Red & Blue Make Purple

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  • Hi, everyone.

    I'm officially a Red team member, but I like the idea of Purple.

    I don't post much (hardly ever), so I know I'm a bit of a stranger to the team. Rest assured I do weigh in every week.

    I've been sick for most of the challenge, so my weight loss reflects that, I'm not down very much (6 pounds or so), but it's better than nothing. My eating has been on track.

    I do find that each time I try a different type of exercise, I gain a good 2 to 3 pounds overnight. Does this happen to anyone else?

    I'll do a new DVD or take a new class, and inevitably I know to brace myself for the added weight. I don't know if it's water weight, or my muscles freaking out and holding on to what they can... I'm quite clueless. The extra weight disappears after about 3 days.

    Anyway, I am really proud of all of you for sticking with it. It seems clear to me that you are all very strong, focused people who will definitely achieve their goals.

    Just wanted to make sure you know I'm with you, even if I don't always post.

    Go Red, Go Blue, Go Purple!

  • Hi everybody! I missed weigh-in yesterday so I'm unfortunately out. The baby has had an ear infection and on antibiotics. I haven't exercised all week and haven't really slept well this week either! Well, good luck to everybody on the rest of the challenge!
  • i'm so sore today you would think i worked out for 6 hours straight when i was actually cutting brush for my grandma all day. that was worse than manual labor.
  • Keep up the good work ladies!
  • Hi everyone. I took two days off from the computer and forgot to weigh in on Monday so I am out of the challenge. This is the first one I've participated in that I have actually lost weight. The other 3-4 I've either dropped out half way through or stayed in and gained. I'm going to keep posting in my weigh in thread if Dee will keep it there though. So far this year I am down 20+ pounds.

    Hope everyone had a good Easter and that you aren't eating the leftover candy.
  • I am getting really frustrated with the boards; they continually lock up on me. Most of the time I can hit refresh or the back/forward button but today has been really bad. I know the mods are aware of the issue and I hope it is resolved soon.

    I have posted numbers for the red team and unfortunately we lost a couple more. We have one other that did not WI but had a freebie so hopefully she will be back.

    TOM came yesterday so I'm hoping for my day 3 woosh tomorrow. I soooo want to be in the 140's and closer to my next mini goal of weighing less than Ms. Tyra (my Great Dane).

    Instead of a QOTD how about two truths and a lie. I know we did this on the 40 something tread but I don't think we have done it here. If so just do new ones. I'll go first.....

    I spent eight years in the Army.

    I have two tattoos.

    I met my DH online in 1996 and married him three months later.

    Guess the lie!!!
  • Doing ok here. Although the scale was up this week (TOM + easter+ dh's b-day) I had a NSV yesterday. Went shopping at macy's and bought two size 12 capri's. Was in tight 14's at the beginning of the challenge. So very happy about that. I also bought 1 L blouse and 1 M. I used to wear XL.

    Zink-that stinks that you forgot to weigh in. You have done so well. Please continue to post.

    Cat-I'll guess you did not spend 8 years in the army!!

    Here are my 2 truths and a lie:

    I met and started dating DH when I was 15.

    I graduated from College at 32.

    I lived in England for a year.
  • Quote: I'm going to keep posting in my weigh in thread if Dee will keep it there though. So far this year I am down 20+ pounds.

    Hope everyone had a good Easter and that you aren't eating the leftover candy. caught me, I was eating a chocolate egg. Sure, keep posting your weight and chatting. You've been doing great this challenge.

    CAT - I'll guess you don't have two tattoos.

    Mary - I don't think you lived in England for a year.

    Here's mine:

    I wanted to be a Rockette when I grew up.

    My DH is currently in prison.

    I'm an only child.
  • CAT, I'm guessing you didn't meet your husband online in 96 bc the internet was not widely in use by most people until 97-98 at the earliest.

    Dee, your dh is what I'm calling you on. But then I may be tricked bc I know with his line of work, it's possible that he is there "today!" you're evil!

    I'm one of 5 girls
    I speak 3 languages
    My mom was a war bride from Germany
  • Quote: Dee, your dh is what I'm calling you on. But then I may be tricked bc I know with his line of work, it's possible that he is there "today!" you're evil!

    I'm one of 5 girls
    I speak 3 languages
    My mom was a war bride from Germany

    Yep it was a trick question, DH was at work when I wrote that. For those who didn't know, DH is a correctional officer. Whenever he doesn't go with me to an event like a reunion because he's working, I tell people he's in prison.

    The correct answer is that I'm not an only child. I have a younger brother.

    I'm going to guess that your mom wasn't a war bride from Germany. I was certain you were one of five girls, and we've seen pictures of your sisters, but now I realize I'm thinking of Nori.
  • You all have me going. I love this game!!!

    My lie is that I was in the Army.

    I have two tats; a rose on my shoulder and a flower with humming bird on my calf. I am thinking about getting a couple more. I waited until I was 30 to get my first one.

    I met Mack on American Singles back before internet dating became what it is today. I was living in Phoenix he was in San Diego. We met for the first time in Vegas just two weeks after the first email and have been together ever since.
  • Dee-your right. Dh and I have been together since I was fifteen and I absolutely hated school was I was in high school so I didn't decided to go to college until I was 26 with three kids!

    Sport-I don't think you speak 3 languages.

    Dee- Love your play on words!
  • Ok will give this a try.

    1. My two boys aged 6 and 17 cleaned the house for me on Sunday

    2. The above 6 yr old has an absolute shoe fettish and drives us all crazy

    3. I will spend the day looking for the same 6 y/o escaped snake.

    Sportmom, I agree with Dixie, I am guessing your mom was not a war bride.

    Mary on your NSV. Would have liked to see the smile you had on, and the dance you were doing.

    Cindy It is great that you found your soul mate. I bet that you are the couple that everyone wants to hang out with. I also have to say that I saw the pictures that you had posted of yourself during this challenge. I am so impressed, and you were my break through moment. (then the feeling of defeat set in again)

    Dixie - Do you sometimes wish you were an only child? I have 2 younger brothers. I asked my 60 y/o parents for a sister this year for Christmas. Didn't go over well.

    Shannon - You are doing great this challenge also. You are getting very close to your goal.

    Mindy - Way to go on running your 5k. That is such an accomplishment. You will be inspiration to your friend also.

    Angel - hope you and the baby are better.

    Mandy - We will have to have an online exercise and water drinking party with you when you hit your 30 lbs lost.

    Hello to everyone else. Sorry I didn't get to everyone, I ran out of computer time....thanks to the frustrating locking up of the site... Hope everyone has a great day.
  • Just a quickie. My computer at home has contracted a virus. YUCK!!! I am posting from work before I head home to workout. I hope to run a few miles tonight. I better go though, before it gets dark and cold.
  • My mom was a war bride, but I do not speak three languages - only one actually. Recognize a little of German and French but am no way conversational in them.