I don't Wanna be a FAT girl

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  • randee-i love my scale too. it does upset me sometimes but when it goes down i feel like giving it a big kiss!!!

    PeeB-that's a really good way of keeping track of your weight loss. I would do that but i think my body is weird. a couple of years ago I was losing weight and I lost like 30lbs but only 2 sizes. but i did look way better. but it is nice to know exactly how much you have lost. but everyone is different and we use whatever works for us.

    bad, bad weekend for me. Up one pound so I'm not too sure if I'll make the 10lbs by the 29th. man if I don't make this one....it'll mess up all my other challenges. but I will not let that happen. So i'm gonna give it a hundred percent and drop 8 pounds by the 29th!!!
  • Ok ladies... I am down 2.5 lbs woo hoo... I worked hard this week too! I know you all try to put your weight in on Sundays, but mine has to be Monday

    I didnt have any temptations.. I made cute cupcakes for the kids, I posted a picture in Success Stories title N-s-v for anyone that wants to see them. But I didnt have any.. not one.. I still havent and dont really care too!
  • Good for you ready!!!!
  • WTG Ready on your 2.5 lbs! I made cupcakes this weekend too. But unlike you, i had some..try 4 lol..I made white chocolate filled double chocolate cupcakes and Ooey gooey filled double chocolate cupcakes. I have a BUNCH leftover, I hope I can control myself!!
  • I am down 2 more pounds. So that makes it a total of 6 pounds 4 more pounds in 12 days... I can do that!!
  • yum cupcakes.....

    sotypical-dman...great job. you are so gonna hit your goal. awesome!!!! I have 9 pounds to go in 12 days. phew!!!!
  • Thanks Rosario You may not hit your goal but at least you tried - I think that is WAY more important! I set myself a HUGE goal for my birthday - I already know that I probably wont make it but I am going to try super hard anyway And hey - anything can happen in 12 days!!!
  • all that matters is that we tried and that we put up a fight!!! I set a goal for my b-day (to fit into a jean skirt that I have) I didn't make it since the deadline is tomorrow...but I am looking forward to working hard and hitting these other goals. And I'm sure I'll make it close with all the help I'm getiing from you girlies!!!
  • Happy Birthday Rosario! (well... don't read this till tomorrow!)
  • Yeah, dont read this till tomorrow, but Happy Birthday Rosario!!!

    Hope its a good one!!
  • Thanks Randee and sotypical!!!

    How are you girls doing with hitting your april 29th goal. I really doubt I'm going to drop 9 pounds in 10 days. I'm going to try to get rid of some so that this challenge isn't a complete waste. I'm gonna start this new year of my life off right. I'm gonna hit my other goals by giving up some bad food (it's gonna be so hard) and excercising way more. I'm gonna do it this time!!!!!

    Hope you guys are all doing well!!!
  • Rosario- Your welcome! Hope your birthday was great!!!!

    Im only 4 lbs away from hitting my April goal. So I guess im doing ok. I just hope that Ill lose the 4 lbs lol. Im just going to work my booty off. I love my stepper, because my booty IS actually going away!!! So im pretty excited about that.

    We can do this! Its going to be hard, but totally worth it! We are worth it.
  • Well I have a little bit over 5lbs to lose in 10 days.. thats cutting it pretty close. I think it of like this.. 10lbs in a month IS truely a challenge because if what "they" say is true and you can only burn 8lbs of fat in 4 weeks. The other two would HAVE to be water weight, glycogen, or muscle. The first two can go bye bye, but the muscle has to stay lol. So... if I hit 8lbs.. I will be just as happy. However, I am still shooting for 10lbs.. gotta drink more water!
  • I am taking a break from weighing because it is tom - but once that is over with I will weigh on the weekend and see! as of last weigh - 4 more pounds!
  • Hey everyone!!

    So I apologize for being totally detached from everything. I've been so caught up with end of term, working and the weather has just been sooo beautiful that I haven't been behind the computer much!!! Anyway this is a little update to say that i'm down to 147. which means i've lost a total of 8lbs towards the challenge!!!

    I wish I had time to write more! but as soon as everything slows down on my part I'm sure i'll have tons to say!