Daily Check In - Long and Mini Goals

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  • Penny the tea will be a big hit I am sure alot of effort goes into these things. Some folks could never understand that sit on the sidelines just how much. So have a good time and you need a lavendar candle burning and some lavender lotion to boot! Relax you deserve it.
    Well I am very pleased today with my lovely scale today its my friend down 1.5 lbs. Hurray it finally showed me a whoosh! I am as of today 2.5lbs away from my end of the month goal. It made me feel like making it move some more of course which is a double plus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hurray! At any rate I looked at mother of the bride dresses yesterday. Got some ideas and will watch for more styles this spring to come out. Maybe I will be down another 4lbs. by then and really have something to rave about.
    Bear went to the vet 102 dollars later the little love is now 12.5lbs. and was 4.5 when I got him. Vet said he is a healthy little fellow and I am very pleased to get that approval. We had his nails clipped at 16 dollars now I learned how and will do them myself. Learning as I go along.
    Suz I read up on the Fat Smash sounds interesting I still do best counting cals its worked in the past and as long as I journal it works. Nikki your body is adjusting for a bit, you have lost a lot in a short period of time. Sometimes the body needs to adjust before moving on to more of a loss. Not a bad thing you have been doing great. SB taught me a few things when I did it in the past and I have kept some of those habits now. So continue on girl! I will change my lbs. later on or over the weekend. Gotta go snowy roads yuk! One area around me was on national news Oswego New York 100 inches in one week. Wow only 45 min. away they can keep it. I am off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ticker test. . . ticker test. . .

  • Oh you guys are awesome. Penny thanks so much for your help on the ticker. It totally made sense.

    I did weigh myself yesterday and if I think my beginning weight was 187, then I've lost 8lbs !

    I'll write more tonight when I have time. Everyone have an awesome day.

  • Yay Suzanne you did the ticker

  • Carol - Yay! Congrats on the 1.5 lbs. loss You're doing great. My DH is flying to Buffalo NY next week - I hope the snow leaves off a bit by then!
    Your puppy is getting to be a big boy - I bet he is soooo cute!

    Suzanne - I'm glad you managed to get your ticker up and running - glad to be of help. You're doing great with your weight loss too.

    I weighed in the same today at least I didn't gain. The good news is I bought some jeans that fit great. I always have a hard time getting jeans to fit as I have a fairly narrow waist and a big butt. They usually gape at the waist but these jeans (Lee tapered leg) fit great and make me look slimmer!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • I will have to figure out this ticker thing. Penny hopefully it will slow down by next week. Buffalo is about 2 and 1/2 hrs. away from my area. Great restaurants to eat at. He should get some buffalo chicken wings thats where those orignally came from. Well I manage to stay with in my food plans for the day. Almost started a fire in the microwave at work today warming up something. My friend and I couldn't believe it. Then when it was all over laughed pretty hard over the whole thing. The smoky microwave will never be the same again. I just read that keep a food diary is surely a way to success. I think thats true for me at least. It was on Spark.com. Well take care and Suz. congrats to your loss.
  • Quote: I will have to figure out this ticker thing. Penny hopefully it will slow down by next week. Buffalo is about 2 and 1/2 hrs. away from my area. Great restaurants to eat at. He should get some buffalo chicken wings thats where those orignally came from. Well I manage to stay with in my food plans for the day. Almost started a fire in the microwave at work today warming up something. My friend and I couldn't believe it. Then when it was all over laughed pretty hard over the whole thing. The smoky microwave will never be the same again. I just read that keep a food diary is surely a way to success. I think thats true for me at least. It was on Spark.com. Well take care and Suz. congrats to your loss.
  • Quote:
  • Happy Friday (weekend)!

    Carol, our scales were working together. I lost a real pound this week. I hit the 160's - not by a lot but I did (169.4). I was near heart attack as I thought the 170's would stay forever. But I decided not to weigh quite as often. I'm thinking after Tuesday, I'm going for once a month. Then the small losses will be more exciting then the up and downs. Who know??? So hooray for us all (Suzanne included!!!)

    DH and I went out to dinner (I worked late - yes I chose to go to work on my day off). I know that I overate at dinner but was low on my calories for the rest of the day so it was fine. And wow, it was AWESOME to feel full after eating. I haven't felt that in forever! BTW I had nachos ultimos at a Mexican restaurant and I did leave 1/4 of it on the plate.

    I got my new Walk Slim DVDs a couple days ago. Yesterday I tried the 1 and 2 mile DVD and the DVD is faulty so I started over with the 3 miler and did it. Then at lunch I went outside for a mile walk. Then after work I did the "bonus" DVD called fast firming. It was harder than I thought but I liked it. This morning I did the 4 miler and it was great. A bit harder than Leslie Sansomes other DVDs including the one I've been doing for months, the 5 mile advanced. This is very nice. I do recommend the whole package. I'm planning on doing the fast firming at least 2X week until I'm not babysitting the majority of the week (about 6 weeks left of that). Then I'll up it to 3-4 times.

    Carol, multiply your vet bill by three and you'll get what my vet bill will be tomorrow. February is my doggies annual visit and immunizations. It's always around $350. Good thing I get a 10% discount because I bring 3 or more animals at once - they only have to clean the room once but see 3 patients. I always plan it for February so the tax return pays for it. It will again this year.

    Suzanne, good job on the ticker. I actually changed mine today. I decided I wanted it to reflect the 43 pounds - I hadn't changed it since 40. I'm lazy by nature.

    The back is still a little better. It's not hindering anymore seeing that the 4 miler this morning had 5 interval sessions (3 minutes jogging each session) and the back go no worse by doing it.

    Penny, I love Lee jeans. They're the only ones that fit me right and comfy. Heck I'm wearing a pari as I type. Okay, they're the only ones that I buy - that's a lie - I do have a pair of Levis too but I like this pair the best.

    Carol, I would have to say you go the smilies worked out.

    Nikki, hope everything is going good for you and South Beach.
    That's all for now which is probably good since I was way long winded.
  • Sounds like everyone had a great day - I'm glad today is Friday though. It's been such a busy week for me. Busy is a good thing though.

    Penny - I've never tried on Lee jeans - I'll have to try them. I have big hips and I have the same problem with the waist being too big.

    Marie - is the DVD that you have, for the treadmill? Can you recommend a DVD for exercising? I can't seem to find the time to get to a gym, but could workout at home. What are your favorites. Does anyone know if there is an exercise CD that can be downloaded into an IPOD?

    Carol - congrats on your weight loss. I've never been on spark.com - I'm curious to see what it's about.

    Anyway - hope you all have a great weekend.

  • Marie in the past I got into trouble when I didn't get on the scale so I still need to about 2 times a week. Glad we were hitting the numbers to the good instead of the other way hurray! Lets keep it up. I am going to little Italy for the afternoon with my daughter and grandaughters. We will have lunch so I will try my best to eat healthy. I know we will hit the Italian Bakery its a must but I will buy something special and only have one. I preplanned by having a healthy breakfast no more free to fly weekends. If I treat myself I need to count it in the best I can. So sunday might be a becareful day if I go over a bit today. I am looking forward to the 60's I will even take 169.75!
    Suz I don't go on Spark everyday and count cals on it I have my own little book I carry with me in my purse seems to meet my own need. Its kind of big but thats good cause its presents reminds me to document a bit more often. Spark offers an email sent daily to you and lots of good motivating information sometimes reading it in the start of my day puts me in the mood to do well. Good luck and ck it out for sure! Let me know what yah think. I think Penny was the nice person whom got me into it. Have a great dayt he sun is shinning and I am looking forward to a fun day with the girls.
  • Ooops lost my whole letter dang!
    Glad you did so well Marie and I love company on the loss! You can keep the bigger vet bill but smart thinking on tax time. I am getting my kayak and that is something special for this years tax time. Puppy vet bill was worked out of the regular budget thank goodness. I also have the expense of my youngest getting married this year so say bye bye to some dough! But mom is trying to lose some more lbs. to also look good on that special day. Finding a dress soon I hope or I will be checking out patterns to make and design my own. Maybe a look in the catalogs for patterns isn't such a bad idea? Suz ck out Spark its get for keeping you motivated with little emails daily if you want them. I don't get on the site to count cals. just read the emails and ck out info. Good luck boy we are all getting real motivated on here I love it !!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone have a lovely day I am off to little Italy with the grandgirls and their mom. I will try to eat carefully but there will be an Italian bakery involved in this little tour of the city. So I will try to reframe from over doing it and make my dinner low cal. Talk to you all soon !
  • Happy Saturday.

    Well I have a much lighter wallet today. I was wrong about the total - it was 738 today at the vet and next Monday it will be even higher because the huskies need some dental work and they put doggies under for that. Eeks. DH has been grouchy ever since - but he is putting up our new automatic doggie door (can you all say another 400 for that). Eeks, he's not too happy with me or the doggies at the moment. C'est la vie. I love those doggies.

    Suz, I do the Leslie Sansone walk at home videos. No treadmill. It's walking in place, side steps, kick back, kicks and knee lifts. I've been doing it for over a year and have definitely tightened and firmed. Google her name or just type the www pluse her name and dot com and you'll get to her site. I have about 10 of her DVDs - each a progression on the last. I highly recommend the Walk Slim package she just released. You get quite a variety and the firming is very good. I think I spent under 50 for it so it wasn't a bad deal (that was with shipping).

    Carol, I'm definitely waffling on the not weighing as often. I'll probably go to once a week (instead of once a month) unless it's TOM then I don't bother. Have fun in little Italy and don't get caught in the snow. Your neck of the woods is the major story on msnbc dot com.

    This morning I did the 4 mile walk/jog then followed it with the 25 minute fast firm (uses a stretchie which they include). Took about 1.25 hours but was worth it. I figured out how I could do the firming on Mondays, Thursdays, and Sundays most weeks. So I'm going for that as a schedule.

    Oh Suz, to answer your question about the ipod - what I do is buy the DVDs then use my DVD to ipod software and put them on my ipod. I did both the 4 miler and fast firm this morning since I'd tested them out an know I want them available at all times. I think I saw somewhere that had ipod exercise videos but I'm not sure where that website was. Regardless, the walk slim programs are doable for me and pretty enjoyable. Other videos all get dropped after a while.

  • Hey Marie - you are doing awesome with the exercise! Congrats on the pound loss - you've worked hard for it! You're a real inspiration to us all. Sorry to hear your doggies are costing you a bundle in vets bills, but I'd do the same. We were at PetsMart today and they happened to have a dog adoption event going on. We were very tempted as they had some adorable friendly doggies there, inlculding three beautiful retired greyhounds (what loving expressions they had). They seemed like really gentle dogs. I'm glad people are adopting them now rather than their being destroyed as soon as their racing days are over.

    Carol - You are always out and about! I bet you had a nice time in Little Italy. Hope there weren't too many temptations for you or you'll end up like me with only 150 cals left for dinner!

    Suzanne, Judy & Nikki - I hope your Saturday is going well.

    I've been snacking too much today, so as I told Carol - I've only got 150 calories left for dinner! I'll have to spend it wisely

    I thought I'd share this poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson that I saw posted on another site:

    "Finish each day
    And be done with it.
    You have done what you could.
    Some blunders and
    Absurdities have crept in.
    Forget them as soon as you can.
    Tomorrow is a new day;
    You shall begin it serenely
    And with too high a spirit
    To be encumbered with your old nonsense."

    I think I'll print it out and put it on my fridge!
  • Hey, everybody! I've missed a lot of posts, sorry. I was exhausted and pretty out of it during my down time on Thursday, and aggravated that the advertised "Wifi access" in my first hotel only counted if you sat in the lobby. I'm in a different hotel for the rest of my stay in SF, and can sit in the comfort of my own room and check in....

    I did something to my back on the way out here, so I haven't worked out, just walked a lot (in the constant rain). My back is getting a bit better, so I will try the treadmill tomorrow and see how things feel. My eating is haphazard, a few treats every day, so I need to buckle down. My new hotel room has a mini-frig, which will help.

    I'm heading off for a hot bath and an early night. I wanted to zone out in front of the tube but it's hard to avoid the saga of Anna Nicole Smith...sheesh! Glad to see that everyone is doing well. Carol, watch out for that snow! Penny, thanks for the poem. Marie, Suzanne, Nikki, be well.
