Movin' & Losin' Part 12

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  • Hello ladies,

    Gosh this has been another busy week here at work. Getting kinda of tired of it, but really glad we have the work. My eating has been somewhat ok, with the exception of eating ice cream. But I have made a promise to myself not to buy anymore until I can lose a pound or two.

    Thin - sounds like you had a good time in Laughlin. Too bad you didn't win anything... would of been nice to win enough to buy you a laptop.

    Did anyone watch the Westminster Dog show last night? I watched the very end...The newfoundland dog was a beautiful dog... he was my pick..

    we'll I need to run... HOpe everyone is having a great day!
  • Good Evening Ladies,

    Well I haven't left town, and I really have no idea why I seem to be so busy all the time. It may have something to do with all my bowling. I am trying very hard to get back on track. I am contemplating joining WW for 10 weeks. Since I am a retiree of the State they offer 10 weeks of an at-work program for just $30. I thought it would help me get back on track. Attending meetings with other folks is always inspiring to me, and maybe, just maybe, I can take off at least another 10 lbs.

    Tomorrow we are going to have HDTV installed. We already had the TV but our DISH satellite company didn't have an HD receiver for us to buy so I decided to switch companies and as of tomorrow we will be with Direct TV. My DH hasn't seen high definition TV but I did in the store and it is really awesome!

    Did anyone see Dr. Phil on Monday when he interviewed the 611 lb. woman. It was really sad to see her. She is literally a prisoner in her own body. Dr. Phil says he is going to help her and that means assigning her a Personal trainer, nutritionist and I believe a medical team. He also cautioned her friends they cannot bring her any type of food if it is not on her program.

    Well I will sign off for now, wishing all of you success in whatever you are attempting to accomplish in your life!

    Take care,

  • Good Evening Chickies. Just a quick call.
    I am still walking and eating as healthy a diet as I can but I still have the odd treat especially at the weekend. I think I have got this food thing mainly under control now that I have had to liook after my health.
    I don't feel I need to read about diets anymore because all I have to do is eat less and exercise more.

    Nita - I also seem to be very busy at the moment. That is so sad about the woman you saw in the Dr Phil show. I hope he is able to help her.

    Patty - that is also what I need to do or rather not do ........ buy ice-cream. It is OK if I buy the cheaper one because it does not tempt me so much but the fancier ones certainly do make it hard for me to refuse!

    Thin - glad you are getting plenty of walks in ....... I really think that is the best and most enjoyable form of exercise.

    Halgal - I hope you are staying strong. Are you still following the Atkins diet. Is it true what they said in the news that Dr Atkins was clinically obese when he died or is it just newspaper hype again?

    To all you other chicks I hope you are doing OK and that you get to call in sometime. This thread has really quietened down a lot ..........

  • Just bumping us up to the top again

    Stay calm
    There is enormous strength in serenity. Stay calm, and you stay in control.
    When noise and clutter and confusion overwhelm the situation, the way forward is with calm and determined strength. Stay calm, and you make the best decisions.

    Just because there is a need for urgency does not mean there's a need for panic. Stay calm, and you can be the most effective.

    Anxiety can drain away your energy and give you nothing useful in return. Rushing around in a frenzy brings on carelessness and wasted effort.

    You can let yourself be drawn into anxiety and haste, but why would you ever want to? Instead, stay calm, and able to make a positive difference.

    Always know that you can choose your own response, whatever the situation. Choose to stay calm, for it is almost always your best first choice.

    -- Ralph Marston

  • RE: Happy Valentines Day... !!!!

    I hope this finds everyone enjoying a very special Valentines Day!

    I need prayer... I am SO off-OP. I have the Dr. Phill Monday tape, I think I'll go watch it before I turn in this evening. Anyway... I do have the resolve, I just keep falling off. I know how to get back on. Pray...!

    Good Morning Ladies - It's such a beautiful day here in Texas. We are receiving our first snowfall of the season. So far about 4inches... it's so beautiful, luckily I don't have to get out in it. Had lots of fun throwing snowballs at my dog Blackie. I think he was enjoying it too. Tomorrow our high is suppose to be in the 50's so it will all melt away...

    Hal - I know it is so hard to stay OP. But it is time to get back on track & stay on track. Pretty soon it's going to be spring & time for shorts & short sleeve tops... Let's get our selves in shape. I'm am recommitting my self to stay OP. Let's do it!

    Nita - I didn't get a chance to see Dr Phil, but I did see Wynonna Judd on Oprah. It was a good show. She has come to Oprah to get help with her eating. Bob who is Oprah's trainer is helping her & Wynonna also has a trainer. He stated for the first month to commit to just exercise... 5 to 6 days a week & not to get 2 hours before bedtime. Then he said they would start looking at the other issues she has. It was so sad, you think to yourself here a woman who has it all... but yet she has issues too.

    Mooz - how did you do with your weight in this week?

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
  • Hello ladies,

    Just wanted to say a quick hello.. I guess everyone had a pretty busy weekend. I know tomorrow is going to be a really busy day at work & on tuesday i'm schedule for some medical procedures a "colonoscopy (sp) & then the scope down the throat (can't remember that name), so keep me in your prayers on tuesday, that all goes well. Tomorrow i'll be fasting, liquids & jello only... so i'm bound to lose a pound or two...

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Hello Ladies - Just bringing us to the top...
  • RE: Take the "S" off of smile and let's do one, or two..!!!

    Happy Presidents Day Everyone!

    Where or where is everyone? I hope everyone is well, and staying OP. I had a better weekend, and so far today a good day. I have to begin exercising more. I watched the Dr. Phil show from last Monday with the 600 pound girl on, and that was heartbreaking, but still so realistic. That girl is absolutely gorgeous, and I can see her as a beautiful thin person.

    I am off of school today and taking care of errands. I just popped in to pay a quick bill and pick up a sweater I need to have repaired. After that getting an oil change in the Jeep and home to finish an assignment for my class after school tomorrow evening.

    I'm reading a really difficult book for my bookclub, "The Two Faces of Islam". I would love to understand the culture, climate and politics but wonder if I have the brains for it all. So far, it is a difficult book to follow and understand - I have no idea who recommended this one!

    Oh, oh... I picked up both of Dr. Phil's books last evening. So... add these to my reading lists. I believe he simply has them eating well, and exercising their behinds offffffff!

    Let's hear from you guys today!

  • Good Afternoon to all of you,

    My bowling went quite well today. I bowled a total of 495 for three games. My high game was 181.

    As far as my program is concerned I am doing okay, but not great. However, I made up my mind to re-join WW next Wednesday at my at-work program. My daughters are both doing WW in Ohio and I thought I could better motivate them if I am doing the program also.

    HalGal -- I, too, watched Dr. Phil and the 600 lb. woman. I agree with you, she is a beautiful woman and hopefully Dr. Phil will keep us up to date on her progress. I am not sure any of the remember the anerexia woman on ET but they have not shown her progress for quite some time. I sure hope she is still alive.

    I still have to get in touch with Thin so we can finally meet in person. The weather here is absolutely beautiful--it is 70 and tomorrow it is supposed to be 80-85. Can you imagine that in the middle of February!

    Well ladies I will close for now.

    Take care,
  • Hello Ladies,
    It was a very long day today. Went to the hospital for my colonoscopy(sp)
    and the scope. Everything went well.. doc said their were a few polyps, I'll know more hopefully by friday. Pretty much slept the rest of the day.

    I need to start reading Dr.Phil's book... to find out why I sabatoge myself... on bringing all the wrong foods into the house...

    Mooz, Cat, LittleChick, Mitchellez, Thin, - Hope you all are doing ok... Hope to hear from you all soon!.... Even if's it a Hi!
  • Hi Patty,

    Looks like we are it tonight. I, too, bring items into the house which I know I shouldn't because I don't have control over them. Perhaps we are just testing ourselves. I made a commitment to go back to WW next week. I do watch Dr. Phil's shows about weight loss and at the time I am watching I feel I can do it too. However, the next day I start off with the proper breakfast and then lunch is pretty good but then it's those snacks after dinner that do the most damage.

    Well I have to go because I work tomorrow and need to get up at 4:00.

    Take care and we can do it!

  • Mornin' chickies ......... just a quick call before work. It is a frosty morning here today but it is to be sunny for most of the day. I love those sort of winter mornings.

    Nita - up at 4 WOW that is like getting up in the middle of the night to me! & is early enough for me!

    Patty - I am sure you are glad to get that long day over and done with. When you find out how we are to stop bringing the wrong foods in please let us all know!!

    Halgal - I think you have it all in a nut shell - "eating well, and exercising their behinds offffffff!" I think the DR Phil books would be easier to read ......... for me anyway!!

    Thin, Michelle, Littlechick, CAt, Chacha and anyone I have forgotten ......... I hope you get to call in soon.

    Keep going
    Some days it's difficult to see the progress you're making. Some days it may even seem that you're moving backwards. Keep going. The moment you've been working toward gets ever closer as you move persistently through each day.
    Each effort, whether you can see it or not, moves you forward. Even the seeming failures make you stronger and push you in the direction of your goal.

    Those who keep going only when the going is good, will never make it all the way. The value of achievement is built upon the difficulties you must cross through in order to reach it.

    Keep going not only when the going is good. Persist in your efforts even when they seem to be pointless, even when you cannot feel any progress. For the progress is most certainly there. Keep going, and you will surely see it soon enough.

    -- Ralph Marston

  • Hi chickies~~~ i am sorry that i have not posted in awhile...but now i shouldn't have any excuses! Got a laptop YAY!! DH and i saw one offered at Circuit City that 2 wks ago was 800 some dollars, they dropped it(w/rebates of course) to 650 so we went and put it on the charge card. Now we are looking for a good deal on the wireless card. Then i MIGHT be able to get on line right in our "home" (the RV). the owner of this park has an outside antenna so most of the people can get the signal w/o even coming inside. NEat hey? So i am thrilled to be using my own now. And this windows xp home edition even lets DH and i have separate settings and usage. I like that. Seems user friendly. Plus i've learned alot about it last year when i used MIL's so often. She is doing good by the way. It was not her heart at all that was making her arm ache. So it was good to find that out. They figure pinched nerve. Thanks for the prayers tho.

    ~~1DAY~~sorry to hear about the polyps. Hope they are all benign. I will keep you on the prayer chain 's sent your way. It is very tiring after it's all done. Glad you could just rest. When i had that done i just wished i could do a liquid diet once in awhile on my own...but i just can't it seems! Oh well, i have been walking alot, and swimming too. Hope something gets a pound or two to drop off.

    ~~NITA~~good bowling scores. YGG~~ Glad to hear you are re-joining WW. Seems like it's the only way i can lose too. But i want to do like Dr. Phil says and just not be weighing and measuring everything, but then i get so lax. It is the pits when a person gains so much back after all the hard work we did for over a year!!! May have to start working out in the exercise room too. they do have air cond. in there, so when it gets hotter that would be a heavenly room to be in.

    Hi to Mooz, Halgal, ChaCha, Little chick, Michellez, CAT....just where all of you?? missing quite a few. I hope we can get this thread busier soon. I'm going to try harder starting right now!!! ~~Wishing you all well thinlizie
  • quick hello to bring us to the top..
    will post later...