~~The Golden Girls~~

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  • Good morning ladies. I'm still trying to get ready for the couple shower for my ds and his fiancé. Tonight we go decorate. I have 4 desserts to make and a finger food. I have to load 3 sets of table and chairs and a lot of gifts. The weather is supposed to be clear and cool. About 52 degrees. Good enough to have a fire. The couple shower is in the brides back yard. The theme will be camo hunting. Everyone is encouraged to wear camo. They have an above ground pool and we are going to wrap the pool in camo burlap and hang moss all around it. The deck will be made into a duck blind with a hunter sitting inside with his gun. Ds is bringing his duck decoys and they will be floating on the water in the pool. It's going to be awesome. We are expecting a big crowd. I'm excited. Saturday morning we will pack up and go to the camp until Sunday. We have a friend next to us that will be using our camp to cook supper. He will bring all the food so I will pack light!!!! Going to be tired. I'm sure the party will go on into the morning. It starts at 630 Friday night.
    Yesterday was weigh in day and I gained 1/2 lb. I ate well and am not worried. Mother Nature is to blame. Lots of bloating these last 3 days.
    We have been having cool temps. My air condition has been off for 3 days now. Electricity is getting a break.
    I picked 53 lbs of pecans and dh had them cracked for me so I have all that the clean and freeze. Last night after work I went to the store and picked up ingredients for my desserts I have to make. Then I helped dh split wood until dark. Came in showered and cooked supper. Ds came over and ate with us. I was tired and slept until 4:15 this morning.

    Love to garden- I like camping hunting and fishing too.

    Gayle sometimes the hardest blankets are worth making them because they are the prettiest. I'm sure the mom will love it.

    Carol sue if I stay in the house and do nothing on the weekends I will want to eat the house. I try to get out on the weekends because I'm tired of the house because I work in my home all week. Besides it's fun. I hate the thought of getting old and not bring able to camp hunt or fish.

    Sorry I'm in the middle if personels and I have to stop. Work calls. Hi to all.
    Hugs cajun
  • Hi everyone it is Friday already, where has this week gone? Today is the day for the big party Cajun, I hope it goes off without a hitch. I hope your husbands surgery went well Mary, and that you were kept informed of his progress. When my dh had surgery, they weren't that good at keeping me updated. I never have discussed my diet with my doctor. First of all, he is a man and they never can understand why a woman has a harder time losing weight then they do. I doubt he has ever had a fat day in his life. Besides now I am following HFLC, along with counting calories, I have finally found a plan I can live with and I doubt he would approve. I used to do more needlework and knitting and crocheting, but my hands won't cooperate with me anymore so I do what I can. I will be starting another quilt soon though. The Chiropractor gave me a joint supplement to try and my back has been doing better. Also a friend who happens to be a nurse suggested taking Magnesium at night. I can get up in the morning now without feeling that my back is broken. (What a relief)!!! I have also been sleeping better. Yesterday we had quite the weather in Western Washington. First the sun came out/ then it clouded up and downpoured so hard the drops danced off the porch/ then it hailed huge pieces of hail the porch was white with it/ then it thundered and lightening/ then the sun came out again. We had a sample of everything. I have to go back to the shoe store today because my tennies do not fit properly. Hopefully they will just exchange them. Went thru my closet and ended up getting rid of a bunch of clothes that are too big. That always makes me happy, it proves that something positive is happening. I guess I had better get something done around here talk to you soon
  • Good morning GG's,

    Had a little sick girl here with me yesterday. She is here again today ~ feeling better than she did yesterday, but mama felt that she needed to be home another day and get all better.

    While she napped, I finally finished the one baby afghan I was working on. It turned out pretty, but hiding all the loose ends from changing the color each row ~ was a tedious job. Glad it's done.

    Now I can work on one that is more fun.

    Don't you know ~ yesterday was the day for people wanting to talk on the phone. Days and days go by and I feel lonesome and long for someone to call ~ and no one does. Then yesterday when Maddie is here and I can't talk, is the day everyone decided was a good day to call. Oh well.

    It is a beautiful sunny cool fall day today. Love it

    Hope you all have a nice day.
  • Gayle, I'm sorry to hear that your DGD was sick. Hope she feels better soon.

    Yesterday, we had a long day with our 6 year old DGS. We picked him up at 8 AM to spend the day with us since there was no school. We went to the mall. I bought some new clothes while DH and DGS ran around looking at all the fun stuff at the mall. He loved it. Then we took him for pizza and took him home around 6, but we stayed there with him while his parents went out with friends. They got home around 10 and we got home around 11. I slept very deep, but still not as long as I should have.

    Cajun, I am a real home-body. I got it honestly, as my mother was the same way. If I never go out anywhere it's fine with me. I know I should be more active. I always tell DH I worked a lot of years and spent a lot of money to pay for this house....I want to spend time in it and use it for something else besides sleeping. There's also the fact that now that we are retired there isn't as much money to go places and do things like there was when we were working. I can understand you wanting to get out and do things as you spend all your time at home with your daycare kids.
  • Just a quick note to update you as I'm too tired to do more. We got home from the hospital today. Dh's surgery went very well and other than a little pain which is controlled he is fine. They removed the part of the colon (cecum) that contained the abnormal and precancerous cells and the rest it did not contain any cancerous cells plus the rest of his colon looked very healthy. He's moving independently with no restrictions of activity other than no heavy lifting and no food restrictions except to chew well or eat soft foods and get lots of liquids. The challenge of our very high bed is still ahead but I really think he can do it, he'll just have to be careful and at first I'll standbye. If he will let me, he is feeling very independent now and not so willing to accept help; I'm sure he'll be out working in the yard before i know it.
  • Mary ~ could Joe use some kind of stool to get up in your bed?
  • Mary, I'm glad to hear that Joe'ss surgery went well. The fact that he is feeling independent is a good sign that he will recover quickly.
  • Today went well with dh until tonight. He's been up and walked frequently, ate fairly well and drank his fluids. Even walked outside a bit in the driveway. Now tonight he complained of feeling hot yet chilling..temp is 100.8. The room is cozy warm (house thermostat set to 72 and he has an electric fireplace going too) plus a blanket over him. We only set the thermostat that high in evenings as the family room where we watch TV is usually colder than rest of house. He will not allow me to remove the blanket as he says he's cold. Incision looks good. Waiting an hour and will check him again. Pray as he will not like me calling doctor at night.

    Gayle - He is using a stool and we found a way to make it easier for him. Just needs a bit of help.

    Our oldest gs is visiting...we seldom see him and it's really special to have him here. His dad made a good dinner tonight...meatballs and macaroni with a cream sauce. I made a salad.
  • Good afternoon GG's,

    Sun kind of comes and goes today, but over all, seems nice. Temp in the 80's.

    It was a nice weekend. Got to see DS Jason on Saturday. And DD Sara and DGD Maddie on Sunday. Sara made a return visit for a few minutes in the evening for some “hairapy”. A word DGS Corbin invented ~ meaning ~ having someone play with or comb your hair.

    I feel in kind of a funky mood today ~ can't put my finger on what or why. Oh well, it'll pass. Full moon has passed, so I can't blame it on that ~ LOL.

    Maybe part of it is that DH doesn't seem to be going about his usual routine today ~ doesn't matter, but throws me off ~ I am a creature of habit ~ and the nerve of him to do something different and throw me off ~ LOL.

    I need his help with some stuff, but he has been so busy lately, I feel bad to ask him for help.

    Hope you all are having a nice day. Gonna go call mom before the day slips away and I don't get it done.
  • Hello. The couple shower was so much fun. We had a very large turnout. They got a lot of awesome gifts. The weather was cool and we had a fire in the fire pit. The whol back yard was lit up with candle lights. They played the shoe game. It was really funny. It's a game to see how well they know each other. They both took off their shoes. The bride half one of hers and one of his. He did the same. We put them in chairs back to back. We asked questions and they both had to answer by holding up a shoe with the right answer. There were questions like who made the first move? Who will ask for directions if lost? Who's usually late for an event? Who says I'm sorry first? Who's the better driver? They did pretty good. It was so funny. We didn't get home until 2 am. This girl was tired.
    I didn't do well with my diet. I ate and drank beer. I just let loose and enjoyed it and had fun. I'm sure I'll have a gain this week but we do have to live a little after all. The important thing is I'm back on tract. 100% today.

    Gotta run. Just wanted to do a quick check in. Personals later.
    Hugs cajun
  • Dh is fine today. Dr said that they often see this a few days after patients get home and usually it passes quickly. He is moving easier and taking less meds I think too.

    Our dgs left this morning. His dad gave him his pickup and so this is his first vehicle. We enjoyed the short time we had with him. He looks so much more mature now.

    My back (left middle back) continues to hurt off and on. Not sure why unless it's because I haven't been doing my PT exercises as much recently. They were for higher up my back but maybe same source/cause, don't know.

    Our oldest dd will be visiting us for one day or eve not sure yet on Thurs. Will be good to see her, it's been about a year and a half since we last saw and that was only for about an hour or less. She has a gig in Portland.

    Tonight's dinner is Parmesan Talapia, and asparagus.

    Cajun - IMHO one will always have a day or weekend now and then when one will eat the "wrong" things or overeat. I say allow for it, own it and get back on track. Most of the sudden weight gain is usually sodium, and it can be hard to get back on track but you can do it. Remember your goal!!

    Gayle - Glad you had some family time. Anytime my schedule is a little off, I have trouble remembering or doing usual things...like eating right, or taking meds/supplements, exercise. Things I think are firm habits are simply forgotten for a little while...it is wierd!

    Hi to Wannabe, Bobbi, Judy, Donna, both Karens and everyone else I missed.
  • Gayle, my DH is the one who is the creature of habit, and I throw him off! LOL I can predict his every move and thought. I learned early on not to upset the apple cart. He does not like change at all. I am different every day. Never know what I'm going to do next. Isn't it funny how different people can be.

    Mary, I'm glad to hear that DH is better. At first it sounded like an infection was setting in.

    I love Talapia. I buy big bags of it for the freezer and I cook it on a grill pan. Very light and tasty. DH doesn't like it, and I make it for myself when he wants something like a hamburger.

    Cajun, It sounds like the shower turned out great. You are eating like a normal person. That's what they do. When they are at a festive occasion, they eat and drink and celebrate, not worrying about calories or nutrition. The next day they are back to their regular eating. You have done very well so far and you will be fine!
  • Good morning. Yesterday morning early I did floor exercise. Close to noon I did floor exercise again. After work I went walking. Then I helped dh split wood for 1 hour 45 minutes. I was tired after that. I'm drinking lots of water also. This morning I exercised again. I will do it again later and walk again but won't cut wood. Dh finished it this morning. We are going to the camp when I get off Thursday afternoon. This Friday is my last Friday off. :-( I could get spoiled having Fridays off. Tomorrow is wrogh in day and yesterday the scale said 225. This morning it said 223. Hopefully in the morning it will go down another lb. I was at 220.5 before the weekend. I'm sure some of those lbs were fluid. I'm hopeful !!!!! I wanted to cry when I saw 225 Monday morning. I'm back on tract and that's what's important. I have to live my life and expect to mess up now and then otherwise I would never be able up keep this up. The one thing that I have learned is to just jump back on the next meal.

    Mary glad your dh is better and that you are getting to see your daughter after all this time.

    Carol sue the shower did turn out nice. I had a very good time. They got some awesome gifts. Lots of money and gift cards also.

    Gayle how is lil maddie feeling?

    Judy congrats on getting rid of the big clothes. I got rid of all my large size jeans. I was in a tight women's 26 and now I'm in a loose women's 16. The size under that is a ladies 18 and they are a little snug. So I'm between sizes. I gave all to good will and hope to never go back.

    I'm out of time. Hi all.
  • Good morning golden girls. Today is weigh in day and I lost 3/4 of a lb. I'm guessing Monday I was holding a lot of fluid. Im happy after the mess up weekend.
    I'm making a list and going get things for the camp this weekend. So far I've been planning my menus and it's worked out.

    Be back later. Gotta go.
    Hugs cajun
  • Yesterday we stayed home except I went out briefly for dressing supplies (I change his dressing daily) and creamer for his coffee. It was a nice quiet day. Last night I planned tomorrow's meals (when dd will be here) and today I need to go out and buy some ingredients and tonight will be marinading chicken. I'm planning on making Asian Chicken Strips to go with my younger dd's Asian salad. Her salad is SO good! I might make deviled eggs too just in case our older dd has decided she is vegetarian again. She goes back and forth on that and also the last I knew was on a very strict diet due to a lung condition.

    For dinner I plan deviled eggs, ribs, fried rice, leftover salad if there is any, and some other veggie...I'm thinking brussel sprouts if can find any good ones. Last time they didn't look so good. Maybe fruit for dessert. However I don't even know if these foods are ok for her. She's hard to reach and I don't know how to cook for her so will go ahead and she can eat what she can I guess.

    Housework today - just the daily stuff and hopefully, a more thorough dusting in family room and living room. The tables esp get dirty/dusty.

    Cajun - Sounds like you are doing ok at losing what you gained. You sure got plenty exercise...I'd have been tired long before the chopping wood! GFY!!

    Wannabe/Gayle - I think dh and I are about the same with some things but he is more disciplined than I in general. We get up the morning and he's like what time will you be ready to go (where ever we planned for the day) and I'm like I don't know, whenever I get around to it. Which means when I feel I've gotten as much of my daily work done I can before I leave.

    Hi to everyone else!