**30-Something's Week of 10/1**

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  • i must be going through mid life crisis LOL
  • Walked to Home Depot and back, 4.7 miles. Stopped by the art supply store too. So we where gone nearly three hours!
    Thanks Christi. I have my apprehensions as well but not enought o leave him needy!
    Goddess~ Ummmm, ERrrrr, ahh, HMmmmmm....I'm speachless.
  • Hello everyone. Gee, I've been posting even less than usual! My computer has gone to the big mother board in the sky. It's completely dead. I took it in to be fixed this morning and they said 7-14 business days. Ugh. Thankfully DH is a computer guy and he was able to save my pictures. I was in tears at the thought of loosing them. I will be backing them up on a RW CD ASAP!! I had just been thinking over the weekend but never got around to it. I'm using DH's laptop now, but I can only do that when the baby lets me put her down. It's VERY heavy and if I dropped it on her, it would do serious damage.

    RR: All I can say is that your MIL is a piece of work. Yikes. I can't believe she has the cahones to blame you for your step-daughter's condition. I can see why you want to take your baby and run.

    Melody: Yippee! on the loss. That is great.

    Stevie: Glad to hear the hand is feeling better. Burns are the worst.

    Lauren: How was the gym?

    Goddess: There's no way I'm letting anyone near my cookie with a sharp instrument unless he has an MD after his name!! Even then it will have to be medically neccessary. I've heard the piercing makes things uhum, better, but no way, uhuh, not happening here! Good luck with that!

    I know someone needs welcoming, but I can't find the post! WELCOME to the new person!

    I will try to keep up with reading, but probably won't be able to post much until I get my machine back.

    Here's a pic of the baby girl:

    Speaking of, she's awake and paging me now!
  • I dont know, BUT i know alot of ladies who have pierced alot of things them self even the nipples so im sure it'll be ok but im swaying more too the professional shop that did my belly ring
  • KAREN~ she is so pretty what great big eyes
    I've always been an eyes person
    as they say they are the gateway to our sole
  • Morning ladies!

    To all of our newbies!

    Karen~your little girl is just beautiful!!! It's tough to get anything done when you have a little one, they can be a little bit demanding, especially when *attached* to you.

    Goddess~OMG!!!!!!! Hope it goes well! Have a Happy Birthday!!

    Stevi~WTG on the walk, I wish that we lived somewhere where we had a destination to walk to. Here it's like, well I guess I will walk to the big tree there, or walk to a stop sign or just a walk in the woods (which can be nice, but gets old) I think I would walk more if I had somewhere to walk to. On the brother thing~I would definately do the same thing, I could not turn my back on my brothers when they needed help...provided of course that they brought no harm to my children. It does not sound like that will be an issue though.

    Fit~Sorry to hear yesterday was a tough day, hope things are much better today!

    Well, tonight I am going to drag the kids off shopping. Tomorrow is our last soccer game of the season, Iwill miss that SO much!! Then tomorrow night the kids have a birthday party/sleep over with their cousin, so It is going to be a very nice, relaxing night at home with DH!! What ever will we do?????

    Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • bleh....i've got a very long day ahead of me. I'm sorta disappointed cuz last night at bellydance rehearsal one of my dancers found fabric for us to make costumes for the March show. We had agreed that we weren't doing any special outfits for this particular show. We originally had discussed me designing our outfits and 2 weeks ago it was decided that for the november show we wouldn't do that. Now that my dancer found fabric, SHE designed the outfits to wear in the march show.

    I'm frustrated since me designing the outfits has just turned to someone else doing it.

    Plus one of my coworkers who's leaving at the end of the month (she gives me the most grief at work) skipped out yesterday, and so I had to cover her work...this was after they already stuffed another 250 claims in my drawer...plus I had some left over from tuesday. They don't expect my coworker back til at least tuesday (she *always* has a doctor's note even if she's not sick) and so since I spent all day yesterday finishing up her work, I have 300 claims of my own to do today. I guess I should make some coffee and expect to not leave my chair unless it's to use the ladies room or snack. dangit. it was supposed to be a good dang friday *sighs*

    I hope you ladies have a better day than I'm gonna be having.....
  • Hi All! I was at my moms AGAIN on the dang roof. I am soooo sore. One more day to make the cap and clean up and it'll be done.

    Eating has been a struggle. With all the activity and cookies being offered at Mom's I have been "crumbling" lol and eating them! The scale is the same but my cravings are up. After my PMS coinciding with Phase 2 of SBD I had a hellish week. I think I am going back to phase 1 to get the cravings outta me and starting phase 2 properly and without PMS!

    Step DS is coming tonight with 3 friends (2 male, 1 female and we have 2 bedrooms! Female will go in DDs room adn the "boys" will go on cots around the pool table in the "rec" room. Luckily it went from being a 2 night/2 day visit to them arriving at midnight tonite and leaaving midday tomorrow. Phew!

    Holy- sorry to hear about work issues arising again. Will it be better when coworker leaves or worse?

    Darcy- HAVE A BLAST with DH I hope it works out. Last time my DH and I had that kinda night we ended up fighting. Ugh! We have another opportunity this Sun when DD goes to grandmas house. heh heh.

    Goddess- good luck to ya! Let us know how it "is" after you're done! I am glad you are looking for things that make you happy after all the heck youve been thru lately!

    Karen- what a dah'lin! You're doinga great job!

    Stevi- I think you are doing a marvelous thing. You know him so I think you'll know if it is time to tell him to hit the bricks. Just make sure this is not going to harm your relationship with DH. Also how dou think it will affect DS#1? I wish you well and I hope bro appreciates your generosity!

    Fit- nice post to Goddess. You are amazing and I thought BEFORE you do a lot and hold a lot together! You're an inspiration.

    To those I left out, sorry! I am behind on posts and everything else so I gotta run!
  • Happy Friday
    Yeah!! It's Friday!!! Happy Dance...

    Here's my little man. He's 3 years old and the youngest of five; so you can imagine how spoiled he is! It's interesting to watch how he interacts with his siblings. His favorite person in the world (aside from me and dad) is his oldest brother (age 14). They are buddies. He calls him "Yo!".....because that's how I call the older boys when I need something. Instead of using their names, I just say "Yo!" and they come running. [It's amazing how well it works---even at their football games when I'm trying to get their attention...haha].

    Just thought I'd share his picture. I'll find some of the older kiddos and post them, too.

    Have a wonderful day, girlies!

  • Here are my three older children.........Ages 14, 12, and 9. They are truly amazing kids. I can't imagine my life without them.

    The oldest is so much fun to be around. It's been really neat watching him grow into a young man! He's has "discovered" girls---------not sure how I feel about that. I knew it would happen some day, but...... He's a real athlete. He's currently playing football and can't wait for basketball season to arrive. He's extremely tall for his age. He turns 14 in a couple weeks and is 6'3". Hence the excitement for basketball season!

    My middle son is the creative type. He's musically inclined (french horn) and loves to put things together. He's extremely compassionate and is a good friend to people. Aside from all that---he's really funny. He can be real quick with the one-liners!

    My one and only daughter is a real Princess. She loves "fru-fru" stuff and is a girl through-and-through! She loves "snuggling" and demands lots of attention (of course, she's a Princess, remember?). She's precious!

  • Here is my SS. This is a very interesting situation. We didn't know if his existence until he was almost 4. His conception was one of those "oops" moments, according to DH. DH had just moved to TX and was extremely lonely. She called him one week and asked if she could come see the big city (she's a very backwoods kinda gal). Before DH moved to TX, they never really dated, but rather spent time together as a big group. I think she really liked him, but the feeling wasn't mutual. Anyway, she showed up and the natural progression of things happened. He states that he was extremely regretful and, in fact, told her before she left that he had made a mistake and apologized. [By the way, she told him she couldn't have children AND she was on birth control...BIG LIE]. It's my opinion that she wanted out of her parent's trailer (she was 35 yrs old) and wanted to be wisked away to the big city!! She saw this as her opportunity. Obviously, it didn't work out the way she wanted.

    It's been a very difficult scenario, as his mother doesn't want us to be in the picture. It's my opinion that she only wants the child support. We tried very hard to get to know him, but it was a DAILY struggle. She wouldn't tell him we called; she was completely unresponsive when we would try to come visit (4 hours away); she expected us to drop everything and come see him on HER timeframe; etc.

    It's unfortunate that we haven't seen him since Easter. DH was so tired of the whole deal that he decided he would try again later. Whether or not I agree, it's his son and I have to respect DH. I can't say that I blame him, though. She has made it extremely challenging to have any type of relationship with him. Bless his heart----SS the one that suffers as a result.

    You can tell by the picture that he is missing his left lower arm. The only information we can get from his mom is that he was born that way. She stated in court that she had a very difficult pregnancy. That's pretty much all we know.

    I really miss this little guy. Even though we've only been able to spend a short amount of time with him, he's precious. AND--he looks identical to my son. I wish my DS could get to know his brother. Oh well, hopefully one day that will happen.
  • Here's me and DH:

    Okay ---- FINAL PICTURE!!

    Here's the "old" me:

    Thanks for letting me share my pictures!!!

    Love to all.
  • I CANT SEE THEM darn it
  • Awwww, Karenk, your baby is so sweet. I'm thinking more and more about a second child these days.

    Darcy: Have fun!!!

    Holy: atleast she'll be leaving, Maybe someone wonderful will fill her place hmmmmm..... anyone here need a job

    Jessamy: thats a good attitude to have, fall off the wagon, just jump back on. That is the good thing about SBD. IF you fall off, you just go back to phase one. Good for you girl!!

    Fit: awww, i missed the pics. WOuld you mind reposting. BTW I have a feeling you are a very beautiful person inside out.

    Stevi: Good for you for picking up the walking again. I sooo neeed to do that. My walking spot is beautiful. I took a bunch of pics to show yall, I just haven't got to post them yet. Its all very rustic... you'll see what I mean.
  • Fit- all of you are are gorgeous! Your daughter looks like my step DD at that age! Cutie! Sorry to hear saga of DHs son. He is adorable. Hope things work out ok.
    And BTW your arms are beautiful! Stop that about how big they are! They are perfect!

    Christie- I have the fire under my behind to walk since winter is coming and I'll be trapped inside. Unfortunately you dont have that pressure cause it helps!

    Wearing my size 12 Levis and they are bagie! How cool is that! This spring I couldnt even get them over my hips with the buttons undone! Eekk!

    I havent cleaned the house properly but I figure 19 yr old wont care. I just have to supply them with food! I am off to deliver some brochures I made up for my horse-sitting business I am starting. Wish me luck!