Let's MARCH into Onederland IN MARCH challange!

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  • Quote: Well my official weigh in day isn't til Friday, but after my bad weekend I've been weighing daily for the last few days, and I'm SO pleased to see that today the water retention has gone and taken with it another 1.5lbs, to hit my 5st/70lbs loss, and 204lbs!!!
    I'm SO happy today to see a lower number on the scales and it feels like Onederland is getting much closer finally.
    Nice! Probably a lot of water in all those bruises!

    I'm happy to report that I FINALLY saw the scale budge downwards... 216 this morning....

    Edited to add: A review of my stats reveals that in fact I have lost 3 lbs since 2/15, which means I'm still doing a pound a week....I've also noticed that my BF percentage seems to be edging down, and I lost another inch from rib cage and hips (not tummy though. Drat) It is hard to work this hard and lose so slowly that it's like watching paint dry on a wall...
  • Good news, Ubergirl !
  • After being totally stalled on exercise and weight loss, I kicked myself into gear last night at the gym and, even though my official weigh-in day is Monday, I'm still really pleased to see 209 on the scale. I'm past 210! finally!

    It's funny how I lost over 30 and stalled terribly on working out, and now I'm down ONE POUND and I'm sitting here at work, totally wishing I was at the gym.
  • Glad to hear it, Ubergirl! I was up 2 pounds this morning! I am having major water retention and don't know why. My hands and legs are very swollen so at least I know that it is water retention. I am going to be away from my scale for several days and that might be a good thing.
  • weighed in at 202.2 today..if the trend follows, i'll be in onderland by the weekend
  • It's so inspiring watching you guys! Keep it up! I hope to join you in onederland *sometime* this year... before summer maybe
  • I NEVER do this, but I stepped on the scale again after my shower and saw 215.5!!!!

    Couldn't resist changing my ticker!!! If it's still there tomorrow, I get a new avatar!
  • YAY!! So glad to see the plateau busted! I knew you could do it! Can't wait to see the new avatar.
  • Scale said 199.8! I usually wait until the number is .6 or lower before I "count" it but I will make an exception for this one!

  • Beachbreeze!!!! Congratulations!!!!
  • Quote: Scale said 199.8! I usually wait until the number is .6 or lower before I "count" it but I will make an exception for this one!

    :c arrot:

    Congratulations!!!!! YAY YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So happy for you!
  • Congratulations Beachbreeze, that's amazing news!
  • yay Beechbreeze!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!
  • Awesome! Congratulations.
  • Omg. Weighed In Today And It Said 199.8!!!!!!!!! 3 Freaking Times!


    here is my victory proof!