, we were either away or had company almost every weekend. We went through a lot of stress, trying to get ready for company, some school-related stress for dh.

    Well, I'm suffering PMS now, but even without that, I've regained weight. Not happy about that. I do NOT want to do the weight-gain thing through the fall & winter months like usual. So, trying to get back on track again!

    One thing will help is that my mom signed up for WW Online. I wish there was a registration fee waiver for the online program, because $16.95/mo is pretty cheap! Either way, if I get back on track doing it from home, and have everyone at 3FC, plus my mom for more one-on-one accountability, it should help.

    I'm back...Have to go change my tickers now b/c I'm up around 5 lbs more than I was just a few weeks ago. Not just a pound or two shift back & forth. *SIGH*
  • Welcome back Luv~ We've....let me clarify...I'VE missed you,don't know where everybody has scattered off too..Must bee with school starting and everything..but anyway Thought I'd check in on everybody....
    WHERE IS EVERYBODY???!?!?!!!?!!!? I feel orphaned......!!
  • Hey everyone!
  • Welcome Butterfly!!
  • How is everyone doing today? I'm off to the mall to buy myself a bra (since my mini goal was 10 inches) and I lost almost 3 inches from around my bra-line!!!
  • Way to go butterfly,I can't seem to get back into some of my bras,but I will eventually,I usually just wear sports bras,they seem to keep the sisters at bay better sometimes!!
    Well I'm home recovering from a weekend in Pigeon Forge,we went there for my birthday,it was pretty fun,we had a lot of laughs only to get home and recieve a call from my dad telling me that my brother had passed away,they found him at a car wash sitting in his car with the door open,he had a massive heart attack,I think the viewing is Thursday,the day after my birthday,which is my nephews(his son) birthday.Lord Lord...I hope my brother didn't suffer... and he was all alone.... I know he had to be so scared...I would've been and I sure don't want be by myself when my time comes..
    Anyway I'll go
  • Happy Birthday