Losin' Ladies

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  • Well I ate junk, but the scale didnt show it!!!YAYA
  • DId you go trick or treating Tara? I did soooooo good yesterday. It was late and I had 4 points ...and first thought was to eat a candy bar and of course use some flex points too but then I had the will power to go make a 4 point turkey sandwich instead. Down a pound too
  • hi you guys....

    sorry been mia but have really really been struggling....and binging. dunno what got into myself but im dissap. in myself.

    how hysterical that my chiro called me getting thin as i sat there in fat clothes and getting fatter. i was like has the world gone mad??? my mom gave me the skinny crap a few days ago too im tellin ya its sooo weird! im like im a porker stop callin me thin. im totally out of control w food.
    good job lorra!

    hey T i feel ya(((( )))))

    yay 1000!
  • Andrea- Thats probably their way of saying they are proud of you and seeing how much you have lost already. I bet your being way to hard on yourself and you look great. Your just being hard on yourself because you haven't made your own personal goal. Take credit for how far you have came. Every person on a diet goes thru the binging ...it's kinda like cutting up in class. As long as you straighted up before you get in trouble not to much harm will be done. This is a hard time of year to diet.....Your doing great and I know you will be back on track soon
  • (((((((( ))) lorra.. thanks. i feel so tired of all this crud. youre doin awesome! keep up the good work! hows therapy for dd?

    whats up T?
  • THANKS Andrea Dust yourself off and try and jump back on the wagon when your ready So far so good with PT. They did increase her exercises at Mondays visit. She had a different guy this time and he did just as good with her. She is always the youngest person there so she gets all the attention. The guy she had last time was over with her checking on her just as much as the guy she was working with. Even the the other PT patients want to know how she is doing. Shes making a lot of friends she will probably be sad to leave for good.
  • glad shes doin so well... thats cute that they all wanna help
  • Gained TWO pounds yesterday at DD's Birthday party last night......Thats it time to do low carb for a couple days....Wish me luck
  • hi guys---

    good luck lorra!
  • well throw that out the window ...had cake Lets see if i can stay in control and not mess up the entire day
  • hey lorra youre doin better than me.... ive already had 2 pbjs on wheat and an oz pretzels and a choc kiss and my moms gone til mon so sis n i are goin out to dinner n piggin out.
  • Hi you two, I am stilla round. DS has been pretty sick for a few days, vomitting and high fever, with cough and stuffy nose and lots of eye buggies, yuk, poor thing. Anyway i am up like 5 pounds maybe I should low carb it for a couple of days to break the sugar cravings...
  • hey guys.....
    t, im so sorry about your ds. i hope he feels better soon!

    ive got a question for you guys: how do you ever keep off any wt you lose when you low carb it cuz i always hear it never stays
  • http://www.holistichiro.com/weightlo...fifty_ways.pdf
  • I think I would try it for a few days to cut the sugar cravings quickly, other than that I would go back to eating and just maybe only allow myself 2 slices of bread a day or something like that...