April Exercise - No I'm not kidding!!

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  • Exercise video on Saturday morning, then all day at the outside mall window shopping with the little one.

    Sunday - water walking, then to the park to play with little one for a couple of hours.

    Today - Pilates tonight.
  • Fab exercise everyone.

    Donna- what is water walking? It sounds like fun- I was imagining it's something you do at the beach until I saw you were in Colorado. I'm intrigued...

    Cate- fantastic workout- you're doing so well. I love kicking- gets rid of all the stress of the day.

    I've just done a particularly twisty power yoga class so I think I'm going to feel it in the morning. Tonight I'm re reading my Sonoma books- have lost my way a little dietwise and am exercising too hard to be plateauing like I am. Hopefully I'll get some focus back.
  • Hey everyone! So glad to see all the exercising. I haven't exercised yet today. Didn't feel like it this morning and had an appointment right after lunch so didn't think I should get all sweaty then. But I plan to do my leg workout this evening, probably while I watch "24."

    Clareh, I've been stuck at 169-170 for about a month now and recently re-read the book. I am now trying to be more strict on Wave 2 by eating less overall but eating more veggies. Hope re-reading the book helps and you get your focus back!
    TODAY: 30
    TOMORROW: 30 and 15 RS TAPE


  • Quote: Donna- what is water walking? It sounds like fun- I was imagining it's something you do at the beach until I saw you were in Colorado. I'm intrigued...
    Clareh - it's basically walking against a current in the water. The local rec center has a circular pool set up, that has a current in it, and I walk against it, what is nice, is that I can put my daughter in her swim tube, and she floats around the "track" and she thinks I'm chasing her, but I'm getting a killer workout. According to the information at the rec center, 1/2 hour of water walking is equal to a 2 hour vigorous hike, but it's easier on your joints.

    Pilates this morning.
  • Well, didn't do any exercise yesterday so I'm adding 20 minutes of cardio to today, Th, and F to compensate.

    Today did 20 minutes of weights for back and biceps. Then did 60 minutes of pretty vigorous and very sweaty cardio with 20 minutes each on stationary bike, treadmill, and elliptical.

    Hope everyone has a terrific day!
  • Donna- water walking sounds fantastic! I've never seen anything like that over here! I have a really cute picture of your daughter in her swim tube in the current!

    Just done my own version of water walking. Started a 5 mile walk in brilliant sunshine and by the end, it was raining. Hard- you know when it feels like needles instead of rain drops. Nice. We discussed the possibility that since we are in England we could potentially have to walk 26 miles in it so am not in the best frame of mind. Off for a hot bath to warm up properly.

    Sherry- you have cycled 100 miles and you're only at the start of the month! Brilliant

    Have a great day everone!
  • Clare Hope the rain stays away for the big walk!! How are the toes???

    Donna~ that water walking sounds great. some of the seniors could use that therapy!!! good luck!

    I am having w.chiar problems and unexpected visits from relatives that are moving to Nebraska and Florida. this might be the last time I see them. I may be gone a few days but I will be doing the pedaling every day and staying on MY food plan. They are all eating at the motel and/or ordering pizza so it should be easy for me. And I would like to wish a wonderful Easter and Holiday Season to all of you. Take good care of yourselves and ENJOY!!!!
  • Checkin this nice Wednesday here in Georgia. No exercise yesterday. I had to take my husband to see his doctor. He has Parkinson's and they are screening him for deep brain stimulation surgery! They think it will improve his quality of life. I really hope so.

    Today, I did an hour of Body Pump. Hoisting those weights was a little tough this morning, but I survived. Tomorrow RPM class. I love my teacher and she is an inspiration. I just hope she leaves my resistance knob alone tomorrow.

    ~ Cate
  • Clareh, thanks but I haven't done all that biking in April. With all the rain and hubby's crazy work schedule lately, we're off to a slow start this year. I think 50.5 are Jan-Mar and 21 are April so far. However, all the indoor miles are this month. With all the spinning you do, you must be over 100 miles this month yourself! Regarding rain on your marathon walk, can you wear a light water repellant jacket with a hood in case it rains? Hubby sails and has very lightweight foul weather gear and perhaps something like that might work for you.

    Mel, hope your visit with relatives is fun and really hope you get your wheelchair problems solved. Keep pedaling and eating well!

    Cate, hope things work out for your husband. And I hope you enjoy your RPM class tomorrow. I don't think I'd let the instructor touch my resistance knob, though, because I monitor my heartrate and know where I need to be. But that's just me and I know from experience that when I overdo cardio, I get sick.

    Today I did a 45-minute leg workout with exercises for quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. I added a bit more weight to some of them because I want to work the muscles but not be stiff and sore for two-three days following. So I'll see how I feel Friday and Saturday!
  • Happy holidays to everyone.

    I'm really struggling with my motivation at the moment so will be having an early night tonight and getting 12 miles in tomorrow to make up for the fact I'll be eating chocolate for breakfast on Sunday (I have told DH to buy only the best 70% dark chocolate so I might be OK)

    I also am booked into the gymn to get a weights program on Saturday morning so will be able to compete (in a friendly manner obviously) with you US fit chicks. The plan after the Moonwalk is to start running as well if I can work out a way to scontrol my bust (I'm very much shaped like an upside down triangle)
  • Hey everyone! Today did a 20-minute core workout (abs & lower back) and 60 minutes of cardio doing the same thing I did Tuesday.

    Hang in there, Clareh! You are doing so well with your training and are so close to your marathon that you can't stop now! That being said, enjoy the chocolate Sunday! Yum! Are you excited about adding weights? I enjoy my weight workouts and always get them in, even when I skip cardio. Don't know if you ever go to the Ladies Who Lift forum, but I lurk there and have learned tons.

    I decided to revise my goals and they're reflected below. Based on my height and frame size (med. to large), I think I was aiming for too low a weight and too small a size. I am already disappointed in my very slow progress (have been at this since Sept.) and don't want to set myself up for something that I can't achieve in a healthy manner.
  • where is everyone today?
    I feel so lonely ...

    It's raining again today, hope it clears for tomorrow so we can ride our bikes. Today did a 30 minute weight workout for chest, shoulders, and triceps. Then did 40 minutes of cardio, 20 each on the stationary bike and treadmill. Was gonna do 20 on the elliptical as well to make it an hour but was too tired. Not just exercise-tired, but tired like maybe I did too many high intensity intervals.

    Hope everyone has a terrific weekend!
  • Hi Sherry.... I'm here just very busy this holiday weekend. Cracking workout today.

    I've not done any formal exercise but have been to the refuse tip and humped doors about for a few hours so feel like I've had a workout. Going to the gymn for a new weights program tomorrow and a 12 mile walk on Sunday.

    May not get time to post so hav a great weekend and don't eat too many eggs!
  • Happy Easter Everyone
    Sherry, I didn't let the instructor touch my resistance knob, however I cranked it up whenever she said to. I think I need to back down, because I went to drink some water during the class and I almost puked!!! I am sure that I was overheated. I can tell you that I will not do that again. I don't go there to get sick.

    Yesterday I only did 30 minutes of cardio, and it was very hard to do even that much. I think my body is in shock from all the exercise I have been doing lately. You'd think that I would have lost some weight, but nothing so far.

    Sometimes I think if I were stranded on a desert island that it would take months for me to starve to death.

    I think that we all deserve a pat on the back for all the work that we have been doing. We will have our ups and downs, but if we hang in here together, we will see progress.

    Mel, don't let those relatives feed you any of that pizza.
    Clareh, don't be hard on yourself, you are an inspiration, and even inspirations have to take a breather.

    Monday is Body Combat for me. I can't wait to see if enjoy it as much as I did last Monday.

    Have Blessed Holiday, and remember to step away from the Easter basket!

    See you all back here on Monday.
