Best or worst compliment you've ever gotten?

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  • I saw my ex-boyfriend this past weekend and yesterday he told me I "went and got gorgeous over the last three years".


    Oh and I love this one:
    "You have a pretty face, you'd be a knock-out if you lost weight".
  • I have been very lucky as I have not gotten any really rude comments about my weight or my weight loss. But, last week a woman I work with said: "Sarah, you're losing TOO much weight." My response was: "There's no such thing as losing TOO much weight."

    Of course I don't believe this...but I just wanted to shut her up. Espeically since she's always talking about how everyone should eat healthy and lose weight, but I constantly see her eating junk and she's overweight.
  • When I was in elementary, I was quite a little porker, but I became a normal size when I stretched out in my teens. So during the teen years, my parents and I went out to lunch with an old friend of theirs. To my embarrassment, he turned to me and said "wow, you've really thinned out. You used to be quite....(and here is where he puffed out his cheeks).
  • I got a really, really nice one over the weekend. I saw a bunch of friends I haven't seen in a year (we get together every year around the same time) and one of them said to me, "wow, you are looking positively skinny!" which, of course, I'm not, but it was really nice.
  • Quote: Your face is gorgeous.

    Umm hello what about my body ???

    Omg the you have a beautiful face comments are the worst! lol. That and you have beautiful skin lol.
  • I was in Jamaica, walking down the street by myself one night. I walked past this guy Andre that I know, I was actually on my way to meet him at the beach, but I guess he was walking to my apartment to meet me.... Anyway, so I walk right past him and I turn around and yell "UMMM ANDRE WHAT THE HE**?!" He turns around and says, "Sherri?" I'm like..."Yeah" he goes "Holy sh**, I didn't even recognize you!" (which was nice), then he continues to say, "Your like really pretty now"..... I'm like..."Uhhh thanks"... In my head I was thinking, so what? Was I ugly before or something?. Sweet and sour all at the same time!
  • Quote: The worse before I lost weight : "You've gained a LOT of weight since the last time I saw you" met the same lady after losing weight "You look awesome"

    The worse after I lost weight : "OMG have you been sick!!" With a freaked out expression too ...

    When I was a teenager one of my aunts commented on my weight loss, I said that I had lost about 10 lbs, she said : "No way NOT that much" ... I do know how to count you know

    This discussion, and seeing the comments that are insulting to some, makes me realize that I may have insulted people inadvertently.
    I just have to say that I LOVE the quote at the bottom about failure!!!
  • I agree with some of the postings above...the worst comments are when people gush and say "have you lost weight"? They think they're giving you a compliment, but in actuality they're really saying "I thought you were fat all those years and never said anything".

    Sheesh, I just wish people would just judge us by the content of our character! :P
  • What I really hate is the question "How much have you lost"? I will usually answer with something like "well I am half way to my goal". What really gets me is after that answer I often get, "How many pounds have you lost?". I am trying to think of something clever to say instead of "it's really none of your business". I might just start saying 5 pounds. Yes that's it, for the next year I am just going to keep answering 5 pounds.
  • Quote: What I really hate is the question "How much have you lost"? I will usually answer with something like "well I am half way to my goal". What really gets me is after that answer I often get, "How many pounds have you lost?". I am trying to think of something clever to say instead of "it's really none of your business". I might just start saying 5 pounds. Yes that's it, for the next year I am just going to keep answering 5 pounds.
    Depending on who is asking, I will just continue to answer vaguely, "Oh, not sure....a few". They will eventually understand that you don't want to answer. I like your stock answer of 5 pounds, though......that's a good one!

    The best compliment I've ever gotten is from a close guy friend that I see occaisionally. He always says, "I love your pretty hands." That's such an unusual compliment and I know he means it, so it always makes me feel good.
  • I guess the best compliments I've received (about my appearance at least) have been from friends or family saying that I'm beautiful, and my ex was never shy about calling me hot....

    The worst would be something my grandmother said the other day: "We're going to have to fight the boys off with a stick when you lose all that weight!" ....I'm sure she meant well.
  • I have 2 good ones and only out the mouth of men.
    1) Your butt was so cute and round what happened? What happened, my back got fatter and made my butt get smaller (or just appear that way). 2) Your not fat it just your middle, your arms and legs are normal. So I guess I look like an orange with toothpicks for arms and legs.
  • I agree with hcl777 - I feel worse when people I know comment on weight loss, because I imagine what they must have been thinking before.
    "You look really pretty now" just affirms what a mess I was. On the positive side, it keeps me more motivated to never go back there again.

    I also dislike the comments like "Wow, you're so skinny!" Sure, I'm a bit smaller but definitely far from skinny.
  • Quote: I agree with hcl777 - I feel worse when people I know comment on weight loss, because I imagine what they must have been thinking before.
    "You look really pretty now" just affirms what a mess I was. On the positive side, it keeps me more motivated to never go back there again.

    I also dislike the comments like "Wow, you're so skinny!" Sure, I'm a bit smaller but definitely far from skinny.

    I hate when people comment on my weightloss! Thankfully I have not gotten much yet, but thats probably because I have not been around most family since it has started. I know there are people around me, who had to have noticed, I mean I guess 85lb is kind of much, and I went down 4 jean sizes, but I really appreciate them not saying anything.

    I remember once years ago I lost about 40lb, and I got so much attention from like aunts, grandparents, etc. I just hated it. It was all this "omg you lost so much weight you look great!" yada yada nonsense. Yet these people never took time to comment on the way I looked in the past. Anything beyond "you have such beautiful skin and hair" which is just awkward in itself.

    So yeah I don't think that people realize, many who lose a large amount of weight, don't want to hear about it from others. Thats somthing I wish people would understand.
  • My mum came round the other day and noticed I'd lost some weight (29 lbs in 2 months) and asked how I did it. I told her calories counting with loads of salads, stir frys etc and she said; "Oh, the starvation diet."

    My weight has always been her hobby, despite her being quite a bit bigger than me.

    My boyfriend (who tries so hard with compliments - bless him) said to me; "You look younger now." Wasn't sure what to make of that one!!

    I used Preparation H on my forehead lines. Which has worked if anyone wanted to try it.