Beck Diet For Life/Solution – September 2016 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

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  • Good Sunday to you, coaches! A busy morning and now taking a few minutes after some work time on the computer to touch base and then will get started on a few errands. Some I want to do (stop at a store for olive oil for my sister's package ... and fingers crossed I wrap it securely enough but it's a small bottle), and maybe a stop for eucalyptus bubble bath, along with the regular marketing and stuff. We have the house open but when I was working hard, I was sweating - wanted the AC on but ... should be fine later on.

    Scale dropped for the first time in this plan on a weekend day - 165.6. My goal for next weekend was 164.x ... I will put the work in to get there. Thank you, Maryann - because I was going to say I hope I get there, but without the planning and following through, hope isn't going to cut it. DH dropped as well, so we were wondering, IS IT the massage that the food plan's creator said to do on this phase? Hm. All I know is I started a new envelope to save up for the next ones! ... So far, it's $3 richer haha. My mom's budgeting at work in me.

    Spent about an hour this morning, cleaning out the pantry with things that are no longer on our food plan and will not be returning to it... (I thought I was very careful on HFCS, avoiding it in dressings, ketchup, snack bars like granola this or that, etc. FOUND it in our Campbell's tomato soup - like the third ingredient. I never thought of it in there. That's gone.) I have a bag to take to work for our kitchen area - the Crystal Light packets, etc. and one to return to Target if I can ... things that were bought recently but don't need/won't use ... and a bag for donate - things that are fine but good to donate to the food bank/drives. Now our shelves are nearly all things on our food plan. Oddly, the ONE thing that I was resistant to release was the opened package of potato buds - my comfort rush breakfast in the winter or crummy mornings before - nutritionally bare, but loved the mouth feel of the creamy texture. The feeling of having more skirts fit outweighs that right now. Dinner tonight will be grilled kabobs (chicken - me, steak - DH) ... and baked sweet potato "fries" - I put cayenne and cinnamon and s+p and they're so tasty ... This afternoon I'll be prepping tomorrow's pasta sauce and some other quick items for lunches, like turkey burgers and taco turkey meat. I'm knocking out a whole flock of those fowl...

    Bill - Hasn't the moon been just gorgeous! Stunning. I hope to dine outside tonight if the mosquitoes are on holiday. They've been worse this year because of the continued rain, I think. I hate to fog for them because we have bats that I'd like to keep around us. Looked at a bat house, but my agri rep said they're good, but then yellowjackets move in quickly into them. Nixed that.

    OneByOne - Good call to get mind set and onto new program! I have a magnet that says something to the like of, "A year from now, what will you wish you'd done today?" ... I have that front and center on the fridge. I think now, boy, if I'd started this or that a year ago... Think where you'll be heading into next fall! What do you want to see? To be feeling? To have done?

    GardenerJoy - Yay on the new computer! We need a new one at home and I'm waiting on our work to possibly sell off the older ones they replaced, which I like more than this new one. If so, I'll put my name into the lottery and hope to be able to purchase one. Our current home one is super slow and clunky ... Good way to view Sunday - I need to take my cue from you. I feel like I deserve to relax but have too much to get done. Will put audiobook in the car and just roll.

    Maryann - Do you gather for the Christmas gift name pulling? Do you do it up with holiday music, etc.? Have fun with that and hope you're able to get in some relaxing time, as well! Any end in sight with this strike?

    Karen - Just saw your note! Your trip is sounding so wonderful. I'm reading many of the posts to DH when we're in the car and i have his attention But showing him the photos at lights is hard so I bring it up on the laptop when home. I have to say, this sounds like something we'd love to do. I'd hate to leave my pets that long, but maybe as you're doing, in between them years down the line. Another reason to get/stay healthy! Stay "strong like bull" ... Nuestra toro!
  • On plan today

    I started my foodplan today. On plan today 100℅.
    I will plan my food for the day in the morning.
    Weighed in at 276.6, up .4 from yesterday.
    Steady gains for four days.Today I begin reversing that trend.

    I didn't get as much done today as I had hoped. I'm a little disappointed but in the long run I'll get done what I truly need to, not necessarily what I want to.

    My priority this week is staying on plan no matter what. I want a full week on plan to see if this is the right way for me to go with my food. I won't truly know until a month has passed.but a good week will give me solid information. I am happy to be unstuck.

    All the best to whoever is reading this.

    Back again tomorrow.
  • Monday - First women vote (New Zealand, 1893)
    Diet Coaches/Buddies – Dinner on the patio right through watermelon for dessert. We're determined to get the last vestige of summer before it's over. Dinner was a white bean soup so that made it an all-vegetarian day for me.

    Did a morning bird walk, CREDIT moi. My heroic moment was spotting a Green Heron that had been missed by everyone else. That bird does a superb camouflage job.

    onebyone – Yep, "I'll get done what I truly need to, not necessarily what I want to" - the list of what I wish I'd do in a day is easily 48 hours long.

    Joy (gardenerjoy) – Yay for a new computer! It's good to see someone aware that the old desktop still serves.

    maryann - Thanks for both: "The world can change." and "Hope is not a strategy."

    nationalparker – Kudos for cleaning out a pantry of all foods not on plan. Sobering how far HFCS has crept into our lives.

    Karen (karenrn) - Waving back toward Santa Domingo de la Calzada. What rich history you're walking through. May you continue to hike 'strong like bull.'

    Readers -
    Chapter 8 Holiday Traps

    #1: The YOLO (You Only Live Once) Trap

    "Then let's come up with a really strong response," I replied. "What do you want to say to yourself if you begin to feel tired of thinking about your eating?" Following our discussion, Deanna created a reminder card:
    There's no such thing as "not thinking about" my
    eating. If I think about it before I go to parties (and
    when I'm there), I can plan to incorporate a special
    treat and feel really good afterward. If I don't have
    a plan, I'll be thinking a lot about it when the party
    is over - in a negative way - and I'll feel really bad
    that I didn't control my eating. So either way, I'll be
    thinking about it.
    Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Deborah Beck Busis, The Diet Trap Solution, Train Your Brain to Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Good (Blue book), pg. 153
  • Yesterday OP except I ate some fries at work. Logged them and made points adjustment. Credit. Work today and tomorrow then over to Glenwood for a change of pace. Weather holds and leaves are beautiful at higher altitudes. I look forward to my drive over.

    nationalparker, after years being (mostly) off HFCS I planned for grilled cheese and good ol' campbells tomato soup. It was so terribly sweet I couldn't eat it. I've changed. That's good. Wont purchase again.
  • YOLO Plain talk in Beck excerpt today!

    Super good mood as I seem to have shed ALL water weight in my first day of my food plan. Down a *whopping* 8.6lbs overnight. Awesome. Back under 270 again. What a relief I didn't totally derail just held onto all that water which I was really really feeling. Happy to persist in this victory. I have planned my food for the day. Planned my day, for the most part, and I'm ready to go get 'em! Speaking of, I have to run, but wanted to check in. Will report in later as to today's progress. See you then.

    BillBlueEyes/Others with the Beck Blue Book:
    Does Dr. Beck discuss rewards for weightloss? remember she used to say to plan for giving yourself a reward for every 5lbs down (is that right? or was it for reaching whatever your mini goal was?) does she still say that in the new book? Has it been changed at all?
  • Posting with my first cup of tea -- yay! That will make a good start to a good day. I'm declaring it so.

    Yesterday's eating wasn't as good as I hoped. I've been aware for a while that I often get pretty depressed at about 3pm when it's apparent that whatever I set out to do for the day isn't going to get done. Too often, I eat over it. What would be better? Journaling about my feelings. A plan for tomorrow. A long walk. An early start to supper preparations. Tackling a never-done project like my email while binge-watching something. I better put all of that on a Response card so I remember it -- there are some good ideas there!

    Weigh-in: NA
    Exercise: +25, 605/1100 minutes for September
    Food: 60% on-plan
    Read my Advantages and Responses: yes
    Refrained from eating in the car: yes
  • Tuesday - Ferdinand Magellan set sail (Spain, 1519)
    Diet Coaches/Buddies – Busy day with classes and an evening event, all opportunities to get in more walking but declined due to rain. Ouch. I don't need to be that squeamish about getting out in the weather.

    Food was OK, CREDIT moi. I spent the evening in front of a table with good cheeses and crackers and only consumed two dried figs. I'm a sucker for dried figs. They will show up in my breakfast routine soon when the fresh fruit becomes scarce.

    onebyone – Gasping at "Down a *whopping* 8.6lbs overnight" - didn't know that was possible. [Haven't found rewards mentions so far in the Blue Book.]

    Joy (gardenerjoy) – Yay for a good start for the day. I'd love to cultivate the ability of making a realistic plan for the day that I was sure to complete.

    Debbie (Lexxiss) – Neat to be thinking about your beautiful high altitude leaves. Kudos for logging those fries and making adjustments.

    Readers -
    Chapter 8 Holiday Traps

    #1: Escape the YOLO Trap

    During the winter holiday season, it is so easy to undo all the work you've put into losing weight over the previous months. Some dieters loosen their control at Halloween and never really regain it until January - if at all. Others do well until the end of November, running into trouble around Thanksgiving, or December, when the round of holiday events starts. If you're working on losing weight, this season can seem like a baited trap. But if you pay attention to the foundation strategies, learn additional holiday strategies, and follow a few tips, you can get through this challenging time feeling proud of yourself and having fun.

    Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Deborah Beck Busis, The Diet Trap Solution, Train Your Brain to Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Good (Blue book), pg. 154
  • My snacks were overly large yesterday, but at least it was the right number of snacks and the right food. That feels like a turn for the better.

    Weigh-in: NA
    Exercise: +45, 650/1100 minutes for September
    Food: 80% on-plan
    Read my Advantages and Responses: yes
    Refrained from eating in the car: yes
  • Made a plan. Will follow it.

    Scale moved again to 267.2 this morning. I am feeling g way better physically. I was super puffy. That's definitely left me now. I have seen my weight fluctuate like this before but I think the change of batteries in the Wii fit scale may have also contributed to false readings.

    Today the challenge is a parting dim sum lunch with a guild member who is moving away. I planned for today by eating less yesterday and eating less this morning and plan to eat less tonight as I enjoy the lunchtime rare and unusual foodstuffs.

    It sure feels good to have a plan again and to be following it. Credit.

    Bye for now.
  • I keep losing posts because I accidentally hit back on the scroll bar, but I guess I deserve to lose them if I don't choose to write in notepad or word. Was able to make lunch out work on plan - a very flavorful salad that was wrapped with thin vertically sliced cukes - gorgeous. Got dressing on the side and brought my own balsamic ... but ended up not even needing it as there was a relish on there that I wasn't expecting. C'est la vie. Going off plan hasn't been an option in my mind. Thankful for that.

    Dinner will be speedy - sprouted grain quesadillas with black beans, spicy chicken, pico and salsa. Then we're changing up plans and going to see different movies at a $5 night at a theatre. We never do that.

    Last night we made some pineapple sorbet - "we" as in I cut up the pineapple and then urged DH to make it like he did the last time - with just fresh pineapple and a bit of xylitol, it was scrumptious. It just made four small servings - perfect.

    Heading into a heatwave with temps returning to the 90s. Need to get my patio back in shape and not so bedraggled from worn summer plants that are leggy and straggly, and then enjoy dining outside again when the temps moderate.
  • Good Evening, Coaches.

    The strike ended Monday morning at 5:20 a.m. I am grateful to have my students and a curriculum back in place. Now comes the aftermath - students who have been allowed to run wild, staff who will not speak to me, adrenaline fatigue from the two weeks. I will be kind to myself. I will make no long term decisions. i do not want to be a teacher any more. No joy is in it for me. Despite the nice notes from students who I had for a while. Despite the few staff members who made it a point to talk to me. Despite the knowledge I am proud of my choices and behavior. For today, I continue to do my job, respond kindly even if i don't feel kind, pray for compassion for others. My Uncle died on Sunday. It is just feels like another loss. I told DH this could be the best two weeks ever because I now know how lucky I am to have DH and DS, a few real friends I have known forever who have walked this journey with me, a faith, choices, my health because of my healthy food habits, and places to speak the truth like this blog. Thanks to all of you for listening. Food OP today. A walk planned for tomorrow.
  • Forgot to post before I went camping this weekend- stayed on plan except one drink each night. Came home and eagerly read all your posts, said “I’ll come back later tonight to post” and forgot. Ditto Monday after work. But I should have been excited to post last night because I weighed in Mon. am and I’m down 4.5! So excited. Not sure if it is the diet plan, or the two days of eating only animal crackers. Either way, I’ll take it, and it definitely helps motivate the next 14 days of healthy eating!
    Shopped tonight for lunches, especially. Concocted a salad mix that is ready to be measured and packed, with a protein, a carb, and another fun vegie. DH is ready with on-plan dinner ingredients for tomorrow night’s dinner.
    Oh yeah, rode my bike twice! on Sunday…will try to squeeze that in again later this week, because that I can do without a) wearing my “boot” and b) damaging my heel by putting weight on it. I was at one of my favorite campgrounds 45 minutes from our house and I LOVE riding on the trails there.
    Maryann, glad it's over. Hang in there - you definitely have some healing to do so take care of yourself (and your students).
    Gardenerjoy it looks like you are making good choices and are on the path that makes you feel like you can do this. Yes!!!
  • Wednesday - International Peace Day (UN, 1981)
    Diet Coaches/Buddies – Walked, CREDIT moi, to class in my continuing attempt to understand Dark Mass and Dark Matter. It never ceases to boggle my mind that it's necessary to understand Quantum Mechanics to understand the great universe. All with a mere three pounds of brain. Albeit with 100 billion neurons. And each of those with 1,000 to 10,000 synapses. (Yay google!)

    Eating was good at dinner last night with DS and his DW (CREDIT moi). I avoided seconds even though food sat on the table throughout dinner. Unfortunately, some cookies followed us home and I'm more likely to eat them than is DW. Perhaps planning is a good idea.

    onebyone – Yay for the positive feelings from the loss of water - or the loss of fading batteries.

    Joy (gardenerjoy) – Right food is a good start.

    Nature Girl – Congrats for those 4.5 gone on the animal cracker diet. That's worthy of a headline in the Supermarket Tabloids. Neat that you can ride your bike without your "boot."

    maryann - Congrats for enduring two weeks of serious tension. Kudos for "proud of my choices and behavior" - can't do better than that.

    nationalparker – That salad sounds delish - "C'est la vie" indeed.

    Readers -
    Chapter 8 Holiday Traps

    #1: Escape the YOLO Trap
    • Make a holiday advantages list with all the reasons why it's worth it to you to stay on track. Read it at least once a day and before going to parties.
    • Make a plan for how many treats you'll have during a holiday party before going to the party.
    • Keep in mind that you can't take in extra calories at each party and still maintain your weight, unless you refrain from eating an equivalent number of calories during the rest of that day.
    Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Deborah Beck Busis, The Diet Trap Solution, Train Your Brain to Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Good (Blue book), pg. 154
  • Strategic planning saves the day!

    My foodplan is working like a charm!

    So I planned forunch out by eating less the night before and the morning before and the meal right after and I woke up a bit puffy and thought "scale's gone up". Nope. I am down 0.4 to 266.8. credit credit credit. Back on plan today!

    I am off to the makerspace for the day. I have brooches to lasercut.

    Last might got a call from an art.teacher that I will be substituting for next February. I'd never met her before. So she calls and says "so you're a teacher looking for art classes?" I said " no, I'm an artist looking to teach classes." She said "you can say goodbye to that when you start teaching, I've been a teacher for a long time and I don't make any art anymore." I just agreed with her to move the conversation forward. I have only ever been taught by practicing artists. Ridiculous. She said her students are like groupies. Whatever. My concern is she teaches mixed media. I'm not so into that and she gives them an exercise at the beginning of the
    classes. No idea what I would do for that. I have friends I can talk to though and the internet may help me, eh? Yep.

    OK Time to start the day.
    I have a foodplan and am good to go! Yay!

    Maryann: very very happy to hear the strike is over. Whatever comes you will handle it. Big honking credit and to you.
  • Still weird with the snacking. I had a plan for today and just rewrote it to a more realistic one. It always helps if I can actually implement my plans.

    Weigh-in: NA
    Exercise: +40, 690/1100 minutes for September
    Food: 70% on-plan
    Read my Advantages and Responses: yes
    Refrained from eating in the car: yes