Nurture and Nourish: November 2020 Check-in & Accountability Thread

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  • Hi everyone!
    Just another quick check in...My weight is hanging in there. It's been busy with my daughter's birthday dinner and now the party is this weekend too, then on to Thanksgiving. I am still watching my calories and getting the walking in. I am officially 25 pounds down and happy with that! Again, my goal is to keep it there or maybe lose a bit more for the rest of the month.

    gzgrl22 I hope you are back on track. You have done so great!

    lacerta I know what it's like to lose and then gain it back (or some or most of it back). I used to post here myself years ago. For some reason posting it makes it feel like therapy and keeps me focused. Good luck with your progress!

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend and has good news to report!
  • 11/18/20: 207.8
    11/19/20: 207.0
    11/20/20: 206.8
    11/21/20: 205.2
    11/22/20: 205.8

    I slept in yesterday, so it was lower than realistic. But overall, I'm down 2 pounds so far, which is a nice start.

    Thanks everyone for the welcome back.
  • A quick check-in and a big hello to everyone!

    Thought my sleep was back to normal, but I continued to wake up between 1:30 to 4:00am, which has left me feeling exhausted. My father’s cataract surgery went really well. But I’ve had other things on my mind that I believe are keeping me from getting restful sleep. I have not exercised in 6 days, the longest rest period I’ve had so far and I am not happy. I’ve also been feeling ravenous, and I know that’s from lack of sleep. I know it’s all within my power and the choices that I make every minute of every day. My mind is a bit messed up at the moment and so the body follows...

    Hope everyone has been enjoying a great weekend! Sending positive
    vibes, your way and mine.
  • Hello -
    I am glad to have found this thread. I know it isn't the 1st of Nov but I feel that everyday is a new day to reset and start on a new path and my journey starts on Nov 21st. I was already on a weightloss journey before COVID ruined so many things in our lives. I had become so lazy and eating as though I had lost my mind and have gained 40lbs more than I already had. The holidays won't be as they normally had been due tobCOVID so I have no worries about starting my journey on a holiday week
    I am ready, willing and able to get these unwanted pounds off. And I wish you all continued success in your journies as you continue to WIN the wgt fight.
  • 11/18/20: 207.8
    11/19/20: 207.0
    11/20/20: 206.8
    11/21/20: 205.2
    11/22/20: 205.8
    11/23/20: 205.2
  • Good morning friends! How we do?
    I just love this thread. This site in general! I will believe sites like this show the true potential of social media. Its a wonderful resource, wonderful tool for research, support and so much more. I'm sure we could all agree, however, I'm taking a little time to be thankful to the people who make this site what it is, the techs, the moderators, the people who keep this going. And most especially, people like Curvy! Down in the trenches, fighting her own battles, but still able to find the time to help us out.

    I'm also thankful for my fellow weight warriors, for their support and wisdom...the Inspiration! And even though the world has taken a turn for the surreal, I feel confident we will be able to reach our goals. We can do this team!

    I'm a calorie counter, it has worked so far. Anyway, I got some tips. Some may seem obvious, but they weren't so obvious to me. First is Monk fruit. Its a sugar substitute that is a 1:1 replacement. I think its great and doesn't carry that strange after taste. Second is a low cal juice line from ocean spray. Like 5 calories per serving and I think it tastes great. Lord knows I used to drink a lot of calories. And last, but most incredible, Spaghetti Squash!!! How someone like me, who shops the veggie isle for new or exotic foods, could have ever missed this gem, Idk. Anyway, try it, I hadn't had spaghetti for like a year. Super low calorie, great taste, and perfect for a person who likes Italian foods.any recipes, cooking advice? I'm thinking tuna casserole?

    Well, that's it for me.
    Thanks everyone!
    William 11/23 317.6

  • Don't give up on what you really want for what you want right now!
  • Hey all, I have been faking it til I make it lately but today was a really good day -- food was on track and I posted my first double workout day in weeks. Walked 2.5 miles at a 3.5 MPH pace and my heart really never got up too high so my cardio improvement has stuck with me. Lifted tonight for the first time in ten days so I did a slightly abbreviated workout and dropped all the weights one notch till I see how sore I will be then back up to my last highs. I felt good all day except for hunger but I always feel that way when I have been eating crap and then go back to the good stuff. Just have to ignore the cravings for a day or so and all will be well. Did NOT get on the scale and I havent for about a week. I think I want to wait a few days, especially with Thanksgiving looming.

    Been sewing all day but hope to catch up on reading the thread and responding tomorrow.
  • 11/18/20: 207.8
    11/19/20: 207.0
    11/20/20: 206.8
    11/21/20: 205.2
    11/22/20: 205.8
    11/23/20: 205.2
    11/24/20: 205.8
    11/25/20: 205.4

    After a bit of a loss to start, I'm stuck already in the 205s. I didn't expect to be stuck so quickly. I've been hitting my numbers each day, so apparently, I need to drop my numbers a bit. I'm working to find my footing again to gain ground.
  • gzgrl22 great job on working on finding your groove back. Isn’t it wonderful to realize that even after a few days of not following your plan, your fitness gains are not all gone and you start back from a strong position? And I agree with you regarding food that it only takes a few days to rid the body of cravings, once you’ve gone through that process before.

    Lacerta I realized I didn’t welcome you to this thread, sorry about that. It’s all a numbers game, you are right. Constantly tweaking a finding the right plan that works for you is half the battle. Wishing you success on your journey and getting over that
    hump soon.

    I was able to exercise Monday and Tuesday, when I told myself enough with the self pity. I even exercised from my hotel room in Québec City on Tuesday, where I was for a 1-day trip to attend a pre-opening meeting for 2 new stores which will open in February. Yesterday I unfortunately worked late and had to go food shopping afterwards (that’s what happens when I don’t stick to my routine of doing the shopping for the entire week on the weekend) and it was just much too late and I was too tired to do much afterwards.

    And here I am awake at 2am again. [size=10pt]I have a lot on my mind, as I’ve been asked Monday by our regional office if I would be willing to step into a new role to help for a few weeks. The person in that role is brand new to the job and I think maybe overwhelmed by the quantity of work coming in, so they asked if I would be willing to help. It’s an HR coordinator position and I know very little about the actual job, but it’s something new in an interesting field. [/size]On the one hand, I am a team player and if they asked me, it’s because they’re in a jam and I want to help. It also means they have confidence in me, and I also love learning new things, both positives. They also are clear on the fact that I refuse to work at the Montreal regional office more than 1-2 times per week, because traffic drives me insane. It’s not an issue now, as the office is only accessible on Tuesdays because of COVID-19. And I know that if I refuse, it might be seen as a lack of interest on my part and could hinder my options in the future.

    On the other hand, I feel like I would be abandoning my district teams and lose the good working relationships I’ve been building with the store teams. I’m getting into a groove now, establishing a solid routine and making it work for me. I know helping out would be temporary and my job is assured, but I can’t help but feel like I would lose the momentum that I’ve been building in a way.

    I have to give my decision in the morning and I think I will agree to help out. The head of HR has always had my back and the person who took over the coordinator position has helped me in the past when she was working in loss prevention, so I would be returning the favour. I’ll ask if there’s any way that I could help with a specific task while still maintain my current job. We’ll see.

    Sorry for the long post. Sometimes it helps to write things down.

    Wishing everyone in the USA a wonderful Thanksgiving today!
    (this is still my favourite smily after all this time)
  • Happy thanksgiving to my American posters. I go to our dinner in a little bit. Not sure what they are cooking, but I've been good about not eating to much today. Holding the line, if not losing.

    Take care everyone, tomorrow is another day!

  • Greetings! It's been a few days since I've checked in so I hope everyone has had a good week and enjoyed Thanksgiving if celebrated.

    madamwu: I approach Thanksgiving much the same way you do. I eat very little during the day so that I can really enjoy Thanksgiving lunch/dinner. I hope you're dinner was worth waiting for!

    Martine: What a good AND difficult position to be in. It does help to write it all down; there's something about the writing that brings some semblance of order to the situation. While it isn't ideal that your momentum with your district teams will be interrupted, it sounds like you've built a strong foundation with them that they would understand and that it's only temporary. No real advice as I've been in a similar situation before and at some point I just had to make the decision and come to some sort of peace. You've always been thoughtful of your work and your team and I believe everyone you're working with knows and sees this.

    OldMeBack: to 3FC and this thread! I hope you post often regarding your progress. COVID-19 has certainly brought us all to our knees and having to re-evaluate how and what we do to take care of ourselves. Congratulations on your pre-Covid weight loss! Knowing that you were successful before should give you confidence that you can do it again. A couple of months ago on this thread I mentioned how impressed I was with folks who have used this time to drop weight and get in shape, so I definitely know where you're coming from.

    Lacerta: I don't think your body is stuck. The body holds and releases weight on its own terms. Sometimes it coincides with the efforts one is putting into their diet and exercise, and sometimes there is on correlation. It's frustrating that it isn't always linear but the fact that you're self-monitoring is the first step to making future tweaks if necessary.

    grzgrl22: Congrats on getting back into the groove and getting in a double workout. I'm avoiding the scale until Monday because it's going to take a few days for my body re-calibrate after Thanksgiving.

    William47: Thank you for reminding us all that there is much to be grateful for even during this dark time. Friends and family top my list as well.

    I've heard really good things about Monk Fruit. Have never tried it but others have echoed what you wrote. And don't get me started on spaghetti squash! I it. Such a versatile vegetable. I'll make it with marinara or a meat sauce and also enjoy on it's own with a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese.

    James23: to the thread! Make yourself at home and post as often as you'd like.

    loganandlivsmom: Congratulations on being 25 pounds down! That's a major accomplishment!
    I took this week off from work and I can't tell you how much I've needed and enjoyed it. I had a very low-key and lovely Thanksgiving. I ate more than I should have but I wasn't stuffed. That was a major accomplishment for me.

    A couple of years ago I purchased a cardio barbell set when my gym's Body Pump classes stopped working with my work schedule. I've barely used it and now that gyms are closed I'm grateful to have some gear at home to use. Yesterday I found some YouTube videos of Body Pump classes and I'm stoked to get back into to it. I started BP right after I started running and between the two, my body was transformed. Not supermodel transformed, just a leaner, fitter version of myself.

    In other news, my university rolled out Covid testing to the town I live in so now it's available widely and folks are taking advantage of it. I took my first test on campus last Sunday and it came back negative. Beginning December 1 anyone who works on campus regularly needs to take the test every seven days. If folks come in only every so often they need to take the test before they can access university facilities.
  • Hi everyone! I thought even though it's been busy for me lately, I should at least check in and stay accountable. I did manage to eat well for Thanksgiving and even after with the leftovers. Thank goodness they are all almost gone! Most days I am still walking and sometimes more than once a day with my daughter. She has been great! My husband is still losing too. He doesn't walk with us since he has an active job and works an opposite schedule as mine.
    curvynotlumpy Thanks for your encouragement!! I am glad you got a good break and did well with Thanksgiving!

    William I am a calorie counter too. My husband and I have looked up the calculators online that tell you calories needed to maintain weight. If I weighed my goal weight and was sedentary I could maintain it weighing 1600 calories a day. That is pretty much what I try to do now. I figure if I would need that amount to maintain the lower weight if I do that now I will be used to eating that way and will automatically lose since it's less than I need now at this weight. I hope that makes sense! I have been walking to help burn a few more calories and improve my health etc...

    madamwu Thanks for the happy Thanksgiving wishes! It was a great day for us. Different since we were at home and not with a ton of family like normal years though. I think hanging in there and just maintaining now is a good goal.

    oldmeback Welcome aboard! Hope to see you here in December too!

    I hope everyone is hanging in there! Watch those calories and try to get out and walk if nothing else. I don't always want to walk but when I am done it does make me feel proud of myself.
  • Hello all my friends on 3fc.
    I was talking to Kasey and mentioned "the fat chicks" she told me I should be more sensitive. I had to explain that is the name of the site. Lol I will try to reference this place as 3fc.
    Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I went a little Cray Cray but overall pretty well. Its my birthday! Whoop whoop! My best girl has been furloughed and I'm looking forward to some adventures. We found some arrow heads and a stone grinder yesterday.
    Couple more dieting observations... Baby cucumbers are fantastic! I'm so addicted to cosmic crisp apples, I've taken to calling the "crack apples" lord, if you get a chance, try them! I've been going crazy with squash, so many kinds so little time. I love them all. Got together online for experimental dinner night. I usually try international meals but this week I went with mahiMahi. Basically spinach wrapped salmon and pork, grilled and heavily seasoned. It was really good and simple. I would normally put it on rice, but we all know there is like 10,000,000 calories in a grain of rice. Foreget a spaghetti noodle. So I put it on finely chopped cauliflower. Oooh, try the cauliflower, they make rice substitute and things like pizza crust. I really like it. I also started using my farm fresh eggs. Hard boiled and pickled, they are a great addition to salads or just eaten alone. High protein and only about 100 calories. Fyi,if you coat an egg with cooking oil, they will be shelf stable for months. I try to shop for longer time frames to limit my exposure to the public. Needless to say, refrigerator space is at a premium. Root cellar is working good and has been a god send.

    L&Dmom. 1600 calories is a pretty good amount for maintenance. You can do a lot with 1600. Let me know how u do, Even if it seems silly, you never know what is gonna ring a bell. I incorporate a salad every day. A low fat Italian dressing has 15 calories per 2 tbsp. It helps with volume and fiber. Plus I love a good salad. Argh, exercise. I found exercise just doesn't burn the calories I think it should. Like 30 minutes on an elliptical burns like 2 calories per hour, lol. However, Martine inspired me to keep at it. I now realize how good it makes you feel. Fresh air and getting out makes it essential in my program. I believe there are so many benefits beyond weight loss. Our psychological health is very important and is an integral part of a successful diet. Haha, I almost sound like I know what I'm talking about.

    IDK if I ever told you Martine...but thanks for the inspiration to get off my a**. One of my favorite Canadian jokes is to ask, "when is your 4th of July...
    Thanks to everybody on 3 fat chicks, er ah 3fc.
    11/30 315.6

  • I hope you're all doing well. It's the end of the month so you know what that means. Please join me over on the new thread that can be found here .