~ ~ ~ * Weekly Chat ~ Sept 27th - Oct 3rd * ~ ~ ~

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  • Had to log back in to tell you all my NSV today!! I FIT INTO SIZE 14/15 JEANS. That means I've dropped 2 sizes since August!
  • platform - That's freaking awesome!
  • Quote:
    Happy Wednesday (and Thursday to you, Icon)
    :O Thanks! Happy 1st October everyone! White rabbits! Going to take some measurements today since its the first of the month, I am cautiously optimistic. I've managed to move around 1.2kg of water weight so far this week, if I can move around another 600g I'll be back where I was last week I am peeing like crazy I tell you!

    Oh god, there is an ad for Santa's grotto on the TV. I'm not ready for Christmas yet!

    Luvja- good luck, i am so proud of you maybe the patches would help as a back up for the gum? Not that you seem to need them of course!

    platformnine- CONGRATS!! 2 sizes since august is amazing!
  • platformnine thats amazing!!! welldone! u must feel fab wearing them jeans!!!

    Iconised Ghost.... iv noticed loads of christmas stuff sneaking its way into the shops, telly, magazines!!!!!! it just comes so fast... wer has th year gone????

    In my weightwatcher meeting yesterday.. we had to write 'letters to santa' haha that our leader will give us back nearer christmas. I said to be another stone lighter.... fingers crossed
  • Lynn- My daily routine is to put it on free step and watch some Tivo'd shows for the 30 minutes. I normally average at least 3250 steps. I also do the advanced boxing, strength moves, and add in yoga when I have time.

    Taylor- At Walgreens, I found a lunchbox that was 60% off. It is a zippered, insulated, soft sided that has plenty of room for 2 bottles of water and my containers of food. Most everyone at my school brings their own lunch, so, I see many teachers with Princesses and Lightening McQueen lunch boxes!

    Claire- I sure do love it! 24/7 its available for me to use. Rain or shine, I'm always greeted with a friendly voice and encouraging words!

    Luvja- CONGRATS ON QUITTING! And even though its hard now..... and will be for a while.... it will be worth it in the end. You are adding YEARS to your life. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Today was okay. I'm just determined not to stop until I reach my goal. I'm not gonna quit!
  • Platform - Congratulations ! 2 sizes since August is awesome! Keep up the good work!
  • Good Evening Ladies! Haven't checked in, in a couple days. I started watching my eating on Monday and have lost 2 pounds and I haven't done any exercising yet. I plan on starting that tomorrow, for Oct Exercise challenge.

    Taylor-- AWESOME that you have lost 33"!!!!

    Platform- What a great feeling to be 2 sizes smaller in only 2 months! That is great!!!

    Lynn: I have been thinking about taking a spinning class as well as Zumba my problem is that I get to worried about going to the class, like who am I going to run into and what if I look stupid. How should I deal with this ladies??
  • Hi girls. Well I have almost made it my first 24 hours without a cigarette! I have had some bad moments today, but it really wasn't that bad. I'm sure the cravings will be more intense the next few days though. I'm working nights tonight at the crappy new job which I totally hate, and by the way, EVERYONE smokes there, and takes frequent smoke breaks. This is going to be fun! Not.
    Have a good night everyone
  • HI beauties!

    Today was a fairly boring day for me. School and homework.

    I did go to the store. I LOVE food shopping. I get to inspired to stick to my plan when I see fresh fruit and veggies in my basket instead of pizza and ice cream.

    I also went to whole foods to get a few things I don't get anywhere else...raw almonds, my decaf tea...and I walked there with my dog and my boyfriend and felt really good.

    Gosh, my life is BORING.

    Ugh. Homework now.

    Oh! Oh! Chris and I move into our house in 30 days! YAY!

    helpme Congrats on those two pounds!!

    luvja How are you holding up, babe? I am also sorry for your lack of humpy-ness. Sad day! (Haha, you posted when I did. I use to take frequent smoke breaks at work too - and it was hard to stop. But you can do it. You're in my prayers!)

    Heather Thanks! I *NEED* to go get one ASAP! By the way - you inspire me. You just keep on going and going and I just know you are going to make your goal. Meanwhile - you always motivate me to keep on truckin'. You are amazing.

    platform CONGRATS! That's so huge! I am excited for you!!!

    Icon I saw matching santa stuff at the store tonight and I about VOMITED. I mean, can we PLEASE just get through Thanksgiving!
    (Is it just me or is this the WEIRDEST looking turkeys....)
  • Hi girls, I weighed in about 30mins ago at WW meeting and only lost 0.1kg (quarter of a pound) this week. Was hoping for a bigger loss but i suppose a loss is a loss Will have to try harder to get a better result next weigh in.
  • A loss is a loss though

    Speaking of losses, ive lost my phone *is distraught*
  • hi everyone! I hope you're doing well this week...

    I've been gearing myself off-track due to the sheer stress of schoolwork/etc.

    Now, boy drama. >.< Ugh. I didn't even think I had time for a relationship this semester... then, I meet someone I can be serious with. I'm happy but annoyed with the timing.
  • Speaking of losses, ive lost my phone *is distraught*[/QUOTE]

    oh iconised ghost...... do u feel lost without it?
    sometimes i feel likemy phone is necessary for me to live!!!!
    hope ya found it x
  • god i am so tired. I have been feeling really tired the past couple of weeks, i just have no energy or motivation to do anything. Twice this week I have had to cut my workouts short because I've been having to fight with myself so hard just to turn up. Eating is REALLY hard, most days I am around 80% on plan (not too bad), but every day is a battle and i usually end up around 50-100 cals over. I dont wake up with any kind of motivation or real "bubbliness" that I usually do. Everything is a chore. Writing lists and planning doesnt help. You have no idea how long it took to write this post I'm supposed to get up early and go to the gym tomorrow, but I dont think i'll make it. I just cant pinpoint what's wrong

    edit: havent found phone yet
  • Good morning ladies for me, it's good night. Just got off my night shift, it went better than expected with the non-smoking and all. I did crave one, but then got busy and forgot all about it. Anyways, off to bed I go. Have a great day girls.