40-Somethings: Struggles Welcome Here

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  • Thanks for the reminder, Zumbachica! I think I've been "Cheezit sober" for about 3 weeks. I can hear them calling about 2pm just about every day, though. . Resistance is NOT futile!
  • It's been so hard to get my eating on track. I've been going to the gym and tracking my food. I keep caving in at night to candy or extra food I don't need. Ack.. My stomach is jutting out like the old days...I miss my flat stomach! I've got to give up the sugar and night time eating!
  • Quote: It's been so hard to get my eating on track. I've been going to the gym and tracking my food. I keep caving in at night to candy or extra food I don't need. Ack.. My stomach is jutting out like the old days...I miss my flat stomach! I've got to give up the sugar and night time eating!
    night time is hard for me too. I am "on" all day with my daughter (age 4) and i think when she finally goes to sleep, it's like part of my "me time" - being hungry. I just want to relax and not be needed. I almost always snack after she goes to bed. But, I try to keep it to on plan snacks and if I'm feeling extra snacky i will try to busy myself as far away from the kitchen as possible. Tonight I've been holed up in my office just surfing the net to keep myself out of the kitchen.
  • Staying away from the kitchen at night is a must! I always regret going there in the late evening. I think I also view eating treats as "me time" with all the kids at home and no quiet space right now.
  • All right, I confess - I've got a major problem with the chip/cracker world. I need some suggestions for a crunchy/SALTY combo (yes, I am one of the lucky sodium nonsensitives) that won't blow a calorie budget. I'm limping along with celery and salsa, half-heartedly and I NEED NEW OPTIONS!!! Help!!
  • Quote: All right, I confess - I've got a major problem with the chip/cracker world. I need some suggestions for a crunchy/SALTY combo (yes, I am one of the lucky sodium nonsensitives) that won't blow a calorie budget. I'm limping along with celery and salsa, half-heartedly and I NEED NEW OPTIONS!!! Help!!

    Have you tried those dried seaweed snacks?? They are salty, crunchy, ridiculously low in cals, and for me - really scratch the salty/crunchy itch. Even my 3 kids love them. They sell them at costco here, as well as most asian food stores.
  • I am really struggling this month with my weight loss. I started out good, lost a few pounds at the beginning of the month but THE FOOD! I'm making bad choices out of convenience. I just want to be skinny again and I'm tired of having to work at it. I think about it all the time. I hate looking in the mirror. I look better when I just think about what I look like than when I actually look in the mirror haha! In my mind I look the way I did when I was 145lbs even though I'm 159lbs! Of course that's not what other people see.
  • FitFanny - I've been struggling too. Going to the gym has actually been bad for me in the sense it gives me "permission" to eat whatever I like after a workout. I am feel really down right now seeing the stark numbers on the scale and how far I've regressed. It scares me how easy it was to pack on 20lbs again. I just hope I can take it off.
  • kirsteng - thank you for the idea! I have those in the house already and they never crossed my mind (it's the KID's food!). D'oh!

    I found my resolve yesterday morning after a long weekend of being off the rails with beer, burgers, and even a "final nail" turtle sundae on Sunday night. The scale showed me a number a mere half pound away from being overweight again. Out came the journal and the calorie chart - I put down 1605 calories of good nutritious food yesterday. And I am not going to get on the scale again for a while - I'll go with fit and feel. I know how I work - if I see a fast drop this week, I'll slack off.
  • Struggle, struggle, boil, and bubble isn't that what Shakespeare wrote? Or something like that.

    I've been treading water, basically, making some crappy high-cal food choices that force me to cut back on healthy foods to make up for the calories. This is never a good thing if it goes on for too long, it just isn't a sustainable daily diet.

    Trying to clean up my act again. I had such a nice, healthy June, but July has been a cr@p shoot.
  • I am 40 Something, going on 50, who would have ever known
    I actually had a real life @ 1 time. However, these days I find myself existing vicariously through what I see on my scale as it reflects my weight loss accomplishment of the week, or is it, "The weak?"

    Anyhow, I have this goal of fitting into my old wardrobe, which is actually a compilation of new clothes which I have never worn, or worn only very few times in the past.

    If it wasn't for this small goal of wanting to fit into my old hips and bust size from say 3 yrs ago, I suppose I would have No Goal @ all.

    It may seem shallow to some people, and I am really not 1 to find myself even having to dress up. So until I have a real reason to get dressed up, I am grateful that @ least I don't have to wear Calvin Klein suits or anything similiar to work.

    Dressing up for me, from my Summer perspective, is like child's play. I try on some clothes, and off they come. I feel disappointed that I still can't fit into some of the poly skirts and pants that I really like.

    I really wish I had a real reason to get ALL dressed up. But if I get dressed up, I feel like an impostor trying to look the part. However; my heart knows that my jet plane was never allowed to freely soar that high. To dream the impossible dream is easier for me to accomplish, than to work hard for an attainable career goal. And my closet is mainly ALL career related clothing. Like play clothes...Isn't that ironic, i really thinK sooo...

    What's a fat chick, To Do?":?
  • My weight was down after PMS, but now on the rise again???
    I just got over my period which was delayed,AAU---by 3 days, and this month only lasted 1 and 1/2 days. Then after my period was over my brother brought home a pizza. That's my weakness I think. I love Dominos Pizza.

    Some people say it's yucky, but I could live on their pizza. Anyhow, my weight was down after I was over my PMS. Then My very short period ended, and that was the night that I had 2 slices of pizza. Now 2 days later,and a few pitchers full of ice water and ice green tea, and my weight is up by +4Lbs again.

    I plan to go to gym tonight, and the rest of the week. But I am anxious over not losing the weight and keeping it off. I did when I had lost 65 lbs over a 2 year period. Now when I can't totally control my weight, and I gain even from water retention and salt from my pizza mini binge, I panik and the cycle starts all over again.

    I've been also eating gummy peach sugar rings for the last few days and I cant stop going back to the Dollar Place for more of this new type of adult gummy candy. I know fruit is better for me of course, but I think I'm gonna eat these until I'm sick and tired of them and never see them again after.

    They're sooooo sweet and peachy and chewy, that I just cant stop at 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or even 5. No I must have an entire pouch of these peachy gummy rings per day. I hope that I become sick and tired of them soon. Otherwise how else will I stop binging on these, and Chewy Rollo's and Domino's Pizza like every 3 days......
    :n o:

    See I dont cook so Pizza is tempting when I have run out of my Lean TV microwavable dinners. I just re-stocked those today.....
    : m:
    :n o:
    Pray that I lose weight and get sick and tired of my gummy chews sooooooooooooooooon.

    : getwell::sunn y:
  • Why is it easier for me in Not having a dietary Choice?
    When I was put in a compromised dietary position, and i had no choice whatsoever in what i ate, and of how much i ate, and of even the fact that i felt embarrassed to even ask whether i could go to the restroom as soon as i was done eating.

    I actually felt relieved to a certain extent??? That was until i had a chance to look at the scale again.

    This was like an example of external control over my behavior. I recall when i went on a brief vacation up, up, up way in the mountains. We had to be nice to these people that hosted the event. And of course had no scale up there in the alps to weigh our vain selves with either.

    I actually, for a brief time in life, felt relieved at not having to weigh myself on a daily basis, and ruminate over daily menu planning.

    Life is back to my usual hum drum, old routines Again, and I sometimes feel so overwhelmed when i am in charge, again over my daily menu planning and of course weighing myself at least 1x per week.

    Otherwise I find myself feeling miserable if I weigh every day due to my dramatic weight fluctuations which really stress me out, whenever i see the numeric results.

    I wish I could feel happy every time i looked @ the scale, but this is a challenge for me currently. Does anyone else out there feel the same...?
  • My current struggle is that because I'm getting so many migraines that cause me to skip meals (being too sick to open my eyes much less eat) when I finally am able to eat I want to eat EVERYTHING in sight. *sigh*

    I'm keeping the house clear of junk, but I can easily overeat healthy food too. It is stressful.