5 lb Challenge #17

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  • Back up to 210 today! Argh!

    Even worse, I just got an email saying the concert we're going to is rescheduled for September!

    Heather-we're going to see the Foo Fighters. I haven't been to a concert in about 10 years, but when I was about your age, I used to go to a lot! But now I'm not seeing them till September. I'm so bummed.
  • Quote: Even worse, I just got an email saying the concert we're going to is rescheduled for September!

    Heather-we're going to see the Foo Fighters. I haven't been to a concert in about 10 years, but when I was about your age, I used to go to a lot! But now I'm not seeing them till September. I'm so bummed.
    That's a bummer about having to wait but I saw Foo Fighters last fall and hands down of the best shows I've seen. They totally just ripped into it. Dave came out into the crowd with his bright blue guitar, smoking cigs and just kept playing. Oh it was so great! I'll definitely go again if they come around.
  • i'd love to post a loss...you know, sometime. Anytime really!!!! (hear that, scale??!!)
  • Dang - i'm up to 153 today - how is that even possible? I was 150/4 yesterday6, surely a person can't gain that much in one day?!?!
  • IN WATER yes miriam!! dont worry.

    im trying my best to readjust bacvk into my normal healthy eating mode, and gradually its improving.

    had a huge disaster this weekend, our car blew its head gasket, money we dont have again huh?

    on a better note i passed all my exams, some with flying colours. so i can start year 2 in october will weigh in tomorrow

    cat is doing fine guys thanks for asking and insurance company have paid up!
  • I'm down to 153 this morning... but even better, when I peeked at the scale after my 8 mile run I saw 149.8!!! Holy schmoly I about fell over! Just a preview to keep me motivated!

    SW: 155
    CW: 153 (-2, 3 to go)
    GW: 150
  • well, i'm up one pound. I'm sure it's water though as I had curry for dinner last night and a Mexican fajita for lunch. I didn't over eat, so lets see what the scale says tomorrow.
  • I'm down another half! I ate well and went for a long bike-ride last night. I'm really just starting the exercising thing, so I may retain a bit of water, but it'll be worth it!
    SW 154
    CW 152.5
    GW 149
  • I have been MIA for a few days because I have been really sick. I haven't been able to exercise, but, haven't been overeating either. I am on meds now, so hopefully in a few days I'll be able to work out again. Good news is that I am still losing!

    SW: 143
    CW: 140(-3)
    GW: 138
    2 more pounds to go! I expect my weight loss to slow down now though, because last week was my first week on plan, and you always lose more the first week.

    I hope everyone has a great Monday!!
  • Hello losers!

    Welcome back Paula

    start 138
    current 136.5 (happy for no weekend gain )
    goal 133
  • Ugh. TOM is imminent, and I am up. I guess I can't complain, it's only a pound. If I work hard this week, I KNOW I will see a whoosh when it's over...

    SW: 154
    CW: 155
    GW: 149
  • Wow! You guys are doing sooooooooooo well!!!!

    Keep it up!
  • I'm frustrated this morning....My scale is crapping out or something it started out weighing me at 247 and went from there to 248, 250, and then 251. So I went to a different scale and it said 247.8 ....consistantly....so that is what I'm going to stick with...I'm so frustrated...I have stuck consistantly to my plan ...food and exercise and I only lost 1.2 lbs last week?

    SW: 248
    CW: 247.8
    GW: 243
  • Don't give up, Miriam - stupid water fluctuations happen to all of us!

    Congrats to Tyler on the loss.

    I'm a little disappointed that I didn't break the 190, but a loss is a loss, so:

    SW: 192.5
    CW: 190.2
    GW: 187.5


    Sorry - I want to congratulate all the losers, for some reason the posts didn't show when I logged on.
  • I was up a tiny bit


    Tyler Durden.....8 miles???? I can only imagine what that must feel like! I get on my treadmill and can barely run a mile...lol!!! I hope someday to be able to run/jog more than just a mile. I'm so jealous!