Newbie Valentine's challenge?? Interested?

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  • I'm in too!
    I already had a mini goal myself of loosing 10 lbs by Valentines day! I'm 5 away!!!!
    Great idea!
  • Hi guys, I've found this site to be of great use. Cheap too! it has professional advice, helpf staff. Keeps you motivated and offers support in an anonymous setting.

  • Hi everyone! I would love to join this challenge. I have already made a tracker with my goal.
  • Can you feel the momentum, people???
    Wow, this pretty exciting, all these new 'faces' in on the challenge! And congrats to everyone who's lost a few lbs so far, especially you, anmyreah

    Well, I've already slipped today, nothing huge, but it won't help me meet my goal. I hoped to have a lunch meeting at this place with great salads, but we ended up at an Asian noodle joint instead, and neither pasta nor rice are on my plan. I had a very yummy curried chicken and spinach dish, ate some but not all of the noodles...and the dessert. So I'm headed out to have an extra long-walk home, and will have salad for dinner (and no fruit for dessert)

    See ya tomorrow--judy
  • Hi All,

    Hi Amity thanks for the welcome! I joined WW today and I have already made changes to my eating habits. I learned that my actual weight is 188.4 (which is a bit less than I thought), my goal for V-Day is still to lose 10 pounds.
  • Great idea!

    Is it too late to join? I would love to lose 8 pounds by Valentines Day.


  • Hey all,

    Judy - It doesn't sound like a big slip, I'm sure your already back on track. You slipped but didn't fall which is great

    Chica - Thats great that you weigh was less than you thought Good luck with the goal, I'm sure we can all get there

    fleur - never to late to join in, welcome aboard
  • Thank God it's nearly the end of Wednesday! It's been a frantic week, I'm already looking forward to the weekend.

    I'm back on track, I think, thanks, Amity. I was mostly mad at myself for not trying very hard to accomodate my plan, when presented with a restaurant menu full of enticing choices.

    I've figured out that my '20-minute' walk is closer to 15 minutes now , so I've started walking to the Metro by a slightly longer route, which is also nicer if the weather's not cold. We have an unseasonably warm spell, so I'm going to take advantage of it!

    Fleur, that's a great avatar! There must be a story behind that one!

    Good luck, and no nibbling tonight!

  • Just the forum I was looking for!
    I had already set a goal for myself using Valentine's day as one of the mileposts!

    I am aiming for 10 pounds in the period covering New Year's to Valentine's day, with the added incentive that there's a chance I might go to Florida for a business related trip the weekend of February 12-13.

    I am good about exercising daily but need to work at cutting back my portion sizes.

  • I'm in! I'm a little late, but I have a month to lose! My mini V-Day goal will be to lose 12 lbs. I will create a tracker for it as well so everyone can see how I am doing!
  • Amity: I bet you are going to get that cabbage patch kid very soon. You can do it. How many do you have? I've decided I'm getting a manicure. Good luck!
    Judy: glad to hear you're back on track. Thanks for the congrats on my loss. I did have a slip tonight (that darn snacking). But tomorrow is a new day and back on track right? We can do this.
    Lisa: great that you are an avid exerciser. I need to do more of that. I did take my little one out today after school and went sleding with him for 1 1/2 hrs. We had so much fun. He didn't want to go in.
    Chixy, Knsi & Heather:Like Amity said never too late. Welcome +Good luck.
    Chica: Way to go on the changing your eating habits. It's not an easy thing to do but you did it. And what a great surprise to have your weight turn out to be less than you thought. Alot of times that's not the case. for now and everyone have a great day tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that.............................................. ...............
    P.S. easier for me to take a day at a time.
  • Sounds Great! Count me in! I'll aim for 15 pounds from today - lets see how it goes!

    My Valentines challenge chart:

    My overall chart:

  • hi i am real new. i cant figure out how to post a message. what are threads. i am 52 and weight is 300. i am looking for an accountability buddy. i just started my diet on 1/10/2005. i fight the battle to eat. the evenings are the worse. i eat constantly frome 6:00 to midnight. if it's not nailed down i will eat it. i am also a christian and have fibromialgia,diebieties, along with other health issues. i am trying this method to post because i can't figure out how this wrks. how long does it take to find a buddy? i would like to take the valentines day challange. i don't want to set myself up to fail. that's what it already feels like. i just dont have any support and don't know how to start.HELP
  • Hi, craftymom!
    Don't despair! I come to this site for the reinforcement I get from the other 'voices' of people struggling with the same issues, even if I'm just reading and not posting. Like you, I have a long way to go. Coming here keeps me from feeling so alone in my struggle.

    Valentine's Day is just a month away. Most of the folks on this thread (the Newbie's Valentine Challenge) have set ambitious weight loss goals, but you can set any kind of goal for the next month: checking the site every day, taking a ten-minute walk every morning, keeping a food diary, etc. A journey of a thousand steps (you know the rest!).

    I can relate to the issue of nibbling at night I'm trying to teach myself to knit, which isn't going too well, but it's keeping my hands occupied. Also, I discovered a funny thing: if I sit in a different place in the evening, I'm less likely to think of food. So instead of parking my butt in my usual Archie Bunker chair, directly in front of the tube at night, I sit off to the side and read the paper, talk on the phone, or whatever. It's a little thing, but it's helping. For me, compulsive eating at night is about stress or unhappiness, so I'm also trying to meditate most days, and remember to other things that make me feel good--like music, bubble baths, and good friends.

    Others can explain better than I can how to navigate this wonderful website. It's really intimidating at first. You might spend some time just looking around at the support groups, where you'll find others who are also coping with health issues, trying to lose over 100 pounds, etc.

    I did pretty well with my eating today, although somehow a piece of candy jumped down my throat when I wasn't looking The weather's supposed to take a turn for the worse tomorrow, so I've just slipped on my walking shoes and will try to get a 45-minute walk in tonight.

    Keep losing, ladies!

  • I haven't been on site much this week, but I am hanging in there and saw a 4 lb loss this morning! Wooohooo!
    Sorry I'm not keeping up with all of you but it's great to see so much interest in this challenge and so many newbies!
    Where did you all get the V-day challenge ticker?