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  • Hey Curly Gurl
    Curly Curly Curly Gurl. How are you feeling? Any better?

    If I skip Phas I, won't I be missing a detox opportunity and a chance to drop a chunk?

    Also, since I have your attention. I've got about 34 or 35 pounds to lose to get to my first BIG goal of under 200. What's a good time to set that goal for? The first of the year? My B-day is in October, but I know that's WAY too soon. I'm so math challenged, I have no idea of a time frame on this. I want it realistic and doable, but not too easy. 34 or 35 pounds, you can do it Mary
  • I think you probably need to do at least some sort of "induction phase" for a week or two turtle-just my humble opinion. It does help get rid of the carb cravings, the water weight, etc.
  • yeah it probably would be better to do the phase 1 first.... like Petra's says it does away with the cravings..

    my bday is oct 14th...

    ehhhh ive been better turtle.. having a blue mood.. but i am sure it will pass..... eventually!
  • Cool
    Wow, this is almost like a chat room! Good to hear from you all. My b-day is Oct 16, Curly. I'll be 41.

    I was just looking forward to the convenience of the frozen dinners (SB) to take to work. But I'll just have to figure something else. I guess I can rely on eggs and tuna until I figure something out. Cheese sticks, nuts, etc. Just a tad disappointed that the dinners are off limits on Phase I. I've got the list of foods and I printed off a good deal of info from 3FC (AND) I've still got my own South Beach Diet Book to finish reading.

    Peace to all who roost here.
  • Hey Gals,
    miss me? I've been totally out of it lately. Sorry I havn't stoped in. I've missed you all. I tried ot catch up on posts. I want in on the Halloween challenge. I lose slowly so I just want to lose 12 pounds by then.
    I've been keeping up with the excersise, and we have had a substitute pilates teacher and she kicks butt, I wish she was going to stay forever I think this week I'll take a paper and write down some of the excersises.
    This week I did really well, 3.8! I couldn't believe it I never lose more than 1-2. So I'm excited. I just have to keep it up. I am going to my trade show next week so I have to make sure that I stay OP since I am going to miss my WI. Plus eating in Vegas is always hard.
    talk to you all soon.
  • Turtle - I don't think you can have the pudding until Phase 2. Sorry . You can have sugar free jello and I live on no sugar added fudge pops. Also get some natural peanut butter (only peanuts and salt) and some cool whip free. Melt the fudge pop in the micro for 10 seconds and add 2 TBLS of peanut butter and 2 TBLS of cool whip and stir. Yummy!! I tastes like a peanut butter cup.

    For lunch and work I usually take a can of green beans and some lunch meat with low fat string cheese. The wedges of lf laughing cow cheese are great in celery for a snack. Also the plain non fat yogurt with cinnamon and 1 packet of splenda was a great option for me. I still eat it. If you can handle V8 that is great with breakfast. Low fat cottage cheese is great for protein.

    If you can do this for a least a week it will help to get rid of cravings. If you have any questions please ask.

    Hi to everyone else.
  • Hi Again
    It's okay Mom, I haven't started yet. I was cleaning out my cabinets in preparation of the diet. I'll probably start Tuesday morning, as I work another detail (Cyprus Hill concert) tomorrow night and plan on stopping at Kroger's on the way home from work. I've got my list started. I've already got some of that natural peanut butter (salt and nuts) and will get as many things on my list as I can afford. I thank you all for the great advice and so truly appreciate any you can give me in the future. I've been reading the SBD forums on all my house work breaks (today and tonight) and feel like I'm getting a little better grasp. The menus help a lot. I'm definitely stuck on what to take to work. There's where I'll need all the suggestions I can get. Is eating eggs more than one meal a day okay? Thanks again.
  • Cottage cheese is a great portable meal if you like it Turtle and I think you can eat eggs more than one meal a day if you want. I don't think there is a restriction on them unless you have high cholesterol. I don't know if you are a salad eater but chopping up veggies and throwing in a grilled chicken breast is also a good option and very portable and doesn't require any real cooking. Tuna is also not a bad choice. I think you have to use low fat mayo on SB though.
  • Howdy All,
    I didn't mean to pooh my loss..I think it was great! As far as dh, I realize his first week and I know he will lose quicker than me. I did get him to walk with me this week and I am hoping M and I can keep him on the bandwagon. He is doing modified WW. He gets more points than me but I don't want to be as strict with him so he won't lose interest. I know this sounds horrible but I would of guessed he weighed more when he started out. I checked the scale twice. LOL The goal weight for men is way to low in my opinion but then again I don't know.(155) So we are striving for a 50lb WL from him right now and consentrating on that. He won't do Richard Simmons with me. LOL

    Today is a big milestone in our family. My baby is starting kindergarten. We had the teacher visit on Friday. She is so excited I think she had trouble sleeping last night. She crawled into bed with us but I put her back in her room. I love my daughter but I can't sleep in the same bed with her. She is like an ocopus. LOL A king size bed is not big enough for all 3 of us. LOL I took an hour off this morning so I can walk her to her classroom and take pictures. LOL I am so excited for her but not sure I want to do the homework battle and yes she will have homework. I am glad to be back to a little structure in life. Summer is hard. LOL

    As far as the Not so scary scale challenge... It starts whenever we all want it. Officially I am down to 224 and my goal is 199 so I do have 25lbs. I started the spread sheet and I will update on Sunday night/ Monday morning.

    Jennie: got you down for the challenge!!! I want to take a pilates class and I bought a ball for home but haven't used it much. My boss is on vacation this week so I might take my weights into work and work out there. I am getting back into a routine this week and WILL go to the gym tonight. Teh 3.8lbs is WONDERFUL!! Keep up the great work!

    Petra: excellent ideas for portable lunches. I always pack my lunch. Today on my menu is left over bobs. LOL They heat great in the microwave at work and they have lots of veggies in them. We went to the farmers market over the weekend.

    momx3: You are doing great on SB. Keep up the good work!!

    Curly: with TOM isn't it normal to gain?? I wouldn't worry about it. Stay on the bandwagon. The week I gained and freaked. LOL I lost my average for both weeks. So next week you probably will have a bigger loss.

    Turtle: commerical washers and dryers work wonders. LOL Glad you cleaned out the cabinets. I did a short clean in mine and found 3 boxes of brownie mix. LOL I made 2 boxes..we had company yesterday. LOL I can have them on WW...I just have to make sure they are just 1 serving.

    Well..I need to run and make an omlet for the school girl this morning. I am not sure who is more excited..her or me. LOL
  • Good Morning Ladies!!!

    Wow...what a busy weekend. That is so nice to see. So today I'm starting day 1 of the challenge, (we are starting today right?) at 229. Ugh...but it is what it is....but not for long!!! I am soooo pumped up and doing really well. Last week with TOM I weighed in at 234.5. Normally I would give in a bit to some of the cravings and extra comfort food, but with a psuedo ww regime and hitting the gym almost everyday.....I THINK I KICKED BUTT!!!

    Lisa.......Good for you for taking the time off to see M off to school. There's only "one first day of K". I still take pics of the boys on their first day, and its Gr2 and Gr7 now!!! congratulations on the weight loss!!!

    Jennie......Hi and welcome back!!! Good to see you and with a nice weight loss to boot!!! yeah for you!!!

    Hotcup........I would pick up a bottle of Fabreeze. I tried it a few weeks ago, and sprayed my couches down before going to bed and what a big difference it made. I don't have any messes per se, but just an old fabric smell; my sofa set is about 6 years old. Good luck with SBD, eggs can be your friend!!!

    Curly..........Hope your feeling better today. I hate feeling down, maybe try to pamper yourself with a nice relaxing bubble bath later today. Always works for me!!
  • Monday? Oh yeah, Monday
    Howdy gals. It's wind down day and gear up night. I'm starting South Beach tomorrow. I've purged and rearranged my cabinets. I made egg noodles, sugar free/fat free pudding and a can of green beans with whole potatoes in them (just to get rid of it). I don't want that stuff in the house once I start. I've been hurrying to finish my South Beach Diet book (up until 0400 reading!) and I've been reading religiously on the forums here, to figure out my menus. It's Kroger's tonight for the food and away we go! I hope you don't mind if I lean on you all a bit. I've set my goal of getting under 200 pounds for January 2006 and it's nearly GO TIME.

    Thanks for the cottage cheese tip, Petra. I love it. Cut up veggies sounds great too. But I guess I've still got work to do on these menus before morning.
  • GDay Spooktacular Partners !!

    So sounds like everyone is geared up for the Halloween challenge !!

    I started off my day with a walk at 5:30 am with the dog. I am definately a morning person, so thought I would get my exercise in early, as I know once my butt hits the couch after work it ain't moving !!

    Hotcup ~ sounds like you are ready to hit the beach. Go get em Turtle !!

    Angel-Eyes ~ onederland here you come. Any rewards for yourself when you get there ?

    Lisa ~ kindergarten.. how fun !! Hope it went well for M.

    Petra ~ hope you are doing well. Thanks for all the tips on quick lunch and portables.

    Mom ~ glad that you survived the birthday party. Sounds like you were busy busy getting ready for it.

    Jennie ~ good to see you and woooohoooo on your loss this week.

    Curly ~ hope your monday is going well.

    Okay gals.. back to work for me. Have a great Monday and TTYS.
  • Good to see so many posts. Looks like everyone is into the Halloween challenge. I went to the gym tonight and did my upper body weights and abs and 30 minutes on the treadmill. I just had cottage cheese myself for dinner tonight. I wanted to cook on the grill but it got too late so I'll have to save that for another night.

    Hope the first day of Kindergarten was great!

  • lol i left work at 5 pm... went to work out then went back to work at 630 grabbed 3 tomatoes cut them up, with a slice of ff swiss cheese and a slice of turkey breast... then worked till 8.. came home took chai out for a bit..

    and will go back in at 630 am tomorrow... need the overtime.. got too much month at the end of my money...
  • Woohoo....I also went to the gym and worked out. I did 45 minutes on the dreadmill and then another 20 minutes or so of the weight machines. The treadmill is becoming my friend now thanks to a little trick I do. After I program all the stats and begin, I cover up all the lights (time, calories, speed etc) and either watch the tv or read magazines. You'd be surprized at how fast your workout goes without watching the numbers!!

    Petra.......I love...LOVE cottage cheese. You might find this gross, but I sometimes add a little bit of ketchup to mine OR a teaspoon of strawberry jam. DELISH!!! yum yum!!!

    Curly.......Good job on squeezing in the workout!! You're going to love that overtime cheque.