IP Weekend Chat - 25-27 February 2011

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  • Quote: Thanks Juice, I have read that you are going to alternative program but I hope you are going to stay here and post your successes I would hate to lose one of the token males here on the site. I know you will be successful with your weight loss journey just stay and keep us informed.
    I will be sticking around here and still posting. I still want to support all of you and my family members on this program. The cost was getting to be a bit rediculous for my families budget. We will see what happens this first week on my "alternate" plan. Even looking into the plan for "atheletes" even though I am not one, I would really like to start hitting the gym. Few more pounds to go before I start the gym.
  • Quote: Hi all,
    I've rewarded myself with a cut and color. I would like to get my nose pieced, too. I am a 36 year old mom and I know mom's a lot older with nose piercings!!
    My Mom is 57 and actually very classy, she has a nose "stud". Of course she had to have a diamond stud made!
  • Quote: oh geez, that must be so frustrating. how do you know your not in ketosis? i am too much of a newbie to be much help i am afraid, but i do know that my coach said NO gum as it tells your stomach food is coming. i was a big gum chewer! now its listerine breath strips...are you drinking your water? sounds like your doing everything else right. Please dont give up, and hopefully some of the more 'seasoned' folk can help you out
    Thanks for the support. I don't have any signs of ketosis, smell from breath, and lack of hunger. And yes am drinking 100 oz of water a day. My counsellor said there were gums that were perfectly fine, that have a new product xylolil (or something like that) which is not sugar. Will try to keep plugging along. Thanks again. Kate
  • Hello everyone!

    I hope everyone is ready for the weekend. I know I am. I went to my WI and I am down -5 lb this week. Which is a total 42 lbs in 8 weeks. I have never in my life been on a diet that I have lost this much weight already. I am on cloud nine right now. It is totally unbelievable.

    So as promised for the newbies out there I started the Novi Cleanse today sold by IP. It is for 23 days and it cost me $67.00. I have a sheet of instructions that I will scan to email and then post to you guys on Monday. So here's to my 23 day cleanse journey. I am told parts will be ugly while the toxic waste is being eliminated from my body but I am up for the challenge. My coach recommends the cleanse after AT LEAST 4 weeks of being on IP stage 1. Just a FYI for everyone. So this one is for you newbies, I am taking one for the team and will let you know how I am doing.
  • WI #2 and down another 4.6 lbs for a total of 9 in 2 weeks. I'll take it. Also down another 7.5 inches (but I think my coach was willing the tape measure tighter in a couple spots). LOL
  • Quote: Hello everyone!

    I hope everyone is ready for the weekend. I know I am. I went to my WI and I am down -5 lb this week. Which is a total 42 lbs in 8 weeks. I have never in my life been on a diet that I have lost this much weight already. I am on cloud nine right now. It is totally unbelievable.

    So as promised for the newbies out there I started the Novi Cleanse today sold by IP. It is for 23 days and it cost me $67.00. I have a sheet of instructions that I will scan to email and then post to you guys on Monday. So here's to my 23 day cleanse journey. I am told parts will be ugly while the toxic waste is being eliminated from my body but I am up for the challenge. My coach recommends the cleanse after AT LEAST 4 weeks of being on IP stage 1. Just a FYI for everyone. So this one is for you newbies, I am taking one for the team and will let you know how I am doing.
    Congrats on your losses! Way to go. Good luck with you Novi Cleanse journey. Hope it goes ok for you. Have a great weekend.

    Quote: WI #2 and down another 4.6 lbs for a total of 9 in 2 weeks. I'll take it. Also down another 7.5 inches (but I think my coach was willing the tape measure tighter in a couple spots). LOL
    Good work! You are seeing good results. Keep it up.
  • HI everyone!!!

    Sorry, no time to read back and I need help!

    I had my first "eating out" experience, and we went to Johnny Carino's for a lunch meeting....

    I ordered Chicken Marsala (no flour on the chicken) no Marsala sauce, and had mushrooms and sautee'd spinich. But it was swimming in garlic flavored olive oil. It was sooo good, I ate every bite, but now I'm freaking the **** out, because there was so much olive oil. (I hope that's all it was) but still... it was way to much.


    I feel like a did a very bad thing, what will this extra oil do to me? I'm not a eater and a puker, but I feel like I should puke. It was sooo good, that it just has to be bad!
  • Have a great weekend all! Stay on protocol and you will be one more weekend closer to your goal or mini goal. Stay strong!
  • Quote: hi rondar! i'm not sure yet, but i was thinking about cutting all of my hair off. i have really long hair that goes to the small of my back. i've had it this way for the last 6 years. i was thinking that if losing weight is going to give me a different body, why not completely change my hair so that i look almost unrecognizable? i think it would be fun. i like to think about running into people that i haven't seen in a year (after the weight is lost and the hair is gone) and them not even knowing it was me. to me, that seems like the ultimate reward... if that makes sense.
    Just so you know- 'locks of love' requires 12" of hair length or more( has to be tied before cutting) you can google Locks of Love and print out the form. ( I have done it) Now 'wigs for kids" will take 10" or more.. Each site has requirements. It takes about 8-12 donations of hair to make a wig..
    The volunteers separate the hair by colors and length. It's quite a process. Both are wonderful causes!

    If I may suggest, You'd look great with hair just below your shoulders with a dragged forward angle in front that would create layers down the sides, and you could even do a side bang to show off that pretty face! Or ir you decide to go braver, I have some cute pics I could send you..
  • Quote: HI everyone!!!

    Sorry, no time to read back and I need help!

    I had my first "eating out" experience, and we went to Johnny Carino's for a lunch meeting....

    I ordered Chicken Marsala (no flour on the chicken) no Marsala sauce, and had mushrooms and sautee'd spinich. But it was swimming in garlic flavored olive oil. It was sooo good, I ate every bite, but now I'm freaking the **** out, because there was so much olive oil. (I hope that's all it was) but still... it was way to much.


    I feel like a did a very bad thing, what will this extra oil do to me? I'm not a eater and a puker, but I feel like I should puke. It was sooo good, that it just has to be bad!
    sherry- imho- the oil is not going to bother your ketosis. you will burn the fat you ingested before you dip into your fat cells is all. you should feel very full for quite awhile so just enjoy and relax!

    Quote: Just so you know- 'locks of love' requires 12" of hair length or more( has to be tied before cutting) you can google Locks of Love and print out the form. ( I have done it) Now 'wigs for kids" will take 10" or more.. Each site has requirements. It takes about 8-12 donations of hair to make a wig..
    The volunteers separate the hair by colors and length. It's quite a process. Both are wonderful causes!

    If I may suggest, You'd look great with hair just below your shoulders with a dragged forward angle in front that would create layers down the sides, and you could even do a side bang to show off that pretty face! Or ir you decide to go braver, I have some cute pics I could send you..
    costal- great info! i'd love you to send me some shorter hair pics, would ya? i'm not sure if my email is in my profile. i'll go check.... or you can PM me with some links. i am going to do something when i get this weight off!
  • Oh thank you, thank you, thank you Rondar & Jace!

    So this will probably slow down the weight loss, is that true?

    ***pet pet pet*** cute Jace on the head...
  • Hi everyone! I am still around and eating well but no weight loss. My weight is still around 190 to 192 but I have found out what is wrong. My thyroid is out of whack. I get my thyroid tested every year but it always shows normal but I have all the symptoms. So hopefully when this is treated, I will start to lose.

    So sometimes it isn't a matter of of willpower or feeling sorry for myself but you may have a serious medical problem you don't know about.
  • is anyone having an issue with meg dry skin?? mine is usually dry (nice Alberta winters for ya!) but it has been esspecially dry since I started this diet and I am getting what looks like exzema on one of my hands. Any suggestions on how to deal with this? I am going through lotion at a very rapid rate!
  • Quote: HI everyone!!!

    Sorry, no time to read back and I need help!

    I had my first "eating out" experience, and we went to Johnny Carino's for a lunch meeting....

    I ordered Chicken Marsala (no flour on the chicken) no Marsala sauce, and had mushrooms and sautee'd spinich. But it was swimming in garlic flavored olive oil. It was sooo good, I ate every bite, but now I'm freaking the **** out, because there was so much olive oil. (I hope that's all it was) but still... it was way to much.


    I feel like a did a very bad thing, what will this extra oil do to me? I'm not a eater and a puker, but I feel like I should puke. It was sooo good, that it just has to be bad!
    Breathe buttercup - everything is going to be just fine. Don't puke (because then you're attempting to fix the problem with something negative). Accept the experience and learn from it! It's hard to say what it would do to your loss just because you are already so close to your goal. At least you enjoyed it! I love Johnny Carino's - that's definitely a place I couldn't go right now. The Bowtie Festival is my favorite thing EVER!
  • Okay guys - I am literally having a hormone fueled mental break down right now. Today was good in general - worked and got my nails done in prep. for my trip...... then I came home..... just in time to witness the pizza delivery guy pull up and deliver a pizza to my family - well if that wasn't enough to make me want to cry - I unhappily ate my grilled chicken and broc. - blah. I somewhat got over myself just in time to go through my new food order- I had to order for over a week as I am away until Monday 3/1 - well wouldn't you know - the clinic messed up my order - they shorted me 6 of my lunch packets - chili, spag., etc. GRRR. I left them a message - but I know they wont get it until Monday - and by then I will be gone....

    I want to cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! argh!

    Sorry for the drama! lol.