Anyone on the Alternative Protocol?

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  • This is a great discussion- I am thinking of switching to this plan. Great tips any more advise would be great -
  • Hey snowbaby! Are you having a health problem doing regular P1? Just wondering??
  • Canadjineh- no health issues just I think I'm not getting enough to keep me going- I have horses and a lot of physical barn work comes with that, so sometimes I'm to weak to do anything. Sometimes I need a little something else to get me through the day - and this plan seems perfect, but I would only use the extra group choice when I needed it.
  • Snowbaby: I'd say give it a try for 3 weeks or so and see how your body reacts, if you have better energy etc. BTW I love your ticker, cute cow, lol. We are smack in the middle of dairy country, with a smattering of horse ranches and Hereford herds too, 20 minutes from town.
  • Does anyone have an update on their progress since switching from regular P1 to alt P1?
  • Quote: Does anyone have an update on their progress since switching from regular P1 to alt P1?
    I still use Alt P2 for my post-Funday or for a week to get a few up-pounds off in maintenance (1 yr anni now). Works great and no real 'deprivation'.
    In fact I'm doing that right now (see my Maintainers P4 What are you Eating? posts lately).

  • CO 6 if you are referring to using alternative products vs IP products, I have been using alternative, non IP products since I rebooted on January 1st. I have lost 30lbs, so it doesn't seem to hinder the weight loss for me. I follow the program as far as veggies and protein quantity etc. Just using cheaper products.
  • If you are talking about the diabetic plan, I never needed to switch but I did "prepare" just in case which for me was to buy some good cheeses and leave some at work and home. I decided if I was going to add in anything it wouldn't be the full protocol just when I needed it and it was going to stay lower carb.
  • Yes, I am referring to the diabetic plan. I have decided to give it a go this week and perhaps alternate diabetic with regular....we will see what happens.
  • Was there an initial gain of a few pounds when you switched before you lost again? I am up 3lbs...which i know is glycogen...just wondering how long the mental frustration will last.
  • I did not have a gain when I switched - I just started to lose again (& feel better) after being stalled & ill.

  • (Re-) Starting Tomorrow
    I will be starting on the Alternative Protocol tomorrow. Are there active Alt. Protocol currently using this thread as support?
    Thank You
  • Quote: I will be starting on the Alternative Protocol tomorrow. Are there active Alt. Protocol currently using this thread as support?
    Thank You
    Hi boyz4us: I'm in maintenance, but I'm willing to help out as much as I can, fwiw. Are you diabetic or doing the alternative plan for other medical reasons?

    Never mind the question... I just read your post on the c25K thread. Sounds like you already know what you are doing with the Alternative Protocol... you will rock this. I read this thread (alternative protocol) when someone posts so I'm still willing to chat about pertinent stuff here; hope your running plan goes well!
  • boyz4us- I am trying out the alt protocol after having been stalled on reg P1 for some time. I have not weighed since starting alt. protocal ( a little scared I guess).

    Do let me know if you are seeing results! I too have hashimotos and thus am very carb sensitive.
  • Thanks to both of you for the nice mesages and welcome. Yes, I started to write all of that about the running but wasn't sure if it belonged on this thread-so added it to the C25K thread.
    I am doing exclusively alternative products (from Nashuanutrition) and my box arrived today. Ready to get started tomorrow!