Thursday Chatters Continued for the New Year

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  • Mimi, I'll come over and help you eat that pie!!
    Yes I did get my thingy!!! I like yours too!! You are getting so close to the goal number!!!! WOO HOO!
  • How is everyone doing today???????
    It's cold here and I feel like hibernating until Spring.
    Where are all our members???? Sis and Maureen, please post!!!!

    Can you all believe that Tuesday will be a new month. Where did January go?
    On Wednesday, I go to a new dermatologist. Mine finally retired, with shaky hands. I have a skin tag on my eyelid. I'm glad he retired.
    Tammy, how are you feeling, friend?
    Susan, are you already packing for your trip home? I guess Pat will stay and take care of your animals.
    Mimi, have you made the key lime pie yet?
    Tina2, where are you?
  • I worked all weekend but I will get the stuff and try to make it next weekend. It will be a challenge finding the crust. I may have to make my own.
    Mike starts cooking tomorrow at school and the first thing they learn is rolls. I just love rolls so I hope he doesn't want to try those at home. I better save all of my "wild" points.
    When I reach that goal I will have to start thinking of what my next one will be.
  • Hi,
    I've been sick all weekend. Yuck! I felt absolutely horrible sick at my stomach and dizzy. Pretty much stayed on the couch all day yesterday and don't have much planned for today. Still don't feel great.

    Mimi, oh my rolls would be my down fall. How long will Mike be in cooking school?
    Tina, glad you found a new dermatolgist. I have a great one.
    Tammy, are you feeling good?

  • Hi all,
    Susan, I am so sorry you don't feel good. Please, please take care of yourself so you will feel good by Friday.
    Mimi, send me some rolls!
  • It's funny, I was starting to type when I got the notice you had posted. Great minds! Well, I'm down another 3 pounds..... wonder if it will stay off once I start eating again. I did drink lots of real sprite so I know I had more points than I thought. Hopefully it will stay off!

    I've been asked to sub when I come back from San Antonio in a deaf ed class. I'm actually excited about it. I think they wanted me this week but I said I wasn't feeling good and I was out of town next week. Pretty good when I don't even have my application filled out. Guess I better go get it and get it completed. Even though I hate to sub, I know if I want to go back to deaf ed, I'll have to do it to get my foot in the door.

  • Chef level one is one year of school and 6000 hours of training(apprenticeship) then he has to write(cook) an exam.
  • It's February and I'm starting a new thread.