Guaranteed 5 Pound Turkey Cushion!

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  • Ate too many cookies. Up a pound but glad that is all. It'll come right back off after a day of lots of water, sensible eating and exercise. Reminder: don't make cookies again, or at least only make 4 at a time so you can't overeat them (one per family member).
  • I happily made it to the gym again today....47 minutes! I ran for 3 of those minutes; a HUGE deal!

    I weighed in last Saturday at 196 and happily today I am at 192. Water, tea, english muffins, and a reasonable middle meal is how I have been living this past week, so hopefully I can continuously couple this with a daily workout for some decent results.

    This thread is really helping me; I feel accountable! Thank you all!
  • Halloween wasn't too bad. I had some tortilla chips and salsa and a few no bake cookies. They were small. I am down to 202.2 today. My 4 pound gain is almost gone. I am hoping to at least sneek under 200 befor TOM's arrival. This is just an up and down ride for me. I will get there eventually.

    Brit- Don't need to talk to me about work. Found out Thursday I can't go back to Kindergarten so I went in today to move the remainder of my stuff out the room. It sucks. Someone else gets to take my position.

    Iris- That's the right thing to do, workout.

    Wee- Just climb back on the wagon. ou can do it.

    Gary- Beer and nachos? Really?
  • yey for getting to the gym jeannette! I did today as well... only 35 minutes but i am a-ok with that. My neighbors kept me up all night with their halloween party and I had a training this morning at 8 so I was proud enough that I went to the gym afterwards at all.

    I did have my halloween beer last night, but also a slice of veggie pizza. just one... so I feel good about that.

    enjoy the rest of the weekend, everyone! It's November already, so that turkey-day goal is looming ever closer. =)
  • I have had a little trouble keep my pill down the past few days. I think it is a problem with the aftertaste. Pizza, a drink or two but I plan on being back on track first thing tomorrow morning. I have not had any Halloween candy. (12 yo dd doestn't think trick or treating is cool anymore)

    I am going to start W6D1 of C25K. I did get my Wii fit this week. DH is going to hook it up tomorrow.

    Kat, I would love to have seen the cat with the bee outfit on. Our Pug Maddie didn't appreciate her devil outfit either. We didn't even try to put any thing on my kittie girl Macie. She has claws and isn't afraid to use them.

    Cakes, congrats on reaching your halfway point. Keep up the good work.

    I am going to try to refocus tomorrow. It is the beginning of a new month, the time goes back..(extra hour of sleep ) my birthday is three weeks away and I really really would like to hit 130 by then. I plan on having alot of liquid calories that weekend. I do pretty good during the week and come Friday night it all goes down hill for Saturday.

    Can I just pay the premium for the brand name pill? I am having issues with the generic.
  • lol well.. IF you insist!!

  • *giggle*

    that cat does NOT look happy in that getup! priceless, though....
  • lol no.. she was none too happy with us

    Evan (the boyfriend) has been "saving" her from this "torture" every year by dressing up with me. This year he said he wasn't dressing up, so I felt at liberty to buy the costume!

    She's, technically leashed trained, and I hope to get her out and walking in her bee costume for next year!

    And TinaMae-- Percival's a biter AND a scratcher... but for some reason (lol domination, I suppose) she gets pretty timid when both Evan and I approach her
  • Could this finally be working?

    190 this morning. Gym doesn't open til 10.
  • Well I am back down to 212.4. I had been back up to 216. So perhaps the advice I got from my co-worker and the adjustment I made to my WW points is finally kicking in. I would love to be down another 12.4 pounds by December 1st but don't know if that is too high of a goal. We'll see- I won't be disappointed if it doesn't happen. Yesterday was a off plan eating day which is why I am surprised I am down to 212.4. Hubby and I got up and decided to go have some fun yesterday and we did the rest of our christmas shopping for family and small ones for ourselves and ate out for lunch and dinner. It was fun and now we are done. :-)

    Mtiger-Sorry to hear about your job situation.

  • Thanks, Blonde! I am so jealous that you are done with holiday shopping! All my gifts this year will be handmade (too poor, lol)!

    I had my now daily english muffin for a quick snack...I was starving and the gym isn't open yet. 45 minutes of cardio...going to try to run for anything over 3 minutes, even if it's a second over!
  • Dang! I remembered to set my clocks back....but I freakin' forgot to set my scale back I was up almost a pound from yesterday...174.6

    OK, need to stop the popcorn eating...2 nights in a row after not having any for many months. That 1 cup snack for me doesn't get it. The bigger the bowl the better....dang!

    Mexican food....chili colorado, beans and rice didn't help last night....even though I brought 1/2 of it home....I sucked the chips and salsa right down. I only had one beer there it was the 4 I had watching my USC TROJANS before I went and the 2 I had after I got back home

    Split pea soup for lunch wasn't bad yesterday....the nachos might have been not a good idea

    Today is another day though...time to re-focus...just not a good day to start that since it is our monthly family get niece's turn to host, has called it at a pizza is served there...pepperoni pizza owns me....thank goodness Angie will be there to slap me down a notch.

    J-311 ~ Outstanding on the new bounce in your step! Hope the gym experience is worthy of your efforts!

    BRAT ~ great news on the loss! Super job getting that shopping you much more time to focus on your healthy new lifestyle!

    MINDY ~ Sorry about the job situation. Yep, nachos and beer are one of my biggest enemies....dang...I am tougher than that!

    KAT ~ I remember when Angie tried to dress up our goldens, when they were puppies, for Halloween...the abuse we took from our grown kids wasn't worth it...geeky dog owner parents

    TINAMAE ~ By all means you may up the ante for the premium pill! I have place the outlet center, where they may be purchased, a few more miles away...within walking distance of course...but it may take an extra 1/2 hour to hour each day to get there. Because the trip is longer you may feel you need to lighten the load a bit....maybe toss out that pizza and drink (like I could freakin' do that!)...should get ya to that goal.

    IRIS ~ you did much better on your choice of pizza and beer than I do! Proud of your gym effort!

    CAT ~ Step away from those cookies!

  • Jeannette-I would love to be able to do handmade gifts but I am not crafty at all but I am a good cook and baker lol and that's about it. But certain family members have certain expectations to say the least and they have actually voiced them to me too not so nicely either in the past. It's almost to the point where I might have to get sort of mean about it for next year too which I'm not looking forward to having to do but I've tried gentle suggestions and being nice and being tactful. If we get invited to any extra christmas celebrations at the last minute this year like it always seems to happen we will be saying no. A big thing we do that helps with expenses is start christmas shopping early usually in August or sometimes even earlier and we do sales so that helps.
  • Quote: Jeannette-I would love to be able to do handmade gifts but I am not crafty at all but I am a good cook and baker lol and that's about it. But certain family members have certain expectations to say the least and they have actually voiced them to me too not so nicely either in the past. It's almost to the point where I might have to get sort of mean about it for next year too which I'm not looking forward to having to do but I've tried gentle suggestions and being nice and being tactful. If we get invited to any extra christmas celebrations at the last minute this year like it always seems to happen we will be saying no. A big thing we do that helps with expenses is start christmas shopping early usually in August or sometimes even earlier and we do sales so that helps.
    That really stinks...I've got hats, blankets and scarves made or underway. I've explained to my daughter that Christmas is going to be tight this year, and she's fine with it. I always cook things for people as well, and presented well is even better than store bought. *hugs* I'm sorry that your family is being unreasonable!

    The family is cranky today for unknown reasons. AND we're having my leftover spaghetti; a huge downfall for me! For that reason I went to the gym as soon as it opened to get the whole movie in the cardio theater. 92 minutes (3 of which I ran, haha) later, I'm out, stinky, and ready for a shower.

    Good luck to everyone today. Weekends are terrible for me, but it's almost over! Soon we will be back to blissful (lol) monotony!
  • I am HAPPY to report the 4 pound gain has left, for now. I was at 200.8 this morning. I am looking forward to going down some more because you know I am a hair's width away from a magical moment. Moving all my crap at school yesterday probably helped. So there is a bright side to the whole situation.

    tina- Let me know how the premium brand works

    Wee- The cat is cute. Looks like the new kitty we got recently. Well, except for the whole bee costume thing.

    Brit- Seems we are dropping pounds at the same time. Let's keep up the momentum.

    gary- You will need the willpower of 10 men to tackle the pizza place. :broc : There you go!!

    J311- It is always fun to make things. I wish I had more time.

    I am going to force myself to brave the cold today and get out there for another walk. BRR!!!