*~*Weekly Chat December 6 - December 12*~*

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  • Hokay, so I haven't been in weekly chat in damn near months and I seriously miss it. Weight loss is going at a snail's pace and I need to come back here for the support of all of you wonderful ladies <3

    I was so close to getting back into the 170s yesterday and I ate fine and worked out, etc etc, but this morning I'm up - not by much - but I think it might be from emotions. My cat got very sick suddenly over the weekend and we had to put her down yesterday. I've dealt with putting pets down before, but this one is a lot harder for me than usual. This cat was the best cat I've ever had, soooo much personality. She lived in my room (which seems really lonely now without her). And last night I thought I was going crazy because I thought I felt her jump up into the bed and walk around on my feet like she normally would. I didn't sleep well, so let's throw that in there as a possibility to a gain. And it's really not helping my enormous plateau, seriously I'm losing at such a snail's pace. It took from September - December to put off 5lbs.

    JLNichols - I usually attribute the occasional dark pee (usually I get it in the morning) when I've lost weight. Usually when I see that color I'm down a few ounces/0.5lb on the scale.
  • When your pee is dark like that, its severe dehydration.
  • i don't think thats necessarily true because i drink a ton of water...at minimum 8 eight ounce glasses a day..but i usually aim for 12. plus you get water from foods too. so i know i'm not dehydrated...plus it doesn't happen often, just randomly so i think it may be something i'm eating or not eating.

    Mini Goal 1 - Christmas

    Long Term Goal

  • Why does nutella taste a million times better than it already does when its TOM? 2 tbsp snuck into my intake today. No more. I had my brother hide it.
  • platformnine- I can't even buy Nutella, I have ZERO will power.... I'm impressed! Hahahaha
  • Quote: Why does nutella taste a million times better than it already does when its TOM? 2 tbsp snuck into my intake today. No more. I had my brother hide it.
    Because chocolate is the nectar of the gods...
  • hop on mybigwish! i also have no problem getting guys interested... it's getting them to stick around that seems to not be working right! urgh! meh. it's ok though, right now i'm focused on myself, losing my weight and making myself happier, and they can all suck it! lol!

    krampus! i am kind of obessed with anything leopard print right now so i LOVE your dress!!!!! i especially love the shot of you holding the bananas, haha... and yeah, people, there's a reason krampy calls her boyfriend PB people, it stands for "perfect boyfriend", haha...

    JL, congrats on the new low! i am so jealous here! and on the pee thing, it's normal for your pee to be yellow in the morning, and then it lightens up throughout the day, the more you drink. if you drink less water, it'll be a bit more yellow, if you drink a lot it'll be almost clear.

    platformnine, welcome back! i'm sorry to hear about your kitty my weightloss is going at a snail pace too! gah! hopefully we can cheer each other on!

    morning all. it's wednesday here already. i took a rest day off my exercise last night and went to bed early, which felt pretty good, but this morning scale said 77.0 again. i'm a little disappointed cuz i really wanted to see 76.something! but i guess it didn't go up either so it's not so bad...

    today is gonna be busy. i have 3 classes in the morning and then a health check in the afternoon. it's gonna be a pain, but at least we are allowed to eat breakfast this year! last year we couldn't, and the appointment is at 1pm, but we are like 15 people to pass it! last year it was 3pm before i was out of there and i had a blinding headache because i hadn't eaten anything since the previous night. so anyways, there'll be none of that this year. still wish it was in the morning and not in the afternoon. plus it's horrible cuz they judge you from a japanese standpoint... i mean, if i'm fat from a white standpoint, imagine what they think of me from their skinny japanese standpoint?? they're gonna tell me that i'm fat, that my blood pressure is too high, they're gonna comment at my big boobs... *sigh* i wish i actually got to miss class for this. meh.

    anyways, wednesday is hump day! and the rest of the week will be slooooow. so it's fine i guess. my friend is throwing a party on friday and i'm really excited about it! haven't been out in a while so it'll be fun! even got my outfit all planned, haha. get here already friday!!!!
  • Quote: When your pee is dark like that, its severe dehydration.
    Or too much vitimans.. I found that happens to me and I'm like wtf.

    Kawaii – I’m done on your man hating wagon! God do they ever suck and the fact you think they’d grow up but it really doesn’t matter how old they are they still are 12 year old little boys…UGH! Hey I don’t even know what I weight yet…I’m going to find out this weekend tho because it’s driving me bananas haha. I’d be happy if I was at 165…or less because I was stuck at 168 for the longest time…but since I don’t know what I weight I could be in the 170 again…AHHH

    Mybigwish – I don’t know where a free meeting is, I’ll have to look it up to check it out but I think I’m going to try a different approach because I lost a lot of weight when I was just working out and watching what I ate without counting calories so I’m thinking instead of my xmas money going to weight watchers I’m going to go buy all the JM DVD (Yes I love her haha) and maybe the biggest loser cook book, or the weight watchers cook book and try it from there instead of doing weight watchers as a whole.. I don’t know I still have time to decide and I fully haven’t made up my mind just yet…

    Krampus – you can do a 100push ups damn girl! I’d be lucky if I can do 20…these days anyways but I know you can train and work your body up to doing them but still! Haha oh and that dress is super friggen cute and you look amazing (Oh and I just read your inset thing, still that’s awesome and ways for the push ups!)

    Plat – Everything taste better when it’s TOM, kind of like when your drunk and you eat something you normally wouldn’t eat because you don’t like it…it taste amazing, and when you are sober your back to hating it. Haha

    hmm I haven't done much but damn my legs hurt from sundays work out still. I'm waiting for the end of tomorrow to come because hump day is my last day of work for the week. I have my work xmas party on thursday and I think on friday I'm going to get my hair chopped off...oh yes I hate long hair and my hair is too long for me these days, I don't know what to do with it. I've also been a lazy bum and still need to hit up a department store to step on a scale haha.
  • Kawaii Yah, I was telling myself I was focusing on me a month or two after my ex and I broke up, now I'm just so tired of the sexual attention and nothing else. I mean I get it that you see me that way but can't I be more then just that image to you! Especially when personally I'm not so happy with my body!

    As for your physical thing at work/school don't worry too much about it, I feel like doctors who don't know you usually are a little off on things. I went to the health services at school three times once and they kept telling me I had bad cold. Finally drove home to see my real doctor turns out my 100 degree fever for 8 days was ragging sinus infection. (TMI: Even causing my eyes to have a green discharge!) So, keep that in mind when they spout off their mouths!!

    Angel/Stella/ and more!!!As for the water conversation someone should ask a doctor so we can all find out! Anyone have any family members who they can talk to about pee :P I'm thinking it could be as simple as our bodies digestion at certain times and maybe the dark is because of how much of the water your body is absorbing from either salty foods or just to nourish? Don't take me too seriously though!!!

    Krampus Your dress is adorable love it!!!

    Plat Welcome back we missed you!! Sorry to hear about your cat, I know I would be a mess if anything happened to my dog.

    Miz Jillians DVDs should be a huge help too!! Just do whatever you think will work best for you. I've been trying to count calories for months now and keep self-sabotaging, so I figured I needed to try something new. Also I have a past with restriction so it's probably better to be accountable to a different kind of program.

    Anyways!!! Updates from me. Second day on weight watchers and I'm doing okay. They have me at 29 points a day but you get like 49 points to spread out for extras during the week, so yesterday I hit 33 points which took 4 away, and today 32. I figure using a couple extra this week is fine, but on a day when I know I'm going to eat a lot I can save them up for that special day!!

    Otherwise life is boring, I'm internally freaking out about my test and it's causing my mind to be all over, but outside I seem cool as a cucumber. Did I mention I love cucumbers?
  • Dark pee huh, I've only ever had that when I'm really dehydrated. I drink 3-4 liters of water a day and usually only my morning pee and postworkout pee is yellow. The rest are clear.

    mybigwish Good luck w/your test! Cucumbers are awesome, especially with a little dressing of some sort. WW sounds interesting, maybe I'll try that when I go back.

    angeluv How has seeing a nutritionist helped you? I'm curious.

    JLNichols YAAAAY new number! You remind me how much of a sloth I'm being, hehe.

    stellarosa Free time = GETTING JACKED time!

    MiZTaCCeN Have a nice haircut! Go find a scale!

    KawaiiCandie Ah, the health check. Japanese standards for women's weight are the same as Western ones...my last health check I weighed 65.1 kg and my BMI was 24.1 and it said "healthy." Glad you like the dress; I just realized I look like a cavewoman but that's ok

    platformnine I'm really, really sorry to hear about your cat I still get really sad when I think about mine who was put to sleep in February 2009. I hear you on the snail's pace too.


    I'm in a pretty terrible mood right now, this morning is just not going my way! Weight is the same as yesterday - 57.2 or 126.1 lbs. Fine, good etc. Stood up by a friend in Germany for a 7 am my time Skype date so I missed an extra 30 min I could have been sleeping. Left my packed breakfast at home so I went to 7-11 and got yogurt...and a bagel sandwich, my favorite. Got to work and was just starting to dig in to my bagel when my supervisor told me to go to the gym for some assembly. Ended up gulping down my bagel because she kept nagging. Turned out the assembly was completely pointless and unnecessary - all they did was tell students not to catch the flu.

    I think I'm like a cat or dog, I get furious when someone interrupts me when I'm eating.

    Today will be a minefield of calories. Didn't pack a lunch because today is my favorite school lunch, and dinner will be at the mall with friends later.
  • Mybigwish – Very true, sometimes it’s good to try something new and take a different approached to things, that’s why I was thinking weight watchers. And since I don’t know many people in the city it could be a great way to meet people…or not I dunno see still indecisive haha, I might end up doing both anyways learning to eat better and healthier while working out to all sorts of DVD’s

    Krampus – I will I usually do the Victoria beckham style because it looks really good on me I think…and I’m working on the scale thing, I just fear department stores because I have a shopping addiction…LOL
    Also I’m the same way, do not interrupt me when I’m eating and my god don’t touch or bring your finger (or fork) anywhere near my food or I’ll bite your face off! :@ lol
  • Noooo! I've got the munchies BAD, and I've already hit my calorie limit. I'm not hungry really, I just want to eat. Like that candy sitting across the room, or the ice cream in the fridge, or some peanut butter and pretzels. Dear lord, that all sounds delicious. Yesterday I wasn't hungry at all, and today I'm craving junk like it's going out of style. Ugh. I'll go drink more water...

    krampus: I hate it when people interrupt me when I'm eating, too. It's gotten worse with my new way of eating, because I only get so much per day, and I want to enjoy it.

    KawaiiCandie: Man, that health checkup thing sounds pretty bad. In my experience they're usually not like that here, unless you get a real snarky doctor or nurse.
  • LiannaKole Good luck with the munchies, they are FIERCE. Do you have any negative-calorie vegetables around like celery? TOTALLY agreed that it's worse to get interrupted with the "new" eating style. >_<

    MiZTaCCeN The Posh Bob is a classic. Looks good on everyone except her. Don't your friends have scales?
  • Quote: LiannaKole
    MiZTaCCeN The Posh Bob is a classic. Looks good on everyone except her. Don't your friends have scales?
    haha! and no believe it or not they don't like to keep scales in their houses...
  • I just had a doctor's visit and we discussed urine (because I work out so much). Its supposed to be very light yellow. If its a dark yellow its dehydration, or discolored from vitamins.

    So I was too afraid to take a class by myself. I think I need a gym buddy for that, but I did run 5 miles...

    I'm going out with a friend after work tomorrow, so now I'm just going to prep breakfast/lunch/gym clothes so I can get up early, work out and get changed at the gym, then be set for the day