2018 Full Year Challenge - Valentine's Day Challenge

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  • Quote: I went to the gym last Friday, could not find street parking, pulled into the ramp and it was $35!!!!! to park for an hour. I will return to the gym AFTER the Super Bowl where I can park on the street for free and in the ramp for $4!!! So far traffic has been OK.
    $35!! Why is the parking so high now when the SB is not until next week?

    wannabehealthy - congrats on hitting Onederland

    Toto, I don't think I'm in Onderland anymore! LOL

    I have to laugh about it or I will cry. I just keep bouncing back and forth. Today was supposed to be my weigh - in day, but we left the house early this morning and I forgot to weigh first. We didn't get home until 3PM, I had eaten, and you are naturally heavier later in the day, so I am changing my weigh-in day to tomorrow for this week, so I can at least weigh when I first get up. I don't know if it will do any good or not, but I'm gong to try.
  • Monday Weigh in
    Hi Everyone. Monday weigh in time. I weighed 199.8 lbs this morning. Began this challenge last week at 204 lbs. Definitely lost water weight and hopefully some actual fat - cut back on sugar and bread but still ate too large of potions in the evenings, continued my exercising (need to step that up a bit more though)… still, headed in the right direction! In order to combat the evening munchies I am going to apply a cut-off time of 5 pm. As in, no food after 5 pm. That should help with the mindless eating. Will let you know how that goes.

    Thanks for the shout out flower1 and super congrats on the weight loss this past week. Rock on! And Wannabehealthy, you'll be in onederland again this week, I know it!! Same thing here- fluctuating and it is frustrating! Keep up the good fight!

    And, I have been remiss in not saying hello to AllyG47 (special thanks for creating this challenge), Lindifer, flummoxed, cleancowgirl, shea5, Mara, LittleBlueCat and vickielou. So HELLO and nice to meet you! Look forward to experiencing a healthier year with you all! Happy Monday.

    Challenge Begin Weight: 204 lbs
    1st Challenge Goal Weight: 198 lbs
    Challenge End Weight: 150 lbs

    1/22: 204
    1/29: 199.8
    Valentine's Day:
  • Congratulations Wallace on the great drop!

    I on the other hand was not so fortunate. I am back up to 202 this morning. I know I was slipping a little bit all week so I shouldn't be surprised. I tend to get cocky when I have a drop. That's why I've been at 200 lbs for so long. I am going to assume it was water weight and will get a good drop this week. It's up to me to make the necessary changes.

    Challenge Begin Weight: 203
    Challenge Goal Weight: 195.5
    Challenge End Weight:

    1/1: 203
    1/7: 202
    1/14:204 + 2lb
    Valentine's Day:
  • carolI hate going out for breakfast. Breakfast at home is usually just scrambled eggs, and I don't eat it until around 10 or even later. DH loves to go out for breakfast, but it's earlier and I always over eat and eat things I shouldn't.

    I agree 100%!! I have been trying something new, and will let you know how it goes, but since we get there around 11-12pm I have been drinking my morning coffee like normal and then eating a large breakfast and then fasting for the rest of the day. I did that yesterday and it went well, but I still showed a gain from being off plan on Friday and Saturday... ugh. If I weigh myself after I eat and drink it isn't uncommon to show a large gain, I would bet $ that it is water and will flush out!!

    active OMG, that ramp parking is insane... were you able to pull back out without paying?! 1 more week and life will be normal again!! I hope your WW meeting goes well tonight!!

    wallace I weigh in every day, I have tried doing it weekly, but always go back to every day. I have no patience!! I really do like it though, I am able to see the fluctuations and get pretty good at predicting what will happen if I stick to my plan. Thank you!! I did work out 2 times this weekend, but my food plan slipped. Apparently I can not do two things at the same time on onederland!! I like your cut off time idea! When I am struggling with feeling the urge to eat something I eat frozen green grapes, they are delicious and feel like a treat!!

    flower Thank you and nice loss this week!!! You are doing great!
  • Hi Folks,

    I could not sleep tonight and decided to see how my fellow challengers are doing. Sounds like pretty well. Congratulations on losses for flower1 and Wallace I hear yah wannabehealthy and kfunk I went back and forth from about 198 to 202 for so long that I took that as my maintenance weight. (My original goal was 180) Some numbers just seem to make me weird! Unlike most people, I seem to do better if I do not weigh. It makes me focus on my behavior. It has been a challenge for me to get weighed every week at WW but I love the whole points thing and the charms they give you.

    I did get out of the lot without paying. The whole Super Bowl madness started on January 26 in Downtown Minneapolis. Only a few days left!!!

    Wishing days of satisfying food and serenity to all!!

    Dee aka activeadventurer
  • Wannabehealthy and activeadventurer thanks for the congrats! I feel you both on the flux trap - our bodies adjust to our tweeks (both good and bad tweeks) so quickly. Arrrrggg! Just have to stay vigilant and continue to outsmart ourselves- what a pain! .

    kfunk6113 great job on the double workout this weekend!! Thanks for the kudos on “onederland”. The first time in over a decade I broke into the 100s was a couple of months ago, which was a sweet victorious feeling- this second time feels good but not as good. What feels "victorious" now is seeing the scale go down- so just have to keep that up until I reach my fitness goals. Haha! So much easier said... Also, going to follow your lead and weigh myself everyday this week and see how/if it helps me too.

    Sending good vibes towards everyone for this new week. Stay strong and focused!!
  • I guess it wasn't water weight because I'm still at 202. Whatever. I'll just keep going. Activeadventurer, sometimes I get very discouraged getting on the scale, but if I don't, then I go along thinking I'm doing well then when I finally weigh I find that I'm not. So I make myself weight at least every few days just to see. If I'm gaining, I want to know so I can put on the brakes.
  • active I love how you are focusing on behaviors and not the scale, the behavior is for life and is what will keep us in maintenance!! I am hoping that I have that mind set at some point as well!! I am glad that you got out of the ramp, it is really frustrating that the rates skyrocket like that during the SB.

    wallace Thank you, I was quite proud that I actually did it!! I did take yesterday off but I am hopeful that I will get back on the treadmill tonight! Watching the scale go down is a lot of fun!! Do you take measurements? I wish I would have at the beginning, but now I do it sporadically. I hope you like daily weigh ins, they can go up for no reason at all and then back down, once you get used to the patterns its not so concerning when that happens though.

    Carol I still vote for water weight (or a regular fluctuation) as it can be very stubborn to come off!! You are absolutely right though, keep doing what you are doing, it will surrender!!!

    I forgot to post this yesterday:

    Challenge Begin Weight: 176.8
    Challenge Goal Weight: 166.8
    Challenge End Weight:

    1/1: 176.8
    1/8: 178.2 (+1.4)
    1/15: 172.6 9 (-5.6)
    1/22: 175.2 (+2.6)
    1/29: 174.8 (-.4)
    Valentine's Day:
  • wallace - amazing week - congrats on "onederland"
    kfunk - nice drop
    active - I also like how you focus on the behaviour rather than the scale. Those are "wise words" and kfunk I agree with you that that is what will keep us in maintenance.

    Have a great week everyone.
  • Thanks flower1! I don't measure myself kfunk6113 but I do notice when clothes get tight or loose... I should've measure myself from the get go! Been weighing myself everyday this week and it is informative and appears to be motivating (as in yay! to a loss and ack! to a gain)-- it works when you are in a good head space to deal healthily with whatever number appears on the scale. I agree with y'all regarding the behavioral aspects of our journey. Another piece to work on!

    Keep up the good work everyone and stay strong!
  • flower Thank you! Hope you are doing well!

    wallace I'm glad that the every day weigh ins are going well!! I agree with you!!

    I hope that everyone is doing well!! Had a fantastic day on plan yesterday and hope to continue on!
  • Not a good week for me at all. I was up to 204 for 2 days and am back to 202 this morning, so it is improving. I just wish I had stuck to my guns and stayed in Onderland. I understand why some people stay away when their weight is up because that's what I was doing, but that's really the time when you need to continue in the thread because you need all the incentive you can get. I have continued to weigh daily because I was waiting for the weight to come back down. This is really a struggle for me and I don't know why. I KNOW what to do!

    Activeadventurer, things are probably getting very crowded in your town right about now. I will be thinking about you as I watch the game. I wonder how the weather is going to be. I think I am rooting for the Eagles. I am originally from Philly, and the Patriots have won several times. Give Philly a chance.
  • carol This journey is filled with ups and downs. I am glad that you are continuing on and that you are coming back down now. Sometimes you can't control what the scale does, other times you can, but as long as you don't give up you will succeed in the end!! I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
  • I can't agree more with kfunk6113 and Wannabehealthy. When you feel like you aren't making positive movements towards your goals and it gets you down that is exactly when you need to reach out and keep the "conversation" (with yourself through others- if that makes sense...) going. Thanks for being there y'all! Stay strong over this tempting super bowl weekend!
  • It is working for me to keep coming back. I am back down to 200.5 this morning. When I "feel" that I did well, I am looking forward to getting on the scale the next morning. I have been paying attention to every bite. "Am I really hungry? Will eating this reflect on the scale tomorrow morning?" I will not suffer in hunger, but there are so many times that I mindlessly pop something in my mouth when I'm not really hungry, and those little pops add up. Sometimes just a small taste of something will assuage hunger. I don't have to eat the whole thing!

    Super Bowl is not an issue for me. We do not do a Super Bowl party. We will watch the game, but will have our regular meals that day. DH is an odd eater for a man. He never had a weight problem. He eats very small meals...never finishes anything on his plate. If he eats snack food, its a few potato chips or pretzels at a time. I don't know how we got together!! LOL