2020 - The Worldlie Chicks Begin A Fresh Year

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  • Good Morning Everyone...

    Had a 7 AM acupuncturist appt. She did needles and cupping after. The cupping was weird. I am getting a bit of relief but definitely have a ways to go.

    Cindy is still out of the hospital but coughing and sounds thick. Doc said that can last up to 6 months. She was at 4 months out from the last bout when she got this bout. Fingers crossed for warmer weather and she gets and stays healthy.

    Curtis is doing well. Up until last night anyway. He said he was having chest pain. I wanted to take him to ER. He wouldn't go. I did give him nitroglycerin. He improved. I am not sure but I think he confuses upper belly pain from gas for heart related. I understand that. I don't really know what to do anymore. I am spent.

    Curtis's mom is getting worse ad worse with her memory. She has not officially been diagnosed with anything. I say alltimers. That is just my take on things.

    Lil Miss Sassy had to go on steroids, pain relievers and muscle relaxers a couple of weeks ago. Her back was giving her issues. Thank God this took care of it. She has about a week to go on steroids. They make her want to eat and pee. She has had a few accidents. Be glad when this is over. This is her third bout with her back. Seems like every two years. Once the steroids don't work anymore the only other option is surgery, praying that doesn't come about. about 2K.


    At least Sam and the boys are doing ok. Hope I didn't jinx that one.

    Sad about Kobe, Gianna and all involved in the copter crash. My heart goes out to all the families.

    HAPPY...hope all your dental woes are coming about nicely. How is DH?

    LAURA...How's the foot coming along? How do you like being back to work? Bleh

    SHADDIE...How are all your projects coming along?

    CEEG...Good job on the lbs down. Saw on FB. Congrats. Keep at it.

    SUSIE...thank you for the love and prayers. Hope your new position at work is settling down by now.

    Must get to work. Hope you are all healthy and happy.
  • Afternoon all.

    Annie – I hope the acupuncture eventually helps bring you more relief. Is it just for general de-stressing, or specific to your face/jaw? Do they put the needles in your face? Sorry to hear Cindy is still struggling with pneumonia. Hope it clears up soon – for good! It must be scary when C has (what he thinks are) chest pains. I hope they’re just gas! Will he be able to go back to doing the same kind of work he was doing? I can sympathize with you re C’s mom – I’m having trouble coping with my mother’s memory and hearing issues these days. Poor Sassy. I hope the steroids do the job for her.

    Happy – How did bingo go last weekend? Yes, the sunny mild weather on Sunday was soooo nice. A real mood lifter. Monday was sunny too and that was nice. Now I’m counting down the weeks/days until DST begins again. Saw your recent fb post – assume it was in reference to the half-time performance? I didn’t watch any of the game or half-time entertainment, but I asked bf about it later and he was very negative about the performance. That type of stuff isn’t his thing at all, but he also brought up the fact that it was inappropriate because there are kids watching. I agree about the latter, so I can’t blame all it on him being a grumpy old man, LOL.

    Ceejay – Congrats on the WL. Keep on working at it, whether it’s the WW or the MRC program.

    Susie – Good you’ve got the budget stuff all documented. I’m sure it’ll be a lot easier next time around. I’ve seen a couple tv segments about cardio drumming - it sounds fun!

    Hi Shad!! Hope all is well with you down under.


    As I told Happy, I didn’t watch the “big game” at all. BF had a few people over for it, but I retired to the bedroom to watch a few more episodes of The Crown.

    The weekend was so-so. On Friday evening I phoned my mom several times, but no answer. This is the norm now because she is so hard of hearing, so I didn’t go racing over to her place until the next morning. She was fine. I made a shopping list and then went home. BF and I went out for lunch and then grocery shopping. We didn’t hit any stores where I usually buy my mom’s groceries, so I went shopping again on Sunday for her stuff and then dropped it off at her place after that. It’s a bear getting the groceries up to her place without her shopping cart.

    I’m finding it hard to cope with my mom’s situation. It doesn’t help that my sister and I aren’t always on the same page or just aren’t communicating well. Issues that have been going on for a long time don’t seem to be getting addressed and I’ve come to realize that although she doesn’t work, she doesn’t spend as much time helping my mom as I thought. I know it might not seem fair to think she should spend more time with my mom because she doesn’t work outside the home…but she does have more time than me. And she’s available during the day, which definitely works better. My mother isn’t going out at night to grocery shop, or anything else for that matter. I’m going to stop right here or I could ramble about this forever...

    My friend D had a lumpectomy on Monday – she felt the lump and followed up with a mammogram and that didn’t detect it…More tests, etc and confirmed it was cancerous. Hopefully it’s not in her lymph nodes – she might only need some radiation and no chemo. Please keep her in your thoughts and/or prayers. And be sure to do your self-exams as well as your mammograms ladies!

    This Saturday is the local memorial service for my nephew who passed on Christmas Eve (the one in TX was last month). This might sound awful, but I can’t wait until it’s over and done with. I’ve lost my father, two brothers, and now a nephew in the span of 13-14 years – not to mention my furbaby Coal. It’s been rough – they were all taken too soon.

    On to less unhappy topics…

    I went to my orthopedic appointment yesterday evening. All is well with my foot. I’m to wean myself off the boot. I’ve already done that at home – I wear slipper or shoes in the house. Next is in the office, and after that when I’m out and about running errands. Last will be when I’m walking between the train station and office. My next appointment is in 6 weeks.

    I’m glad to be walking again between the office and the train station again, even with the stupid boot. I’ve been on the stationary bike a couple times the past couple weeks but not consistently. I need to get back into a groove with exercise!

    This morning I woke up before the alarm and went down to the basement to get on the bike. I rode for a few minutes with the tv on mute with closed captions, but then I saw our old tv headphones sitting by the tv (we bought new ones for upstairs a couple months ago). When bf set up the new headphones, he used the old audio cable for the new headphones (why??). I told him I wanted the old headphones for downstairs. He didn’t know why I even wanted to use them. I told him that I want to watch tv while I ride the bike in the morning before work, but I don’t want the sound to carry through the floor. (Our basement workout area is right under our bedroom, so the sound carries.) He said it wouldn’t bother him, but I’d prefer to use the headphones regardless.

    Anyway, this morning I got off the bike and I tried to hook up the headphones to the tv with a random audio cable that was sitting by the tv, but it didn’t work. I gave up and got back on the bike, but only for a few more minutes because I spent too much time messing with the cable… On the train to work today, I looked online at the headphone user manual. I was definitely doing the connection wrong, but the cable I used might also be wrong. So after work I’ll try again, and if it still doesn’t work with the cable I have, I’ll order another. I can’t use cardio equipment without being entertained!!

    Lunchtime is over and then some (oops!), so I’ll get this posted! TTFN.
  • Nephew called me on Sunday and asked if I could come and pick him up. I did think about for a minute but I said no I am done. We had a confrontation earlier that week and I thought he was going to sock me with his fist. He was drunk that day also. I'm afraid of him. He is not to come to my house unless some one is accompanying him.

    I did go to MRC on a whim last Friday and weighed in. Got the low down on the program etc which I already knew about. but any ways. Weighed in, got measured, and bought some products. I'm going to refuse to take those supplements.
    Tuesday I went back to MRC to weigh in and I had lost 2 pounds. WooHoo. After that I went to J.C. Penny's and bought myself a new quilt. The one I have is seeing it's better day's. I used my gift cards I got for Christmas. and I still have 4 dollars left.
    We had snow flurries this morning
    Bil went in for a pain block procedure this morning while it was snowing. A friend from church took sis and bil. Really hope this helps bil. This has really been painful for him.
    I'll come back for personals.
  • Good sunny morning to you ladies,

    Today is DH's birthday. He is 70 years OLD. I can't believe how the years have flown by so quickly. We will be 100 before we know it We are doing a day trip and having dinner at a nice steakhouse of DH's choosing this evening. At least the weather is nice and calm for traveling - it's about 90 minutes from here.

    Bingo is going ok, not as well as I'd like it to be. I am getting some timid feedback - as I suspected there are many who do not care for the place we are having bingo at. That and the fact it conflicts with Saturday Catholic mass is affecting attendance. I am not fretting over it any more but I do wish we could finish it early tho I will stick with it.

    Oral surgeon called yesterday. I am having the start of the implants done February 25. They will insert 2 posts for my front teeth. 3 months of healing and then I go back to the dentist who will insert the porcelain front teeth and attach crowns on either side to round out the full 4 teeth. Don't have enough bone for all 4 teeth so this option will be less expensive. I do think my days of eating corn off the cob are over. Will be interesting to see how my fine biting will be as I can't do anything like break a thread with my teeth or bite a fine string of food - even thin sliced tomatoes. It's like I have dull tweezers that don't quite meet up with each other!

    Was thinking of a quick trip into Chicago but then as I was making plans, the oral surgeon called so that's the end of that. I will try and make a trip out during the summer sometime.

    Cats alternately make us laugh and then get into mischief and we holler at them. Rambunctious!

    My Mom had a CT scan on her heart. Has a leaky valve - doctor / surgeon is pushing it. My cousin was giving my sister advice. His Mom - my Mom's 10 year YOUNGER sister has gone through all sorts of issues. As D said, the doctors tell you they can FIX things but they sure don't tell you about post surgical complications. My Aunt has all sorts of issues including 2 strokes AND the valve replacement makes her feel NO BETTER than before surgery. So what was the point? My sister is also very worried about the after affects as it will affect her more than anything, especially if we have to make a hasty decision to move Mom into some sort of assisted living. Both of us are preferring to be ostriches right now - ignoring it.

    Finally got a cabinet layout that is workable in the laundry room. Looking at cabinets I am wondering if I should just give up my beloved Maytag double cabinet dryer for a stackable unit (not a compact apartment unit) which will allow me to have more cabinets on the other side of the room also. Although between my teeth, the new car and the cabinets and hopefully some new kitchen flooring I think we spent enough this year and we are only into February. I would like to replace our hodge podge living room furniture but with the kittens still scratching, that's out for now too.

    That's about all in my world right now.

    Ceejay - I applaud you for taking a stand with the nephew. He keeps losing ground and clearly has not gotten to that point in his life where he is willing to suffer a bit or deny himself drink in order to be a better person. You cannot enable him and if you are afraid of his temper or emotions, you need to heed your gut feelings. I wish people had more common sense. Congrats on the weight loss. Perhaps you can find a way to make MRC work for your accountability needs because you do seem to favor that program.

    Laura - I did not watch the Super Bowl either but when people started talking about the half time show, I You Tubed it and thought the bumps, grinds, hip and crotch thrusts were over the top. Especially when they had kids on the show - teach your children to make a lot of money selling yourself as sex dolls then complain when guys come after you. Bad message. BUT like so many things polarized today people are divided between that's ok and you are stupid. Nancy Pelosi did not set women back 50 years (only in the eyes of old white farts who'd rather see them barefoot and preggers in the kitchen making them a sandwich and keeping their mouths shut). JLo and her public pole dancing is the one who took us down a few notches. Oh well.

    Sorry to hear that Mom is giving you such a hassle. As for her care, it seems as if it falls to one person in the family - usually the one who has the least amount of time. I am forever grateful that my sister has taken the burden for all of these years. I feel badly that I am not there to support her more often, which is why I offered to bring her up here 2 years ago. I think my sister regrets caving on that decision. I hope you can find something workable. Your Mom sounds as stubborn as mine. Yikes.

    I get where you are coming from with the headphones downstairs. I too like a distraction when exercising and have found even just the gentle background whoosing of the bike or treadmill is distracting when the TV is on - I much prefer music for the cadence but whatever gets you through your routine. Welcome to logic arguments with the man in the house. Ugh, you have my sympathies.

    Can you wean yourself off the boot with a more sturdy lace up hiking boot that will support your foot? You walking again must be the reason they are predicting 6 inches of snow today, right? LOL

    Annie - well girlfriend, it's easy to see why you are so down in the dumps. Nothing positive lately to bolster your mood or temper all the caretaking. You need that Florida vacation with your family. I hope the acupuncture helps. There is a nerve that runs along the top of the stomach and can easily be confused for scary chest pain. I tried to tell my Mom about that too but she won't listen. I sometimes get palpitations - can always trace it back to food but I imagine once you've had C's issues, you will forever be concerned. Hope Sassy Girl responds favorably to the meds.

    Hi Susie - hope you're feeling better. Sounds like work has you as busy as ever - as long as you are learning and people aren't leaning on you wrongly.

    Hi Shad how are the home projects coming along?

    Time is flying and I need to get ready. Want to change out purses too before we go so I'll sign off now.
  • Morning
    We had a dusting of snow during the night. Kind of disappointed that it was not more. Think Springfield did get more. And it's cold.
    Your DH and I are the same age. I'll be 70 my birthday in August. Ugh. I do like the MRC program in that it is structured eating plan. I don't like taking all the supplements.

    Oh my with all the sickness and poor little Sassy. Hope every one is feeling better

    Did they give you a soft shoe type thing to wear after you come out of your boot? That was a life safe for me after I had the bunion surgery years ago.

    Shad and Susie
  • Sorry, despite repeated urgings to self to get on here and post, I have been snowed under with household tasks, weather, kids, dogs etc. Since the sun has seen fit to come out for a short time, and things are starting to dry out, I'm having coffee and sitting at the computer.

    The weather has gone from the sublime to the ridiculous over here. A couple of weeks ago we had temps in the 40C's and it was hot and dry. Then we had a bit of rain and it was hot and humid. So now there are three weather systems coming down the coast, with a cyclone forming off to the east and one that has just hit land in Western Australia and the temps have dropped to the high 20C's. We have torrential rain and flooding now with a forecast of similar for the rest of the week and if the cyclone stays on track there will be wind, rain, flooding and damage. Okay. At least some of the rain is falling where it is needed most. The farmers and their families are so excited. For some kids it is the first rain they have ever seen. Dams and water courses are slowly filling. Of course they need more, but they don't need downpours just nice steady rain. As one farmer in South Western Queensland said to another from inland NSW this morning - Don't worry about not getting the amount of rain we are mate, the rivers are taking all our topsoil down your way. You should get some good wet pasture shortly.

    DS2 has been putting in some work at my place for the last couple of weeks and the renovations are coming along in leaps and bounds. I now have proper flooring in the hall and main bedroom, plantation shutters in the 3rd bedroom and the bathroom. I have sanded and painted doors and are starting in another bedroom shortly. Still got a long way to go before the list of things that need doing stops resembling a toilet roll, but its coming along. I've started on revamping the vegetable patch as well as I should start planting again at the end of February.

    Ceejay - Hope the snow stays as a small amount, otherwise you might get snowed in.

    Laura - I really understand the feeling about who is doing what for your Mum. It's a situation I guess neither of you wanted to be in, but it has to be faced. It's not going to get any better than it is now. Sad that your sister can't take your mother grocery shopping a little bit more. My sister had the same problem with Mum 3 hours drive away and my brothers and I all the way over here and only able to visit once in a while. She felt put upon more than once.
    I hope your friend D is okay. How lucky she found the lump. Mammograms do not always detect what is there. More than one person over here can attest to that. I have had mammograms for years. Now I am over 70 they are no longer part of the free health system. So I need to keep up with them and pay the bill. I wish her luck. These days it is not a death sentence but it is still serious and sometimes given surgery some people never fully recover from having the breast off. Hope the memorial goes well and I understand your reluctance to face it after all the losses.

    Happy - Hope you enjoyed DH's birthday dinner and that the steak was all you could wish for. Don't live to be a hundred It is hard enough to be 70 these days.
    I sure hope they measure up the teeth properly. Nothing as good as a new season corn cob to chew on. The only problem I have with my implant is that I have to floss a lot more often because food gets suck in between the teeth on either side and the implant. Dentist doesn't mind my flossing since he has been after me to do it more frequently for years.
    I really understand the need to prioritise purchases these days. I am having to do the same. Spend here, wait and save, spend there. And the way prices keep rising, it's not much fun.
    There comes a time when you need to weigh up the pro's and con's of having surgery or not. At 93 or so, is this really necessary. As you say can the medicos confidently predict it will improve the quality of life. Not worrying about quantity. It is quality that is required here. It's a hard decision. Although I do feel that it is necessary to consider assisted living for your mother if only to ensure that she takes the correct medications at the correct time. My opinion only.

    Annie - what a worrying life you are having at the moment. I'm thinking of you. You need a break. Sending best wishes to C and to SIL and to little Sassy. Hope all come right soon. I'm sending plenty of hugs your way I'm sure there used to be a single hug somewhere, but I can't see it atm.

    Susie - you must be busy at work again. Hope all is okay.

    Gotta go, clean up some of the mess I made during the week. Wash the new floors and put the mats/ rugs back. Then I should see what I can do with all these green bell peppers that have self sown in my yard. I really only like them when they are red or yellow, however I may stuff one for dinner tonight. With rice and mince and herbs and veges or something. We'll see. There is a large number of them coming up and the wind, rain and heat are knocking them around. Although they cost me nothing, I can't bear waste so I will see what I can do. Might have to annoy the neighbours again.
  • Anne, I am glad to hear that what C thought was a heart attack turned out to not be so. It is nothing to guess at and it is good you could give him the nitroglycerin and it took care of it.

    Is there a class or support group at the hospital that maybe he can go to that will help him through all the new things he is experiencing and his new way of thinking about his health?

    I think when people can understand that something has changed for them health wise it scares them. Knowledge is power in my book.

    Ceejay, well done on the weight loss and for putting your foot down and keeping it there with the nephew.

    Happy: how are things going on with your mouth and implants? It is a long journey you are on. But one that will be worth it.

    Shad, I am glad to hear that much needed rain has been coming your way even if it wasnt a slow steady rain.

    I grew up as a farmer's daughter and my life always seemed that we were praying about rain.

    It sounds like a lot is getting done in your house.

    Laura, I see so many of my friends with the same struggles you have written about with your siblings when it comes to your elderly parents care. I dont know the answers but I am keeping you in my prayers that you will have clarity on how you should handle the hurdles.

    I am also praying for your friend who is now dealing with breast cancer. In my opinion monthly self checks are just as important as mammograms.

    I just finished with my bike workout. I took about 2 weeks of from my am workouts. I needed a break. Instead I would walk the building trail at work at lunch, it is a 2 mile walk and did my cardio Drumming workout.

    The scales didnt move down much but they didn't go up.

    I am now adding back in the am workouts on the bike or treadmill, and will continue the building walks and the cardio Drumming. That is a great, fun workout. It works my total body. It is only once a week but it is fun and it is good to have a workout that is fun.
  • Good morning ladies,

    Figured I would check in because like Shad, I lose thought of it and then next thing I know, 2 weeks have passed by!

    DH's birthday dinner was nice and quite tasty, the rest of the trip at the casino was a bummer. Pity we don't have much to do around here in the winter. We met some friends for breakfast yesterday - they like to do day trips to travel and see things. We all agreed that heading north where it's pretty is also more remote and much more snow so those trips will have to wait until spring (for swelled waterfalls) and summer for scenic views. February is the toughest month for me - boring and I get tired of being cold all the time and everything being white. But the days are passing quickly - don't know where January flew to so hopefully February and March will run past also.

    We are waiting to hear what the cardiologist will say about my Mom's CT scan - there is an appointment tomorrow. This leaky valve as we understand it contributes to the congestive heart failure BUT that can also be controlled by less invasive medication. However that is water pills and my Mom already complains about dry mouth and having to go to the bathroom far too much already. However, better an extra trip to the loo over recovering from a debilitating stoke but we'll see how that goes.

    Our new car is scheduled to be built on Thursday. Glad it's not a Monday car - rumours of Monday cars being lesser quality from people who come to work on Monday tired and hungover from the weekend Not sure how true that is but I do adhere to certain superstitions like that, another is that you never want to be one of the last surgeries of the day when everyone's tired... Anticipating getting a call to pick up the new car at the end of next week. Which is the time of the great ski race when we typically hide in the house for 4 days and don't venture anywhere further than we need to. We have to pick it up in Duluth - 90 minutes away.

    I am happy to have 2 weeks off from bingo duties. We made a bit over $200 last week. People trickle in and those who play are good natured and have fun - still I think it's more work than it's worth and am disappointed a bit in the turnout compared to other bingo operations.

    OMG - kittens are running around the house at top speed at the moment. Bounding up and over things. I should have that much energy! I have never drank one of those Red Bull "energy" drinks. Have any of you tried them? DH tried one of those 4 hour energy drinks in the tiny bottle once when we were travelling from Memphis and he said it made him feel terribly peculiar and said he'd never do it again.

    I am feeling a bit tired and sluggish today. Partially because we rarely see the sun these days and more so because too many carbs in my last few meals. I am really noticing and paying attention to the relationship between food and how I feel.

    Susie - the cardio drumming sounds like a whole lot of fun. It also seems like a regular committment to exercise is the key to keeping the scale in line. Have things calmed down on the job front? How is DH doing?

    Shad - glad to hear you are finally getting some rains but as seems to be the case, it's feast or famine. I hope this will provide some much needed restocking of water although it is sad about the dry topsoil washing away in the floods. You have boundless energy with the home projects. I'm sure the new floors are quite nice - hope the pets don't mar them up. I am no fan of green bell peppers myself so cannot offer any suggestions on how to use them. Of course because they are not a favorite, they grow wild in abundance - isn't that the case?

    Laura - hope things are working out with Mum. The others are correct - we ALL have a million similar stories about caring for the parents. Although I don't remember my grandma being this much of a hassle although my sister said my own Mom complained alot. Perhaps because we were not as close with the care giving. Hope you are doing well on the foot recovery and that you will be good as new soon.

    Annie - hugs and thoughts to you Did you try the accupuncture?

    Ceejay - if you want some snow, come on up although I guess a storm came down your way recently and brought snow. Are you making plans to visit a sister soon?

    Sorry I can't post longer - we have to go see another cabinet place DH found that is in town. We do find people to be rather lackadaisical when it comes to customer service so we'll see what this other place has to offer. And DH wants to get a move on so I have to get ready.

    Have a good week everyone.
  • Happy
    Visiting sis in Atlanta is a thought process nothing put into action as yet. We had another dusting of snow this morning but it was gone before noon. More expected the next couple of days. Are youo still using your new step. I love the one at the gym.

    I like my sissy's plantation shutters. We are going back down to the low 20's temperature wise tonight and close to 10 degree's tomorrow night.
    I don't like the cold. I'm ready for warm air.

    Good for you in getting back with your exercise. It does make me feel better for a little bit.


    Not much going on with me lately. I've been depressed. Let me just say that life in general has caught up with me.
    Nephew decided that he needed to go back to treatment so he and his brother found a place in CA that would accept his insurance.
    I got my taxes filed yesterday and am getting a refund. This is about it.
  • Afternoon all. It’s started snowing and I think it’s going to go for a while – overnight and into tomorrow. We’ll see how much we end up with. Then we’re getting an arctic blast. Hello winter.

    Ceejay – Definitely keep away from the nephew if his behavior scares you! I sure hope he finds his way. I hope the pain block helped your BIL. My doctor okayed sneakers for when I’m not wearing the boot. I do have a soft shoe thingy that I wear when I drive the car because it has a Velcro closure that makes it easier to get it on and off when I have to change into/out of the boot in the car. Running errands is a PITA because I can’t wear the boot when I drive, but I still need to wear it when I’m shopping in a large store like Walmart or other big supermarkets. At this point, I feel like I’m ready to stop wearing the boot because my foot feels good, but I sort of have an irrational fear of the foot getting stomped on by some clod, being run over with a shopping cart, or having a can of soup dropped on it…

    Happy – Happy belated birthday to your DH. Sounds like a nice celebration. I bet you’ll be glad to get the implant process started (and finished!!). I would miss being able to eat corn off the cob, or eating an apple off the core, but I suppose I could get accustomed to cutting off the corn and apple (I almost always cut my apples off the core anyway because I can’t stand getting apple peel wedged between my teeth). I never bite thread with my teeth – that’s what scissors are for!! Re your mom and the surgery – Shad mentioned the quality of life issue over quantity (length) at this point in your mom’s life and it sounds like the surgery might not improve the quality. I think the whole “surgery at that age” risk factor justifies the decision to delay it indefinitely/wait and see. Doesn’t make it easier though!! I hope the CT results help one way or another. Re weaning off the boot – my doctor approved my sneakers for walking around. I should think anything that’s sturdy and supportive is fine. I have a pair of Keen shoes that have a less flexible sole than the sneakers, so those are okay too and actually good for when the temps get colder because they are leather vs the mesh on my sneakers. Of course, with the snow coming I will have no choice but to wear either my ankle boots or my taller snow boots, the latter of which are not all that comfortable. No, never tried any of those energy drinks and probably never will.

    Shad – Wow, first drought and fires and now cyclones and flooding!! Yikes! Nice that the projects at your place are coming along with the help of your DS. How’s the veg patch coming along? I was looking at a sale flyer over the weekend from the big box home improvement store and there was an elevated planter box on sale. That might not be the right one, but at least it’s got me thinking about what I need to do to move my veg garden to the area alongside the south side of the house where it will get more sun – IF the plants are placed high enough that the privacy fence doesn’t block the sun. I’m going to check out some garden supply websites and see what they have like that and figure out how much to budget for this project. Re my mom - I think my sister started off spending a lot of time initially after my mom moved back here, but got frustrated, so she cut back on how much she was spending. Especially since her efforts were often for naught – she bought mom a number of things to help her (walker, pill organizer, etc.) but my mom doesn’t use them. Right now I’m just going to do what I can and text my sister with updates.

    Susie – I think it helps I’m not the only person having the frustrations and worries about an elderly parent that I’m having. Thanks for the prayers for that and for my friend going through breast cancer treatment! It’s nice that you have a trail you can walk at lunch time. I like to get out and walk at lunch – sometimes just to/from whatever lunch place I’ve chosen, but other times just to wander. Not a brisk walk, but better than nothing. Even in this boot, I like to get out of the building. Unfortunately I can’t get away from the people and traffic and noise… No gain is a good thing! Keep it up! Yes, I think workouts that are fun are key to sticking with it! Enjoy the drumming.

    Annie – How are you sister? I hope you’re getting some stress relief for all the challenges that have come down on you lately!


    The memorial service and dinner on Saturday were alright. My nephew – the brother of the one who passed - is taking it pretty hard. Maybe now that the services are done it will be easier to move through the grieving process. I’m glad he has a serious girlfriend alongside him to offer support.

    The rest of the weekend was okay. Not a whole lot to report. Last night bf and I watched “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”. It was fun to see the Hollywood of the late 60’s – or at least Quentin Tarantino’s version of it. I’m not all that familiar with many of the tv shows or actors/directors of that era, but liked the feel of the culture and of LA from that era. It was rather long – a pet peeve of mine, and then end was freaky – but that’s the way it goes with Tarantino.

    BF picked up the new glass table top we ordered to protect the bare wood of our DR table. Now we don’t have to cover it with a flannel-backed vinyl cover or a tablecloth anymore and we can enjoy the beauty of the wood.

    The snow has started. It’ll be a messy commute home.

    Okay, time to get this posted and get ready to leave. TTFN.

    Well, well, well - been using the Chrome browser the past week or so because the IE browser we use at work started giving me errors with connecting to Adobe for pdf links. And guess what?? None of the funky formatting when I cut and pasted my post just now!! Yay!
  • Good Day My Friends.

    Good News....no one in hospital and no trips to ER this week. Can I get an Amen? AMEN

    I did go to the Indiana Eye Clinic to see an optomalogist (sp). I have been having light flashes and floaters for about 3 months. It didn't go away but I was too busy with others health to address it. Come to find out it is PTV Posterior Vitreous Detachment of both eyes. It is when the gel that fills the eye separates from the back of the eye. Nothing can be done for it. I will just have the flashes and floaters. Has to be monitored as it could lead to retinal tears or holes. Or retinal detachment. If I blink enough times the floaters move and I can see fine. I will have to go back periodically for rechecks. They took pics of my eyeballs and will do so each time I go. If any of the bad things happen mentioned above then there is laser stuff they can do to help it. This is not curable. Here is the bright side.....it does not affect my vision, it will not get worse because of PTV. Only the natural get old worse that comes with life.

    The acupuncture is helping a lot with my neck/ear pain. Which now I am certain is all due to stress. She did needles and cupping last time. I may have already told you that. Anyway it is still helping. She is on vacation for two weeks so this will be the real test to see how long the good lasts. I go back for more treatment on Feb 28, my momma and daddy's heavenly 72nd wedding anniversary. Hard to believe momma has been gone for 10 years and dad 7 years and Mike 4 years. Where does all that time go? Same place that the gbabes growing up, I guess. Royce will be 6 next month and Jacob is already 8.

    We are all going to see Sonic the Hedgehog this weekend for V day. Since none of us need candy and we have the boys this weekend we are going to see it. Curtis, my bro and SIL Cindy, Samantha and the boys and me. Prob Cindy's grown niece too. A real party. We had ice, sleet, rain and snow yesterday and last night. Luckily it came in groups so the roads were clear on the way to work this morning. It is still flurrying.

    Cindy is holding her own at the moment, still coughing. That is expected for about 6 months. SHe seems like she has more energy every day and in a better mood. I will take it.

    I have been KETO strong for about 5 weeks now with NO cheats. The weight is not coming off as quickly as it did before. Maybe because I don't have as much to lose this time. Lost 40 the first time, gained back 20, now down 6. Only 14 more to go. I just feel better all over eating this way. Joints don't hurt near as badly as they did. Just overall I feel better. If for nothing else that is worth the keto effort on my part.

    CEEG...good for you on standing your ground with nephew and not being an enabler. I get the entire addiction thing. BUT unless he is doing it for himself-really wants it and not for others, or for reasons to be able to live or go places, it will never "take" or work for him. One drink will take him down.

    HAPPY...do keep us posted on your momma. Dealing with stubborn is one thing but dealing with stubborn family is the worst. I am with you, I say pass on surgery for mom. Especially if it won't improve anything and may cause more problems. Hope all is well with your implants. DHs birthday sounded wonderful.

    LAURA...Agree, boots are horrible. I remember from when I had my ankle surgery a few years back. and I drove with my left foot so I didn't have to take my boot off. Yes, I live life on the edge. lol

    SUSIE...yes a class or support group would be helpful for C but Lord knows he would never go. Well I don't know he might. I know he turned down the PT for heart patients cause "he doesn't have time for that" WEver I agree knowledge is power.

    SHADDIE...come up for air...are you remodeling your heart out? How's the garden coming along?

    Better get to work. Plus I need to go to the bathroom. lol
  • Not much going on at the moment. Woke up to snow flurries this morning but the sun is shining now and it's cold. The high today is supposed to be 24 degree's. Low tonight of 10 degree's. It is winter.
    Exercise is going better than the diet but I'm still losing a bit of weight so I like that.
    Been depressed this week. Life in Missouri isn't what I expected it to be when I retired and it just hit me like a ton of bricks this week but life can't be a bed of roses and no matter where I am in life, things will happen whether I like it or not. Just have to remember to take care of myself and let the other go. I will be setting boundries for myself.
    Yesterday at the gym I kept noticing a certain younger man watching me. He looked familiar but I don't know that many people here and it was not any one from church. I think it was my doctor but why would he be in the gym when he should be seeing patients. Could have been his lunch hour though. I'll find out when I go in March.

    Hope your foot continues to improve.

    Every one else have a good day.
  • Morning all,
    Great to see blue skies and sunshine for at least part of the day today. At least it will allow us to dry out a little bit and some work can be done in the yard. We've had around 600ml (2feet more or less) of water drop on us over the past week or so. Floods everywhere. Interesting thought that - first fires, now floods, what's next famine? Well the way prices are skyrocketing at the moment I wouldn't be surprised. However if I was into that sort of thing, the luxury items we generally sell abroad like lobster and wagyu steak and all that stuff is not going to the high paying Asian markets because of the coronavirus so we are getting some in the shops. However, at $129 per kilo, crayfish (lobster) is not on my menu right now. Send it to Sydney, they are the only ones who can afford those prices even if they are underwater or burnt out.

    Annie - good to hear from you. And it is nice to hear that you are all home and if not in the peak of health, at least mobile and getting there. Time gets away on all of us. I've been wondering where January went and here we are somewhere in the middle of February. Thank heavens summer is coming to an end. Spring is on it's way for you, which I guess you are all hanging out for. That's the only thing I want to speed up.

    Okay, gotta move on. Got a date with a bloke at the furniture shop. Back later.
  • Cont'd
    Ceejay - One thing about retirement is that we have to do what is best for ourselves. Can't leave our happiness to anyone else. Good to hear you are losing some weight. I'm struggling a bit. Lose some, get it back, weight goes up again, I get it down, rinse and repeat.

    Laura - not much going on in the vege patch just now. It's been raining too much to get into it. Hopefully this week.

    Susie - this is a land of extremes. Drought or flood. Not a lot in the middle really in the summertime up here.

    Okay, gotta go, got some tech stuff to sort out.
  • Shad
    Thank you for that bit of advice. I will take it. And like you I will lose a few pounds and then gain it back. I will stay with MRC for the structure of the plan. I just have to execute it.

    I like the new procedure of the eye doctor making pictures instead of dialating the eye's. I get to see the images too! Glad to hear that every one is as healthy as can be at the moment. The only thing I don't like about the MRC is that it restricts my carbs. It is a high protein diet which I like but I want my carbs. sigh

    I love to read about the kittens.

    Wow you put in a lot of exercise! Do you do them in 30 minute segments? Going to look up the cardio drumming? I've been wishing for a punching bag to get rid of some frustration and anxiety.

    I think texting your sister with updates about your mom will be good thing.