Singles Supporting Singles #3

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  • Well, we're up to 6 pages. Looks like it's about that time for we singles to have a new page. Whaddya think, ladies? Should I start a new thread? I will link this one to the new one as before, of course.
  • SheriaVa: Thank you so much for inviting me back! I have been meaning to visit, but I've been CRAZED!!!

    This has not been a great few weeks, well let me back up a bit. When I last visted ya'll I was doing Weight Watchers Core plan. Later, I re-introduced working out into my repertoire and found that the Core plan was not enough nutritionally what I needed to match up with the workouts. Did research and tested things out and have found what I think is a great plan. However, I have been in a battle to match up the nutrition and food together. There have been weeks with on-target workouts and lax food and vice versa. Now, I am in black and white mode. I have found that I have no gray area, either I'm really, really good or really, really bad. On-target completely or completely off. Anyone else like this? Has anyone gotten out of this mode? How?

    Also, this is pre-TOM and the only thing I want to do is eat Salt & Vinegar chips and Frosted Sugar cookies. That's it! Pretty sure that's not on plan.

    Hope everyone else is well! What are the rest of you doing and how do you stay motivated?
  • hi
    hi singles! glad to have some returning people to liven things up a bit!

    sheriva - i think a new thread for a fresh start with our returnees would be nice. thanks for doing it for us.

    txlawchic - i just returned to ww a couple of weeks ago. i follow the points plan. it is what works for me because i am more accountable to myself. i can't go on a hunger scale because i would eat all the time.

    holli's human - i know the feeling of loneliness you are decribing. it has been a long time for me also. when is start to think about it, i try to find something to do to distract my thougths. for the most part that works for me, but the feeling is always there. good for you throwing those donuts away! donuts are one of the worst food you can eat nutritionally.

    well, i hope everyone has a good week!
  • Quote: SheriaVa: Thank you so much for inviting me back! I have been meaning to visit, but I've been CRAZED!!!
    You are most welcome for the invite...thanks for coming back to visit us!

    FYI for the others, I spent some time going through our thread and looking at the names of people who have stopped visiting and checking their "last visited" date. I was saddened to note that most of them haven't even visited 3FC since before Christmas, so it's not just our thread. Txlawchic was one of the exceptions...I saw that she had visited as recently as a few days ago and sent her a private message inviting her to come visit us.

    What are the rest of you doing and how do you stay motivated?
    I've been eating healthy and exercising regularly for what will be 2 years in a couple of months and I am STILL only halfway to my goal weight. There have been long blocks of time during that period where I stopped losing weight, despite the fact that I was still working out 5-6 X week and eating healthy. God knows, there were times I was down and discouraged...and yea, even a few times when I THOUGHT about giving up. But just the thought of going backward...gaining back the 35 pounds I lost (and likely more, since that is so common), going back to dangerously high cholesterol and losing the other health benefits I've gained (not to even mention how much better I feel about myself emotionally)...well, it makes me overwhelmingly sad. I knew that going backwards would not make me happy and that I would be throwing away two years of VERY hard work...and that is what keeps me motivated to go on.

    A lot of people have asked me "How did you do it?" They want a miracle answer, something fast and easy. And I tell them...this will NEVER be least not for me and the vast majority of the people I know who have changed to a healthy lifestyle and have lost weight. I truly believe that every individual who wants to change has to be ready for change. I wasn't ready to change until 2 years ago, when it became more about my health than my dress size. I tell people "You have to want to be healthier and thinner more than you want to stay where you are."

    I dieted for decades and just kept getting fatter and fatter. Now, I have completely changed my mindset and have worked very hard to eject all the years of diet mentality from my brain so that I can be ready to accept the concept of a lifelong change to a healthy lifestyle. I still struggle every day, but I am healthier and happier with myself than I was 2 years ago.
  • hi
    hi singles! how is everyone's week going?? mine is ok. i was suppose to have a 3 day weekend, but they asked us to work friday. couldn't resist that double time and a half trying to get out of debt and all. i still have sat and sun off. i am going to start the project of going thru my dad's things if the weather is nice enough. (there's no heat in the house right now) i am not looking forward to it but it has to be done. i will be moving before i know it and i 'd like to get a jumpstart instead of waiting till the last minute.

    i had my yearly check up today. my blood pressure is still a little high but better than it was. other than that, all is well. dr. said if i keep going to ww and get serious about exercise the blood pressure should go back down where it belongs. i have been doing pretty well this week tracking my points. i had a little slipup tonite, but nothing major and i won't dwell on it. i told the dr. i will be getting lots of exercise once the weather is nicer because my parent's house (that i'm moving too) has a lot of maintenance involved and it has to be done with no excuses.

    well, that's enough about me for one posting. i hope everyone is having a good week!
  • Quote: i had my yearly check up today. my blood pressure is still a little high but better than it was. other than that, all is well. dr. said if i keep going to ww and get serious about exercise the blood pressure should go back down where it belongs.
    That's good news, Kathy! You can do it!

    I'll be leaving town to visit my friends in Delaware for Easter on Saturday and, if the weather cooperates, plan to stay a few extra days this time, so I'm not sure when I will be online again after tomorrow. I will wait until I get back from Delaware to start up the new thread page.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Easter!
  • hi
    hi singles!

    sheriva - i hope you have a nice easter too! and a safe , fun trip. talk to you when you get back!
  • Hello Singles, My name is Jodie and I'd like to join this group. Here's why, I don't know if anyone else in this group read the Dr. Phil weight loss book, but I did and a few things really stuck with me. One of the things is that I believe I cling to my bad weight for a reason, due to the pattern I find myself following, which is get healthy and fit, get into an unhealty stressful relationship with a total loser, stop being healthy and fit, get fat, get rid of the boyfriend, and get health and fit again. Definetly not interested in repeating this patten - except for the healthy and fit part. I need help with this, I must still things to figure out because I'm still struggling with even starting to lose, I have lost large amounts of weight twice befor in my life and I come within inches of my goal and as soon as I start getting that male attention I put on the brakes and start gaining. Any sugestions or similar problems??????
  • hi
    welcome journeygirl!!! glad to hear from the outside world. it's been very quiet around here lately. don't know where everyone is?? but i still check most days.

    i did read dr. phil last year, i even tried joining a local team, but the team thing didn't last. i like the psychological side of his book. i think right thinking is a big part and like you i am in that man cycle. we just have to decide to do this for ourselves and noone else.(easier said than done i understand)
    i've been thinking about re-reading his book. i even read his son's book and i don't have any kids. jay's book is almost the same as his dad's only in a little easier to understand language aimed towards teen.

    i recently re-joined ww for the umpteenth time. i'm off to a slow start but at least it's a start. i have to work on the exercise side. now that it is getting nicer i hope to accomplish that. i wish i could win one of those precors dr. phil gives away.

    thanks for joining us and have a good thursday!
  • Hi Singles, I'm home! Had a nice time at the seashore from Saturday to Wednesday afternoon despite the CRAPTASTIC weather. The day I left, there was a glorious sunrise over the ocean and I took a nice hour-long powerwalk on the boardwalk. Lots of other people were out walking or jogging and everyone was smiling and saying "Good morning!" You could tell that everyone was SO HAPPY to see the sun again, not to mention see a glimmer of warmer spring weather (though it was still "zesty" at the ocean).

    Jodie, welcome!!! While I am not in the same cycle you mentioned, I completely understand it. There is a part of me that is very conscious that I have kept myself fat out of fear of intimacy. I haven't had a lot of success at meeting the right men or having loving relationships in my life (in part because of my weight but certainly not just because of it), so when I am slimmer and get more attention from men, it just increases the stress that I feel about not being very experienced in that arena and also saddens me because I realize how much happiness I may have missed out on.

    Still, I have decided that, for my health, it is necessary for me to exercise regularly and have a healthy eating lifestyle. No more dieting for me (I just kept getting fatter from all the years of dieting--proof it doesn't work). I haven't gotten a lot of attention from men yet, but I definitely see it changing. Instead of having men look past me, and feeling invisible as a result, I see men regularly making eye contact now and even smiling. If I was going out to clubs and such, I suppose I would probably be asked to dance and probably asked out, but I lead a pretty quiet life and I just don't get anywhere to meet men (the grocery store has never worked for me LOL).
    I guess I will cross that bridge (being asked out and dealing with intimacy again) when I come to it.

    Jodie, I hope you are able to break the chain. It can't be healthy for your body to be going up and down in weight over and over. It sounds like you've made the decision to do this for you. Way to go! You are worth it!
  • Thanks for the warm welcome and words of support. I am 30 years old now and my reasons for wanting to lose weight are definetly different now then they were in my younger years. I used to want that attention from men but now I'm trying to evolve in different ways that are only for my well being. I've always been a people pleaser, I really have a hard time saying no and when I start to get involved with a man I'm comfortable being myself at first but slowly I start to be what they want me to be, or at least what I anticipate they want. What is this preasure to be all things to all people? Anyway, not trying to sound all new agey, but I'm trying to understand me and what I like and what I want in my life. I want to start saying no and being comfortable with taking a stand in who I am. As for losing the pounds, for me basically being overweight is so distracting, I limit myself by being overweight, I hold back from doing certain things because of it and I devote sooooo much time to thoughts of losing, or how uncomfortable I am being overweight. So basically I want silence, I want to be able to have a silent peacful moment were I'm not worried about my weight. Then there will be room for other thoughts, productive thougths, new goals and dreams. One thing I remember about losing weight before is that I felt like I was capable of anything, I love that feeling!!!
    In that Dr. Phil book he says something about how you can't be overweight unless you have a lifestyle that supports it, this is true, so when you consider that to lose you must change your lifestyle, or asspects of it, that is hard to do. In a way I'm comfortable here, change just never seems fun to me at first, but I know that I'm not happy here or I would think so much about what else there is for me here.
    The problem is there are these moments I fell so driven, and then a few days into a new effort I feel so weak. and at those times I just want to eat something or many things that are bad for me and curl up on the coach, and getting to the gym feels like the impossible.
  • hi
    hi singles! what a yucky day! rainy,cold and miserable. got my 6 hours of OT in and came home and vegged out. i am super tired and need a day of rest. i did get to church at 5pm so i wouldn't have to get up early if i didn't want to.

    welcome back sheriva - glad to hear you had a nice time. anytime by the ocean is nice for me. i miss the ocean air soooo much since i've moved inland. i have good news. i was officially asked for a day shift job and i accepted. now i can stay adjusted to my new sleep hours.

    when i weighed in thurs. nite, i gained 1 lb.. i am not complaining because i was expecting a couple of more. the easter feasting killed my week. i am back on track this week.

    journeygirl - i think getting thru the mental challenge is 3/4 of the battle! i still haven't gotten thru myself. one day i'm positive and the next it's negative. i guess we need some hobbies...

    have a good weekend!
  • Quote: hi singles! what a yucky day! rainy,cold and miserable.
    Ditto that for here. I had this fantasy of having a week off with wonderful sunny spring days where I would be motivated to go out walking or be out doing errands/shopping. I have had ONE day of sun during my entire vacation and that was Wednesday. Yesterday, it rained torrentially...when I came out of the garage at the gym, it was beating down on my car and I thought "ugh, I don't want to do my errands." but I did do some. Of course, a week's vacation with crappy weather is still a week's vacation, so I ain't complaining!

    welcome back sheriva - glad to hear you had a nice time. anytime by the ocean is nice for me. i miss the ocean air soooo much since i've moved inland.
    I hear that! I LOVE it there. And being in an oceanfront hotel room on the ONE morning when the sun finally came out...and seeing this stunning just breathed new life into me. It had me smiling all day. I sent pix of the sunrise to a few friends and they said it was breathtaking.

    i have good news. i was officially asked for a day shift job and i accepted. now i can stay adjusted to my new sleep hours.
    WOOHOO!!!!! Congrats, Kathy! That's wonderful.

    journeygirl - i think getting thru the mental challenge is 3/4 of the battle!
    Oh the mental challenge is HUGE! It's a constant. I know some people on another board who are maintaining at goal weight and, if there's one thing I've learned from them, it's that the challenge is never over. It may be depressing but that's the reality of it. It gets easier but it never goes away for many of us.
  • I've started our new thread.
    I've started us a new thread. To get to it, click on Singles Supporting Singles #4.