October 2013 Friends and Losers

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  • HI Juliemarie!
    Yes... I did see the challenge and, of course, I'm rooting for ALL of you guys to win!
    I was referring to @Barri's comment about her centre telling her to weigh herself only three times a week and not everyday as my centre told me. That's why I was posting everyday... I thought ALL the centres operated that way. LOL, I guess not!

    I will post everyday. Thanks. By posting, at least I will visit the site and see what's happening around here!

    Meanwhile, TOM has descended upon me I feel tired, achy and my legs are so swollen (a new symptom I've been experiencing) and I just want to sit down. But, I have so much to do outdoors! The weather is supposed to warm up slightly today and there will be no rain until nighttime. I have to clean up my shed and make some room for the kids bikes! I want to do that while it's warm. I also have to clear up the garage and put a few patio things away! Yikes... no time to think about the pain my legs will be in!

    Oddly enough, with all the water weight I'm gaining, my weight actually came back down today. It's right where my ticker says it is! Very strange but I'll take it!!

    Good luck to all you ladies. I just know that you will overcome your issues. Binging, grief eating, couple eating and even just eating the wrong things will slowly subside and you will achieve your desired goals!
  • Good morning Shy. Glad to see the weight is back down. I knew it would be Enjoy the outdoors today. It's already 80 here this morning! It's better than the 90s we get in the summer, but I'm ready for the "cold fronts" to start.
  • Hi Girls,
    I am here and I have been mostly OP, but far from perfect. It is a step in the right direction, and my sclae is in a downward direction, which is way better than gaining. I will check out the challenge in a minute. I really could stand to lose 20 by Christmas. I have an event I have to go to with DH and his company, and darnit, I want to look good.

    Well, today is Halloween.........and I have thought out how it will go. I am going to stay OP, and enjoy some candy. I am not going to go hog wild, but I am going to be realistic. Life is too short not to enjoy each day.....IN MODERATION.

    Katie, Katie, Katie......the heart break you are in is real. It is hard. Take care of yourself in their honor. Take are of yourself because you want to be healthy as long as you can for your babies so they can be much older (hopefully) when they have to suffer this loss. Take care of yourself because that is what your parents would want for you. Take care of yourself because you are worth it. I feel a bit of Stuart Smalley coming on, but I will keep this as serious as it should be. Take just today....and treat your body as it deserves to be treated. Just today. You can do this.

    There are many others I want to reply to right now....but time is so short. I have to go to the local college and take a skills assessment test this a.m. before work. Much to tell there...but I am going back to school to become a real nerd (accountant).

    More later....but be good to yourselves today, ladies.
  • Hello ladies!


    How's it going today???

    @Bizlawchik: LOL. I actually had to convert the 80F you are experiencing and convert it to Celsius! I can't do the conversion in my head... although I used to be able to!
    Wow. That's a warm summer day. I'd be sitting in my house with the air conditioner on! Hopefully the humidity wouldn't be so bad that I could manage to get out and do a little bit of gardening. I'd probably have to wait until the evening when things cool down though.

    We are in a bit of a cold spell right now with lots of rain. The rain just isn't stopping! Thankfully, it seems to come in the late evening or overnight. However, today is just rain rain rain. In fact it's surprisingly warm for Halloween... but apparently we are in for an extremely windy and wet Halloween!
    We had a warmish day yesterday and that is why I wanted to take advantage of the dry weather! I got all my patio furniture put away, all the pots put away, and the bbq put away! I still have a little bit of cleaning to do in the garage but that can be done anytime as I'll obviously be indoors! There is a sense of zen over me. I feel accomplished and great knowing that my yard has been put to sleep and is ready for winter!

    Would you like to know the 'warm' temperature we had yesterday? We had a 14C day! That would be 52F in your neck of the woods! LOL
    It was a beautiful fall day for sure!
    Today it's going to be 16C... warm for Halloween!
    Next week we're pretty well into the 5C range. Typical.

    I see that you have a 8lb goal for Thanksgiving. That's great! You can and will do it. It just takes determination and willpower. Obviously you have both!

    @Katie: I sincerely wish and will pray that your heartache mends quickly. Of course the pain will still be around but may is start to be replaced with happy memories! I hope this happens quickly for you.
    I have to echo @Mama Nicole's comment. You have to be healthy for your children. It's the circle of life and now your focus should be on yourself and your children.

    @Mama Nicole: Wow. I'm in awe of you! I think it's fantastic that you are going back to school. I wish you all the best and all the success that comes from 'bettering' ourselves!!
    Good for you.

    Also, congratulations on staying OP!

    Update: I got my stuff done outdoors and, unfortunately, my house looks like a tornado went through it! lol. I guess I'll be trying to clean it up the best I can before the little monsters start knocking at my door.

    It's TOM and my weight is going crazy. I'll have to ride it out and see how the dust settles. Hopefully I won't do too much damage. I'm uncharacteristically craving stuff... salty stuff... and so i gave into it last night and almost polished off a bag of potato chips! Oops...
    I guess that my body just needed that.
  • I rocked my computer skills assessment test . It was a 65 minute test...finished in 30 mins and scored 92%! Woohooo.
  • Halloween was a very wet and windy one! I can't believe a lot of kids still went out, including mine, on such a crazy night.
    Lol... I guess if I were a kid, I'd still go out for all that free candy. The weather wouldn't stand in my way!

    @Nicole: Fantastic! I'm glad you rocked the assessment! I think it's a great way to start you new career/education! Keep it up.

    How's everyone doing?
    How was your halloween? Did you manage to stay away from the candy and chips?
  • Good morning women!
    How are we all doing?

    I guess every one is too busy to post a quick update? I hope you have all managed to lose some weight since you last posted....

    As for me, I actually forgot to weigh myself this morning. I'm so exhausted. I had company from out of town and, as soon as they left, I ran to the stores to buy items or my DS's birthday party today! I just want to get everything ready and then I can relax. I still have time but I just hate last minute stress and I'm trying to avoid it!
    Besides, it's still TOM around here and my weight is not quite accurate!

    Hope to hear from you soon!
  • hey...
    Where is every body???
    Don't tell me that this thread is dying already? I was so excited to find it and to get 'help' and to help and encourage others along our paths to a healthier lifestyle!

    Update; Yes.... the dreaded TOM is just leaving. It's done a number on my system this month. I've experienced symptoms I've never had before and it caused me to eat much more than I would ordinarily eat. I actually felt dizzy on several occasions and thought that I needed food and quickly ate anything around to keep from falling over!
    Has anyone else experienced dizzy spells?
    I should note that I am on iron pills on advice of my doctor! Perhaps my body just needs time to adjust.

    Should we start a November thread?
  • Hey Shy-It might take me awhile to remember to come over to this site on a regular basis-I'm so used to most of my social interaction being on FB!

    Hopefully you'll feel normal now that TOM is over. If you have a heavy cycle-I can imagine you might feel a little dizzy if that's not the norm for you. I would write down your TOM symptoms and keep it in case it keeps reoccurring so you can let your doc know. I wouldn't think iron pills would make it worse, but I suppose it could.

    I struggled some this weekend. I can do so good with willpower on the actual holidays (i had 2 pieces of candy on Halloween-thought that was pretty good . .)---it's the day or two AFTER that get me. Once I let my guard down. Stupid candy. Stupid people who keep bringing their candy into work, church, and I SWEAR SOMEONE PUT CANDY IN MY PURSE.

    Oh well-new week. new start. And yes .. .I'll start a Nov thread . .