Beat The Bulge- Game 14!

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  • I think I want to paint my bathrooms this weekend.... hmmm
  • hey guys...still here trying to stay on track. I was really trying today but got to thinking about my cousin and just got sad and had a big mac to make me feel better. It didn't and now I feel like crapola because I didnt stick to my plan. I just have to try to stick with it for the rest of the day and take it from there...

    brandy - i thot u were in the clear with those doctors. hope u get ur anwers from the hematologist.

    cmom - i was going to say I know the answer to all your cereal problems....just don't buy milk. but I'm assuming you have kids so that's pretty impossible. I have had some cocoa krispies in my pantry going on 3 or 4 weeks now.....but haven't had milk for the past 2 weeks and they are still sitting there.

    labonita - dont worry about it too much...i've been trying to get back on track since Game 2 or 3. it'll happen just keep at it.

    courtnie - so did u get a new dog??? what colors are u thinking about? I would love to paint my apt but it'd be a ***** since we'd have to paint it back to original white when and if we move out. at least our bathroom has a nice wallpaper that me and the bf like.

    wendy - look at u with all ur exercise....send me some of your energy...i need it soooo bad...keep it up.

    take care ladies.
  • Ro ~ I am glad u r back sorry for your loss. Yeah I have 4 kids so I kinda have to buy milk. Cereal is also a big thing for thr hubby so if I didn't get milk there would be trouble lol

    Well I am doing alot better today and my tummy is feeling better from all that junk maybe I'll make it past 8
  • Absolutly nothing of interest happened between last night and today, so nothing to report.
    Going to do some Slim in 6 now, wish me luck! From there I'll do 1/2 hour on the bike with a high tension, ab routine and strength training.
    i'll check back when I can walk again!!!
  • I'm back and showered! feeling good, I uped my strength training by 10 a rep, i was doing10 now i do 20 a rep and I do 2 reps.
    Pork stir fry for dinner tonight! Yum!
    Catch ya later!
  • Ro - no I did not get a dog my friend did! As for colours, I want to do the bathroom off the masterbedroom purple and the main bathroom aqua (like the colour of my shirt in my picture) My mom seems to think it okay, she just wanted to talk to my step dad first. He wanted to do some work in the bathrooms, including replacing the mirrors and I dont want to cause any work for anyone right now, so I wanna know if I can just pain around stuff! aha
  • G'night gals! see ya tomorrow!
  • Morning gals. I'm waking up to a winter wonderland. Its one of those snow where everything is covered and beautiful.

    I did pretty good yesterday, got everything done and stayed on plan. I allowed myself 1 girl scout cookie while I was at bible study but I was able to enjoy the 1 and not devour the entire box so I'm happy.

    LaBonita-I hope you get through the stage your at and jump back in full fledged. I think we all hit those weeks where its just not feeling good and so easy to quit. Hang in there. Those times pass and think of how good you'll look and feel if you keep working hard.

    Courtnie-I need to paint my bedroom but I cant seem to figure out exactly what I want to do. I found this really cool paint that has a bit of a mettalic sheen to it which I really like, but I want more than just 1 color and cant figure how I want to design what I do. Purple and turquoise are wonderful. I cant stand white walls and I dont usually choose "quiet pastels".

    Wendy-How are the legs? HOpefully your body is getting used to everything and not to sore anymore.

    Ro-don't beat yourself up over your fast food meal. You need to heal from your grief and while turning to McD isn't the best choice, you need to get through it however you can and not feel guilty or rushed to be where other people expect you to be. (can you tell I've had LOTS of funerals lately?) We're all here if you need to vent or whatever else you need to make this easier on you, just let us know.

    cmom-glad your tummys feeling better. I think all that water really helps get things out a little quicker.

    Today I have a free day till about 6:30 and then I'm off to work. I've got both a service and a choir rehersal so it'll be a late night. I've been planning a womens 1 day retreat and its on Saturday so things are getting a little crazy with those responsibilities. Its all good though.

    Have a great day.
  • Brandy~ I think tou are right the water helps.

    Well my drains are clogged here the hubby has most of them uncloged the last one is the tub so hopefully he gets it fixed before he goes to work or I will be just walking today.
  • I had a ok day yesterday....Today I plan to do some walking....I have my good lunch in the oven...mmmmm...Sweetpotatoes.....I love them. I need to find something to go with that. I dont know..peaches and....hmmm I will have to look for something else. I hope all of you are haveing a great day!!!
  • Hi! I'm still here and still playing along; I just get overwhelmed trying to get to know everyone!

    I have a question: I see some people are getting 7 points a day for water -- does that mean you're drinking 28 cups of water a day? If so, HOW do you do it?? What is too much water?
  • Shelby... I know I've been putting mad points up for water, because I'm drinking mad amounts of water. I drink between a gal to 1.5 gals a day. Whenever I think I'm hungry it usually turns out I'm just bored, so I drink water. I have a half gal jug I keep on my desk and I have to refill it at least twice during the school day, not counting what I drink before or after school. If you're going to try it, make sure you know the closest route to the restroom because you're going to have to tinkle A LOT.

    I don't know about too much water. I was told that it is important to space out the water, not to try to drink too much too fast. I know on the days when I've filled my bottle 3 or 4 times my fingers have looked pruney (like if you soaked too long in the bathtub).

    and while i'm here... where do we add in the points for week 2?
  • Just checking in quick. Still working at staying on track. I'm not gonna let this stop me this time. I'm going to keep going. Now I'm off to make a healthy lunch....1/2 a sandwich, carrots, and dill dip
  • HI!
    7 points for water is getting to be on the dangerous side!! I drink 2 litres, and I think anything more than that is going to work your innards to much! Did you hear about that woman that killed herself from drinking to much water at some stupid contest?
    haeyu~ All you have to do is make a new post in the BTB Points section, same as the one from lst week!
    Taking it slow today, I'm feeling lazy!! AGH!!!I'll get my exercise in for the day though! In about 1/2 an hour I'll start with the bike and go on from there!
    Catch ya later!
  • haeyu14: I still can't wrap my head around drinking that much water! I'm good with my water -- it's very rare that I get less than 8 cups in a day, but that much just seems insane to me -- yesterday I drank 13 cups and I was peeing every half hour! Luckily for me, I work in a very small office where that's not a problem. I just don't think my body could handle more, KWIM? I guess everyone's different, though.

    It appears as though you just make a new post at the end of the points thread for your second week; that's what everyone else did and what I did, too.