Daily Thread--October 16-31, 2012

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  • Rhonda, I am glad you are having a good time. I think I was eating with you but from down here.

    I am sad. One of the seniors I've known since he was a freshman was killed in an auto accident last night. He had stopped on the I-35 freeway in Fort Worth to help a stranded motorist. A drunk driver killed him.
  • Oh Sandra. How awful! Prayers for you and his family
  • Thank you, Sloan. Are you getting some rest this weekend? I hope so.
  • checking in. Arrived in Florida. Had good weather all the way down. My feet are swollen from driving over 10 hrs. Hubby followed behind me.

    Sandra, that is so sad. My condolences.

    Rhonda, why are you mad at Dr. Oz? Did i miss something? Glad you are enjoying yourself.

    Hi Tea2. Welcome and I always did Core when I followed WW.

    Ok, I"m tired. Need to get these feet up.
  • Sandra ..such a sad thing..sorry !!!

    Pam..glad you are there safe..how long will you be there ??
    Put those feet up and rest !!

    I have rested and not been very productive all weekend..
    Looked at a house yesterday, went to eat with a friend,
    had a showing today, ate & watched a football game with
    another friend today.
    My brother & his wife mentored a boy as a preschooler
    all the way through college who plays profootball now.
    We consider him a family member so watching him play is
    a highlight.
  • Hi Ladies

    Sorry I was not on the thread yesterday,I was also getting ready for Hurricane Sandy. I put all the outdoor stuff that was loose and brought it down stairs in the basement and tried down other things. This morning I heard on NE News that Falmouth only had 30 MPH winds so I decided to go to Daily Mass. The priest told us that the winds were going up to 70 MPH tomorrow and we should come for our safety. So I'm staying for the duration. The only thing now is I have to double up cooking on all meals so I have leftovers and can eat them cold just in case the power goes out.

    On Sat I picked up my meds just in case I can't get out with the storm. I put all my patio loose stuff down to the basement and the other heavy stuff[like picnic table is up again the grill and wall of the patio. I also bought a car adapter for the cell phone if we lose power I can charge my car phone in the cigarette lighter of my car. So I'm all set,I went to my next door neighbor and to her that I was fine and they should worry about me during the storm. There reply was they completely forgot about the storm and thanked me for letting them know .Now they went out to get there lost minute things.

    Another pound is lost ,down to 156. I really think that the Atkins shakes are working for me to lose weight.After I get down to my weight goal I will continue with as a fast for the Year of the Faith.

    SANDRA-Had a great time with Rita,but we did see a head on collision with two cars right in front of our restaurant,but we didin't hear the collision. A policeman came into the restaurant asking if any one really saw the crash. Two old men were taken out of there car in a stretcher that other two were a young couple that wasn't hurt. Of course we all talked about the accident. I'm so sorry about the senior good seminarian That tried to help someone and go killed himself. Sometimes you don't know WHY,this happens.

    NANCY-What did you think of Argo,I loved that movies and gave it a 10+ on my rating. Hope the actors and the picture win some kind of wards at the Academy.

    PAM-I'm so sorry about your heart hope that you don't have any problem after you down in Fla. That, so scary,TG you went to the ER and go some meds and patch for it.

    TEA- to the thread and big congrats on your 7 lb lose.


    Have a great day
  • We're home today. Tomorrow Curtis has a doctor's appointment. His new shoulder is popping out of the socket. What next? I feel really sorry for him. School activities for tonight have been cancelled due to the loss of the senior. The whole community is devastated.

    Maryann, be safe. That's a good idea about getting the car charger for your cell phone.

    Nancy, how did the showing go? Have you heard anything?

    Rhonda, I guess you're in the air heading home. Be safe.
  • Sandra..Sorry about Curtis' shoulder..I think those things are easier to endure than watch someone we love endure..

    My showing wasn't very interested. Said road noise was bad..That is weird because we are on 3 acres way back from a small road..Seems quiet as can be to me ...I am sorta liking the idea now of being here through the winter..
    I can focus on other things like diet , exercise , work & go through more stuff..I have been so hyper focused on house repairs that its nice to be on to other things.

    I have been pondering about travel therapy..I am restless and that might be perfect..
    I could do per diem, daily work til the house sells and then try travel. Or a school position til Summer..
    But its a lot to think about , I would still want to have a home base townhome and I wonder whether its affordable to do that. I might talk to a few agencies this week just to learn more about it. I found a blog by a Travel therapist that did it for 4 or 5 years..She went all over & loved it.

    My son told me today I should buy a farm and learn to live off the land..

    Its really windy tonight and sorta eiry..I let the cat out and he hasn't come back to the door, but he will probably be at the door in a few minutes..I worry when he's out at night..

    Everyone stay safe tonight !!

    I have a friend that is spending the night on his boat tonight in port in the Cheasapeake Bay.. As of about 10 he was fine..Say a prayer for him if
    you think about it..
  • My cat came in finally..All snugged up..
    Can't sleep so I am going to watch a NetFlix show,

    I am ashamed to say that I have gotten into the Revenge
    series. I am half way through the first season now..
  • I'm home now; I was ahead of the storm by about 1/2 day. Take off was bumpy, but that was all. I was quite tired and emotional about my friend who is so sick and whose condition is fatal. His quality of life is poor at the moment, with severe pulmonary fibrosis.

    Sandra, I am so sorry to hear of your community's loss. If anyone is looking for a charity to donate to, give some money to MADD--they do good work. And, poor Curtis. His recovery had been so smooth that this must be quite a shock. I hope it's not too painful.

    Maryann, I'm glad to hear that you got prepared for the storm and I hope you didn't suffer. I have a niece in Md. and a friend in Manhattan--they both came through OK. Toronto was to be hit last night and today.

    Nancy, tell your son that you will live off the land when he lives with you and does the bulk of the physical labor. I hope you can snuggle in for the winter and get some rest. If you want to travel, just get yourself down to Texas!!

    I'm going to tap practice in an hour, wearing my tap shoes for the first time since July. I hope my foot holds up
  • Rhonda, welcome home. I'm glad you got out ahead of Sandy. That is sad about your friend. No wonder you were feeling emotional. Glad you're heading to tap. I'm heading to WW. I'm not smiling much about that. Well, that was a weak cyber attempt.

    Nancy, I agree with Rhonda. Just look at all the states you could visit going to see Chickies. Have you seen "Eat Pray Love"? Just wondering. Also, I am big time into "Revenge." Let me know if you want to chat about it. Others here would prob prefer we do it privately. I imagine it could be boring if you weren't a watcher.

    Well, it's time for me to leave. It's too late for . I'm on my own. After I get home, we're going back to Curtis' specialist. Later this afternoon our grands are coming over. Ya'll have a good day.
  • new to ww
    Hi everyone. I'm new to this site and new to WW. So far I'm really liking it. It is a big change from the Atkins diet that I was on for the past year. I just came across this thread and thought I would introduce myself. I'm Mandy by the way. Hope everyone has a good day
  • morning chickies.

    Did someone mention Revenge? I am totally a fan of that show, since day one. I got my granddaughter hooked too.

    Sandra, seems like we watch a lot of the same programs. Hope Curtis can find some relief. Good luck with WI.

    Nancy, I thought you might be in the path of Sandy. Glad you are safe. I would love to be able to travel. If you can do it, I say go for it.

    Hope Maryann is safe.

    Welcome home Rhonda. So sorry about your friend. Did you leave early because of the storm, or was that in the plans? Good luck with tap.

    I think we may attempt to vote early today. Depends on the length of the lines. If not, we'll just wait and go Tuesday.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Hi Mandy and welcome. We were posting at the same time. I never could do Adkins more than a couple days. I think you will enjoy WW.
  • It is really difficult at first, but after awhile it got easier. I was determined to do it this time (I had tried and failed once before). The one thing I did different this time was to plan ahead and make sure I had plenty of foods that I liked and that were on plan. The hardest thing was being the only person in the house (4 other people) that was dieting.

    Atkins works, but I stalled out for the last couple of months and bounced back and forth between 265 and 268. I just couldn't seem to get the scale to go down anymore. So I decided it was time for a change. This is the first day of my third week on WW's and the scale is already showing a difference. I still feel like I'm cheating when I eat bread, potatoes or pasta, and I still can't eat an entire bun on anything. It's so nice to be able to eat normal again and actually lose weight. I didn't realize just how much I missed some of my favorites like the oven-roasted chicken sandwich at Subway I really, really, really hope WW's continues to work for me. My teenage daughter is doing WW's with me. She tried Atkins, but just couldn't stick to it. This should be so much easier for her to stick with.

    Oh, and I have to get caught up on Revenge because everyone here at work just goes on and on about it. It must be a really good show.
  • Mandy. I can't do Atkins either...must have fruit!

    Pam, my original plan was to fly out Monday, so it was just luck. You asked me about Dr. Oz. I'm not mad at him, but he promotes a lot of unproven stuff in my opinion. But, I do like some of his advice.

    Tap went well. I've taken two Ibuprofen to prevent swelling. I think I'm gong to get back into it without too many problems. That's good because we have a lot of scheduled performances.