~*Haunting for Halloween 2015 Challenge*~

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  • Rie-I looked that place up and it looks so beautiful I'm sure you guys will have an amazing time! I want to get my doctorate after this so I still have another few years My ultimate dream is running my own piano department at a university so I'm planning on always being in school I guess. That's so frustrating about the editing. I'm glad you've found a project schedule that works though. Have fun tonight, and have a good kickboxing session!

    NNS-Great loss! You sounds like you really are doing so well with exercising and eating Well, I'm don't really have plans for this weekend(was suppose to go backpacking but that fell through) so I won't be tempted by any parties or something. Going for a hike today and have lots of exercise to catch up on so that should keep me busy from eating!

    Atarimae-Something that helps me is distinguishing between mouth hunger and stomach hunger. Lately that's been stopping me from reaching for extra food. Also I don't buy anything tempting to keep in the house and keeping busy definitely helps too. Good luck with this next phase!

    I did a nice run on Thursday and then yesterday I had wanted to but I was sooooo tired. I need more sleep At least I walk so much on campus. Haha the scale finally dropped today! But Friday's are my weigh in so I thought I hadn't lost. Oh well. I think my face is looking a little slimmer and I definitely look less bloated.

    Where do you guys notice weight loss first?
  • Mongoose ~ I used to calorie count, but I noticed that I tend to get overly obsessed with every single number that's inputted/outputted that I started to feel it was unhealthy. I will definitely consider redoing this though, because until it became an obsession, it was actually helpful! Definitely eat before going to the wedding if you're concerned with a lot of not-so-good choices, but also let yourself to eat things you don't normally do! It will hopefully keep the binging to a minimum and not make you crave things you see, but weren't able to eat because you were being too strict. At least, this is what I had to kind of learn the hard way...

    nns ~ Great job on the loss and the run! Yes, holiday weekends can be very tempting to go a bit overboard. Haha, isn't it terrible when other halves cause you to be tempted to eat all the things? Sigh, totally with you there, girl. As for my plan, no I'm not really restricted to WHEN I can eat. It's just strange though, that I have the tendency to not be so hungry during the day and (well, maybe it's mental, lol) hungry at night. I used to try not eating past ten, but depending on how my sleep schedule is, I kinda can't help it at times, lol!

    Rie ~ Great thought process keeping in mind that in order to see the loss, the combination of exercise and good eats will yield results. So often I focus on one or the other, and then sit there wondering why I've no results, lol! The 15/6 rule is no more than 15 grams of sugar and no more than 6 servings of carbs (1 serving being UP TO 20 grams worth) per day. Kind of restrictive once you realize how many sugars are in things, but definitely doable most of the time!

    Dott ~ Yeah, that's something I still need to work on. I guess the problem with me is that even after eating quite a bit, my stomach will still growl, as though it's hungry. And sometimes I KNOW it's my body playing tricks on me, but I just give in because of the embarrassing growling. Glad to hear the scale is moving again! As for me, I tend to notice weight loss first in my face. It's the one part of my body I'm not so concerned about, but at least it can be seen!

    Today was the annual Okinawan Festival here, and man it was hot and humid and I've never been prouder to have drank so much water and keep from temptations. From the beginning of the morning, my mom wanted some shave ice with condensed milk, and obviously with watching my sugars, this would be off plan. My sister then wanted andagi, which are Okinawan donuts, again a food which I can't eat, lol! I just kept sipping my water while waiting for my cousins and their family, as well as my bf to arrive.

    We walked around for a bit, admiring the bonsai plants and some artwork, while they had some traditional dance and music on the main stage. Of course, my family mainly goes to this festival for three things: buying the annual t-shirts, the games, and the food! The line for shirts was ridiculously long, and since I don't buy them anyway, my sister, cousins, cousin's bf, my bf, and I went off to browse the games, where I may or may not have been making googly eyes at this adorable Stitch doll in some sort of rain coat or pajama or something. Unfortunately, a girl won it before me, which is fine...it saved me from playing the game.

    But then our tradition: Ring toss and make the men carry the sodas! We kind of won 11 2-liter bottles in total (poor bf and his arms) and not quite sure what we are gonna do with it all. We might do some sort of watermelon soju drinks with the Sierra Mist, but the bf is part of a fraternity so who knows? Maybe he or his brothers will have to host a party of sorts.

    Anyway, onto the food. I ended up getting an oki-dog, which is a tortilla wrapper that has chili, a hot dog, shredded lettuce, and shoyu (soy sauce) pork. It was a semi-cheat meal for me due to the carbs and sweetness in the pork, but it was delicious and so worth it. Went back on track for dinner, so yay thank goodness!

    Ended up also buying some konbu, throat candy, and instant fresh Okinawan soba for my grandmas as well. All in all, a nice time with my family and the bf!
  • I lose weight in my belly/waist first. Whenever people notice that I've lost weight, they're usually looking at my waist area. I'm apple-shaped so I definitely don't mind losing there first.

    That sounds like such a nice time, Altarimae! I love fun & relaxing days like that.

    Thanks for the advice about the wedding, guys. I've just eaten a substantial lunch so I won't be starving later. I'll pay attention to my hunger signals and eat slowly.

    I'm also going to submit my weight a day early because I won't be able to weigh myself for the next couple of days. Another pound down! By the way, I use an analog scale which doesn't show my weight with decimals, so that's why it's all whole numbers for me.
  • Hello everyone - sorry I've been out of action. I have been away from home for work for the past week and have been super busy!

    Eating while away from home was a challenge. I wasn't able to find a place to work out and I struggled to eat the food that I wanted. I think next time I have a trip like this I will need to do some extensive planning and risk assessment ahead of time I managed to maintain my weight across the week so not all bad news!

    I will have to start afresh next week and plan to swim, walk and do some yoga as I'm starting to feel like a overly creaky 20-something
  • Hey guys! So my weight was way up this morning, but I'm guessing that's from my kickboxing session since I always go up the day after a workout. Hoping to see a nice drop tomorrow, I think I did well eating wise today. Still marking this weeks weight as 166 lbs = 1 lb loss. Tomorrow I'm going on a hike, I hope it's nice!

    Hope you all have a nice Labor day!


    Dott - I can't wait! Not too long now. Oh wow, you're gonna be a piano master!! Do you have any cool classmates? Hmm, it's hard to say. I've got naturally thin arms/legs, so I think I notice it more on my stomach since that's where I'm always looking! So definitely my torso since that's pretty much where all my fat is stored - so weird!

    Atarimae - I know right? Sometimes I'm like "rarrr must work out all the time!!" and I don't see any results until I cut down on my food! 16g, that's quite limiting, but I'm sure it's doing you good. I definitely need to cut down on my sugars since it's in everything over here. My teeth are starting to ache . Sounds like a lovely time! Does Hawaii have a big Okinawan/Japanese population?

    Nanu - Having any semblance of a healthy routine when you're not in your own environment is a huge challenge!! It's kinda why I like running so much, because you can do it anywhere. But food is the big one for me! I think it's worth researching restaurants ahead of time, viewing their menu and picking what you want ahead of time and sticking with it. Congrats on maintaining though, as much as losing while away would be great maintaining is a huge achievement!
  • Week 1 Charts everyone!

    Overall Chart:

    20-somethings Chart:

    If you still want to join the challenge then please go to the first post for the rules + the link to the spreadsheet!
  • Mongoose ~ Nice drop! Hope the wedding was enjoyable for you.

    Nanu ~ Oh I totally relate to that! Having to plan ahead as to what we can/can't eat while on trips or outings can be stressful. Sometimes my grandma gives me weird looks when she sporadically says we should eat somewhere and I'm like, "I have to see the menu first!" Glad you were able to maintain!

    Rie ~ It's great you know your body and you recognize that the drop will eventually come. If you put in that much work kickboxing, you will definitely see results! Limiting the sugars can get tough and I do give myself a cheat day or meal/snack once in awhile, but what got me into this predicament was that those days were coming all too often, haha! Yes, the Okinawan/Japanese population is quite large here in Hawaii. It's great that such a festival has been going on for like over 3 decades - longer than most of us were alive! (Also, it's funny that most of us in Hawaii do identify Okinawan and Japanese differently. When I went to the mainland, a lot of times, they didn't know the difference.)


    Woohoo, Labor Day which meant no getting up early because holidays yay yay yaaay. What else was yay? My weigh-in! I'm a little concerned that this won't stick though, because (tmi) my body really cleansed itself last night and my meals were very abnormal in comparison to what I normally eat (it was very centered around veggies, whereas during this plan most of my meals' main focus was the protein/meats). I guess we'll find out during the week if that did cause any abnormal changes in weight, but I'm jotting that down as my week 2 number, since Mondays are weigh-in days no matter how bad or good my weekend was!

    A couple questions, for any of you guys who live off salad-type meals or are vegetarian/vegan...how do you guys remain full? Is it mostly like the meat substitutes that pack in protein that help? I notice veggies don't keep me full very long, even with fillers in my salad like cheese or a hard-boiled egg.

    The other thing I'm curious about is how do you know you're actually eating enough calories? One of my big concerns from my meals last night was that I pretty much had a gigantic portion of greens with something on the side, but I'm fairly certain I didn't meet a "normal" calorie requirement, but still remained full. Like theoretically speaking, one could eat 3 lbs of greens and take in 300 calories and be full. I get that's not a practical idea (at least for me), but it could work for some other people and I know that's nowhere enough calories for a day!

    The two questions kinda contradicted each other, since my body happens to react one way normally and it didn't do that last night...but any input would be great!
  • Rie-Haha once I finish this degree I'll have to make people call me piano master I do have cool classmates! I've already made a bunch of friends which is great

    Nanu-Great job maintaining while away!

    Atarimae-My body does that weird stomach growling after I eat too! Yeah, it can be difficult to ignore. That festival sounds lovely and you did so well staying on track For your first question: I've been a vegetarian my whole life and also don't eat much dairy because I'm lactose intolerant(I can handle small amounts of goat cheese). To stay full I look at fiber, fats, and protein since that's what I find most sating. I don't eat any meat substitutes(unless you count tofu?) since I can't have gluten either. For salads adding avocado, olives, eggs, beans, quinoa, roasted sweet potatoes, tofu etc helps keep me full. For the second question: I weigh everything I eat and log all my calories into mfp. I've figured out my BMR and TDEE to guide me to eat a good amount. I can tell if I'm not eating enough because I'll be irritated and exhausted. I also track my macros and if those are too off I don't feel well either so even though I could eat a ton of raw veggies or fruit for dinner and feel full, I never would just eat that. Hope that was a little helpful

    Confession Time: This weekend was BAD I had something very upsetting happen....I lost my engagement ring I cried and binged. I filled out a police report and reported it at school too. I don't know how I lost it. It was a little loose though so I think it must have just slipped off without me noticing? Its very upsetting and of course my fiance was upset too. I don't put much meaning into material possessions but that was the one thing I cherished. I'm really devastated. And thus bingeing. I did exercise a lot over the weekend, but I ate an absurd amount that no exercise could undo.

    Today I'm back on track and managed to not completely binge yesterday at least. But the scale is up naturally. Hoping to bring it down by weigh-in.
  • Atarimae - I try to have some root vegetables like sweet potato, radishes etc. Also - lentils and pulses are great if you are a vegetarian. One of my favorites is vegetarian chillie. I personally try not to pay too much attention to calories and aim to 1) have a nutritious diet and 2) not be hungry 3) not binge.

    Dottington- you poor thing! I can understand how you feel. It's horrible to loose something so precious. I almost read that your engagement is off so at least you are still engaged and have a wedding to motivate you! I think you are doing the right thing to wipe the slate clean and start again. Be kind to yourself. We all slip up.

    I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things after being away. But otherwise things are well
  • Hello everyone! I'd like to join. I am a long time member, but I've never gotten to my ultimate goal weight. I got down to the 150's after baby #1 was born about 6 years ago but slowly gained the weight back and am now re-starting at my highest ever weight after having baby #2. My goal for this challenge is to be in the 180's by Halloween. I look forward to getting to know you all!
  • Fashinjunke - Welcome!

    Dottington - I really hope your ring turns up somewhere. Good to hear that you're back on track though.

    I did much better at this wedding than the last one, but I was still up 1.5 pounds this morning. It has to be just water retention from salt or something but still annoying to see.
  • Dottington I'm so sorry to hear about your engagement ring - I really hope it shows up. My mum lost the diamond out of her wedding ring at the university she teaches at and a week later, one of the cleaning staff found it and turned it it - so there is still hope - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

    Atarimae This probably isn't quite what you're asking, but I find that I feel kind of ... guilty if I don't eat at least 1200 calories? So I'll try to eat something else - usually healthy, but sometimes that's when I'll allow chocolate and stuff in if I have the room. I dunno - I know I didn't answer your question though!

    ~So I'm back from vacation, and had my first day back at work today, and it was pretty horrible - aside from the fact that the moment I got up and got ready this morning, I knew I had to get back on track. I ate and drank a lot while we were away, and I definitely didn't make good choices for the most part (mac n' cheese grilled cheese anyone...). The wedding was lovely and it was great to see some new cities (Toronto and Montreal), but I'm also realising that I really like just being at home and chilling out. We had a couple days at a friend's lakehouse and oh my that was lovely. Just relaxing in/on/by the lake.

    Anyway, I ate poorly, but it's back to it now. I have got myself some salad stuff for lunches and yogurts and granola and fruits to make my own breakfast parfait things - my biggest challenge by far at the moment is avoiding buying my breakfast and lunch while at work, because those are never going to be the best choices.

    I'm also a little rage-y at the moment. I have some health stuff going on, and I had to let my work know as it involves a fair amount of ongoing medical appointments - but one of my bosses is giving me all sorts of unwanted advice, even going so far as to send me links to TED talks on some "miracle diet" that will supposedly cure, or at least halt what I might have in it's track.s She also recommended I talk to her healer. I'm all for people going their own way and having their own choices in treatment, but I also feel like unless you have specific experience with a particular illness, or I've specifically asked you for your advice, then you just don't say anything. Especially not in a work scenario!! Ok, rant over!! >.<
  • Dott ~ Thanks so much for the input! I think with salads, I just have my mind playing tricks on me and telling me that if I eat salad, I will never get full, even with fillers like cheese/eggs/meat (for me lol). As for MFP, maybe when I'm more in control of myself, I can see myself going back. However, it became a horrible obsession for me before. It was SUCH a useful tool though. I'm sooo sorry to hear about your ring! Hopefully it shows up somewhere in tact. Glad you're back on track though; I'd hate for you to feel upset about the ring then even more upset about the binge!

    Nanu ~ Oooh thanks for the input! Those are definitely naturally more caloric and would help. I'm not actually vegetarian, but the thought crossed my mind on those couple of days because we had no meat in the house. But yes after reading a couple forums out of curiosity, a lot of them mentioned the more starchy foods, as well as fat from avocados and such. Nice to hear things are going well so far!

    fashin ~ Welcome! Glad you could join us. Best of luck with goal!

    Mongoose ~ WATER RETENTION IS THE WORST. Whenever I have a night out, despite being good, scale shows an increase because of all the sodium. It's frustrating for me because I weigh daily and see the drastic change, lol! I'm sure you'll see it go right back down since you did well.

    rainbow ~ Glad you had a great time, and I can't blame you for horrible food choices on a vacation. To me, it's a vacation and the very place you SHOULD eat what you want! I agree that unless it's something your boss has personally experienced /and/ you asked advice on, that is really not her place to butt in, so to speak. On the bright side, at least she seems to care though! And no, your response totally helped me! I tend to do the same thing if I know I haven't met my calorie requirements sometimes.


    I've gotta say, as much as I love my family, sometimes when it comes to eats, they drive me absolutely bonkers! My mom has this really frustrating way about questioning my sister's eating (she's been picking up weight, and eats a LOT of sweets...she's still in a normal range though, and she's still in high school and possibly growing, so not TOO big of a concern yet), but then goes to places like Starbucks and ask if she should buy her a cake pop, or if she should get her cookies at Safeway...uh, no mom! I get that you're trying to win her over and you think that'll make her like you more, but if the weight thing is a true concern, don't feed into it more!

    She does the same thing to me though. I mean both when I was focused on weight loss and when I was not. Like she'll encourage me to eat whatever and whenever I want, but then take note on my gains later on. But then when I'm on a plan, she'd emphasize how good her Frappuccino is or something. Like I love my mom a LOT. It's just frustrating eating around her sometimes. She's also the type to weigh daily and complain about a 0.2 gain on her 5ft 1in, 110-ish lb body. LIKE SHEESH WOMAN, I'd like to be in normal range please?! Haha the weight thing we constantly pick on each other in fun, but sometimes, especially on bad days, I don't wanna hear it.

    I can't complain much though because apart from desserts/sweets, she's extremely supportive. Yesterday she bought my week's meat for me in exchange for just cooking dinner for her once. And even on top of that, I got to take some home! So that means yay, mabo tofu on broccoli for dinner!
  • Hello, everyone! I'm new to the site and looking to get involved and thought this would be a perfect opportunity. I just put in my starting weight and last week's weight in the chart using values from my happy scale log. Looking forward to this, it seems fun! I've just hit the 10% plateau, so hopefully this will be the kick in the butt I need.
  • Quote:
    A couple questions, for any of you guys who live off salad-type meals or are vegetarian/vegan...how do you guys remain full? Is it mostly like the meat substitutes that pack in protein that help? I notice veggies don't keep me full very long, even with fillers in my salad like cheese or a hard-boiled egg.
    I am vegetarian. I eat a lot of Fage 0% Greek yogurt. 1 cup = 130 calories and 23g of protein, and no fat. I also eat eggs and fish. But overall, protein is key, and if you are willing to look past meat, there are plenty of options. Even adding things like chia seeds to yogurt or oatmeal adds protein. Quinoa has protein as well, and what seems to be a good amount of fiber.